HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-28, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1959 Grannie Turkheim's Recipe Box Have you the same trouble some homemakers experience, When you don't know what to do with the left -over of a beef roast, because your family does not like it cold, nor do they like it heated up in the gravy, then try a dif- ferent recipe for a change: SHEPHERD'S FIE 3 cups minced cooked beef 1/2 cup chopped onion 4 tablespoons fat 1 teaspoon salt dash of pepper 3 to 4 tablespoons gravy or broth 1 14 oz. can Kernel corn 3 cups seasoned mashed pot- atoes 1 teaspoon butter Brown the chopped onion light- ly in fat. Add meat and seasoning (include 1/3 teaspoon Larvy's seasoned salt). Spread mixture evenly in casserole, pour gravy or broth and corn over it, top with the mashed potatoes and dot with butter. Bake in 375 degree oven for about 40 to 45 minutes. Since oysters are at their best now and a great favorite with many for that special little party, here is a recipe for a nice: OYSTER STEW 2 tablespoons butter 1 pint oysters with the liquid 31/2 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper cup milk 1 Y/2 11/ teaspoons flour Heat the oysters and liquid and the two tablespoons butter in double boiler. In a saucepan scald the 31/2 cups of milk, 2 tablespoons butter, salt and pepper. In the mean time mix well the flour with the 1/4 cup milk, stir this into the scalded milk until thickened and smooth; pour it over the hot oys- ters and serve. WACKY CAKE (Mrs. Ed. Gascho) 11/4 cups flour 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoons soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons cocoa Sift dry ingredients into pan about 4"x8" or square pan 8"x8". In one corner put 2 teaspoons vanilla; in one corner 1. tablespoon vinegar; in one corner 5 tablesp- oons melted margarine; over all pour one cup tepid water, mix thoroughly. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. The following chocolate icing (tastes like more) may be good for above cake. 2 tablespoons cocoa 3 level tablespoons butter 5 tablespoons brown sugar 1/ cup cream Boil above four ingredients for two minutes, remove from heat and allow to cool. Then add 1 tea- spoon vanilla and enough icing sugar to make of spreading con- sistency. ZURICH Citizens NEWS Zurich Minister At Lord's Day Alliance Meeting (By Rev. A. M. Amacher) Rev. A. M. Amacher attended the Ontario meeting of the Lord's Day Alliance at Toronto, on Wed- nesday, January 14. This meeting was held in the Salvation Army building. The secretary gave his annual report. Four elections were held concerning Sunday Sport, Three were in favour of Sunday Sport and one was opposed, Bowman- ville. The observation was made that if the church people had vot- ed against it, no centre would have approved Sunday Sport. The Church should support the Lord's Day Alliance. The Alliance is opposing the sale of groceries on Sunday. An illustration was given about a st- ore -keeper who refused to open his store at Wasaga Beach dur- ing the summer. About two years ago, this man had a vital religious experience, due to the death of his small son. He and his wife decided to close the store on Sun- days, even though he would lose business. He said it was hard the first few Sundays to see the people streaming to the other stor- es, but they held firm to their resolve. When he went over his accounts at the end of the season, he found that they had done more business than the year before. People respected him for his Ch- ristian stand. In an endeavour to reduce our stoc taking work, we are putting on a real, r Rather than list a whole line of ite in and see for yourselves how drastically You will be convinced of the savings you c k and lighten our inventory- oney-saving sale. s we invite you to come our prices are reduced. an make. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES LADIES LINED JEAN Striped & Plain Flannelette ShirtingsReg. All WINTER FABRICS Corduroys, Wools, etc. Re BROADCLOTHS and PRINTS 39 [Air MISS THIS ONE!! HOUSE DRESSES Reduc OF SAVINGS: am 4.25 to 2.911 75 & 85—Only 59c yd. duced 25%1 c and 59c yd. d 25% Sizes 12-18—Reduced f Men's Fleeced Combinations Reg. $4.50 for $3.79 Shirts and Drawers Reg. $2.65 for $1.98 Men's 95 Combinations All Wool — Only $6.95 Shirts and Drawers Reg. $4.50 for $3.75 Men's Ribbed Combinations Long Sleeve and Ankle Length Reg. $3.25 for $2.95 Extra Special!! Men's Flannel Sport Shirts Boys' Wool Card Pullovers Sizes 6 to 14 — REDU One Rack of Corduroy & Suburban Some Reduced as much as ALL MEN'S SWEATER Reduced 20% Reg. $2.98 to G'asch.o Bros. PHONE 59 — ZURICH S $3.15 ... For Only $2. 