HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-21, Page 12PAGE Tvina,VI Miss Maleda Schenk is spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Dianne Thiel, London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman, Windsor, spent a few days with their mother, Mrs. T. Hartman and boys. Mr. and Mrs. William Yungblut, London, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut. Edward Deichert, Sarnia, sp- ent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartman and family, London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. T. Hartman. Their son, Joey, who had been spending some time with his gr- andmother, returned to London with them. ZURICH Cittzesui NEWS Miss Marlene Wagner and friend, Kitchener, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner. Mrs. Beatrice Hess spent a few days in Exeter last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming, and daughter, Crediton, were Sun- day visitors with . their mother, Mrs. T. Hartman and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. Doug O'Brien attended the Canadian Furniture Mart in Toronto last week. Miss Arlene Haberer, London, and Arnie Meyer, Port Huron, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. St. Joseph. C.W.L. Meets at Rau Horne The January meeting of the St. Peter's Catholic Women's League was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Rau with 27 members present. Mrs. Richard Jeffrey read a letter from His Excellency Bi- shop Cody wishing the group the best in the New Year. Mrs. Maurice Durand reported giving gifts to Father Poisson. and the Ursuline Sisters at Christ- mas. It was decided to have a euchre party in the Parish Hall on January 18. Tickets are being sold on a quilt donated by Mrs. Frank Denomme. A donation was sent to the Im- migration Fund. The Christmas Party was quite successful con- sidering the stormy weather. The ladies of the parish are sending used clothing and magazines to the missions. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Garfield Den- omme BIRTHS GINGERICH — At South Huron Hospital, on Saturday, January 17, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich, RR 2, Zurich, a son, Wayne Peter. HACKETT — At St. Catharines Hospital, on Saturday, January 17, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Hackett (nee Florence St- einbach), a son, a brother for Linda, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. SMITH—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Friday, Jan- uary 9, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Smith, R R 1, Dub- lin, a daughter, Gloria Marie, a sister for Mary Catharine. Miss M, M. Johnson A well-known former resident of Zurich, Miss Matilda M. John- son, passed away in Kitchener last Friday, January 16, 1959, in her 84th year. She was born in Zurich on September 2, 1875, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Along with her sisters she moved to Kitchener 18 years ago. While in Zurich they lived in the home now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Decker. The entire family were very active members of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zu- rich, and since moving to Kitch- ener were members of St. Mark's Lutheran Church in that city. She was also very active in Red Cross work while living in Zurich. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. A. Stoskopf and Miss Alice John- son, both of Kitchener. Another sister, Susie, predeceased her sev- eral years ago. The body rested at the Ratz- Bechtel funeral home, Kitchener, from where the funeral service was held on Monday, January 19, at 2 p.m. Interment was made in Fairmount Cemetery, Baden. Rev. Delton Glebe, minister of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Kitch- ener, officiated. ST. JOSEPH'S-DRYSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. James Masse mot- ored to London last Thursday, visiting their children in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cantin, St. Joseph, left recently on a trip to Flint, Michigan, and other cen- tres where their children reside. It will be some time before they return to their home at St. Jos- eph. Mrs. Valerie Cantin is spend- ing a few weeks with her children in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pfaff ,of Bayview resort, spent the past week in London visiting with rel- atives and friends. Harvey Pollen and his brother Cy, -of Flint, Michigan, were Sat- urday last callers on Mr. and Mrs. A. Ducharme, of the Bluewater south. Pee Wees Remain Undefeated, Edge Ailsa Craig, 3-1 The Zurich Pee Wees kept their winning record perfect in Lucan last Saturday afternoon as they downed the highly -rated Ailsa Craig team by a score of 3-1. They have still to loose a game this season, and are tied for first place with the Exeter Pee Wees, who have not lost a game either. The only goal of the first per- iod was scored by Ailsa Craig, their only one in the game. In the second frame Ken Westlake scored for Zurich, with the assist going to Barry Block, to tie the game at one each. Roy McAdams proved to be the hero in the locals victory as he came through with two third per- iod goals. One of his goals was unassisted, the other came on a pass from Cameron Witmer. Not one penalty was called in the cleanly played contest. The next game for the Pee Wees will be this Friday night, when the Lucan Leprechauns will be at the local ice palace, to try and upset the powerful Zurich crew. Lucan has lost two games in the Shamrock League to date Police Constable and are in good spirits. Ellen Max - party was held in the parish hall, sponsored by the CWL, and with a good attendance. Valuable priz- es were awarded to the winners. ime Marie was christened last Sunday, with Maxime and Lucille Geoffrey as God -parents. Last Sunday evening Snowed Under In the middle of bitter cold and stormy weather we see some peop- le making an attempt to reach their summer homes. Unfortunate- ly due to deep snow and impass- ible roads they are not able to reach their destinations. Perhaps their object in trying to get to their cottages is to see if all is in order after the cold, especially the water pipes. Mrs. Avila Ducharme returned to her home last Saturday after being a patient in South Huron Hospital for a week. Both mother and the new baby are doing well 0 a card Visits School WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1959 Clinton Midgets Down Locals 7-4 Gerard Overholt Scores Two Goals Clinton Midgets came through with a 7-4 victory over the Zu- rich Lions Midgets in the second half of a doubleheader played in the Zurich Arena last Friday night. Ron Livermore was the big gun for Clinton scoring three of his team's goals, while for Zurich, Gerard Overholt banged in two. Draper opened the scoring for the visitors midway through the first period. At the 12 minute mark of the second period, Bob Johnston tied the score on a pass from Overholt and Earl Wagner. One minute lat- er Livermore scored his first goal and Yeo banged in one minutes later. Near the end of the period Gerard Overholt scored from Bob Johnston and Earl Wagner. Two quick goals early in the third period gave the locals a temporary 4-3 lead. Overholt sc- ored his second on a pass from Earl Wagner and Bob Johnston, and Larry Bedard earned the fin- al tally, with Earl Wagner getting the assist. At this point of the game the roof fell in for the loc- als, as four Clinton goals, two by Livermore and one each by Trus- cotte and Allen, clinched the game for the visitors. The game featured plenty of fast, well -played hockey, in which only four penalties were handed out, two to each team. Constable C. A. Hardy, of the Ontario Provincial Police at Gode- rich, visited Zurich Public School last Wednesday . afternoon. He spoke to the pupils on, "Traffic Safety". Constable Hardy was most com- plimentary