49 "The Store With The Stock" PAGE THREE The Needle -Point (MRS. NORMA SiESER"r, It's not doing the things we like to do, but liking the things we have to do that makes life worth while. THE FARMER'S WIFE Does it sound dull, this way of life, To spend all my years as a farm- er's wife? With a garden to hoe and chick- ens to tend Dishes to wash and pants to mend? Canning and cleaning and washing to do. A husband to love and some child- ren too. Cows end kittens and trips into town, Neighbours to talk with and help when they're down. Fields to watch as the seasons go, Should I ever leave this, I'd miss it so. Guess I was made for this way of life, I feel so right as this farmer's wife. (continued from last week) The aims of the Forum are to encourage farm neighborliness and co-operation, to get all the facts about current problems and th- rough an exchange of ideas, sug- gest solutions to them, Its slogan is "Help make farm opinion count in Canada." In the Forum the women are encouraged to voice their opinions along with the men. This is as it should be since surveys conduct- ed in Alberta show that the vol- ume of farm production was greater on farms operated by mar- ried men than on other farms and was lowest on farms where no ad- ult woman was living. The same survey indicated that the farm wives are doing the majoF share of farm accounting and bookkeep- ing. During the last twenty years farming has undergone a greater change than any other industry. From the small almost self-suf- ficient unit, the farm has become specialized and mechanized on a large scale. Most farmers realize that they must be well informed in new methods and market trends in order to compete in the pres- ent-day farming. The Forum forms a link with the Department of Agriculture, keeping it informed as to the needs and problems of the farmer. The Department on the other hand keeps the farmer informed about current farm topics and through the Forum can impart information and suggestions dir- ectly to the farmer. 4-H Clubs, Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes have added im- measureably to the social pres- DER N .• W R.A., Woman's Page Editor) tige of the rural young people. The youth of today are proud of their rural background and in- stead of being the least improved are perhaps the best informed group concerning modern methods and current developments. Since its organization in 1941, the Canadian Farmers have led the world in the use of radio for the discussion, of their mutual problems. Representatives have come from several other countries to study our Radio Forum with the idea of forming such farm groups in their own countries. Some 2,200 Farm Forum Guides are being sent out weekly. The Television Farm Forum seen on CKNX-TV is the onlp' one. of its kind in the world. The same topics are discussed as on the CBC Monday niEht program. The participants on CKNX are often local talent. Last year it began as an experiment. Its suc- cess as an experiment led to the present full season series of For- ums. So why not become better ac- quainted with current problems and marketing trends by watching the Forum on television over CKNX at 9.30 p.m. Tuesday night or over CBC Monday night at 8.30 p.m. DO YOU KNIT? Do the ribbed parts of your sweaters stretch out of shape? For a firmer finish knit elastic thread with yarn for knit two, purl two ribbing on cuffs, bottoms of sweaters, etc. Use elastic thread to match the color of yarn used in the rest of the garment. To splice yarn neatly when knit- ting or crocheting, thread end of new ball through a large -eyed needle, make a running stitch for 2 or 3 inches through end of yarn to which new thread is to be join- ed and pull it through, remove needle. Mark inches and half inches on your knitting needle with coloured mail polish for ready measuring, as you knit, 0 DOESN'T KNOW WHY (Goderich Signal -Star) "I don't know why," said David J. Ostrom when asked why he shot and killed one hound and wounded another. In magistrate's court here Th- ursday, he admitted using a .22 rifle to shoot the dogs, which were owned by Emerson Anderson. The incident happened in Stanley Township on December 30. The youth was placed on sus- pended sentence for six months. Don't shiver and shake, or let plumbing freeze because you've run short of fuel! Make sure you have on ample fuel supply for the chilly days yet ahead. Or- der your supply today! Now Is The Time T. H. ve Th lld New Bathroom Installed — OR — A NEW HEATING SYSTEM See us for Best Possible Prices ERVICE Stade & Weido Hardware PHONE 92 -- ZURICH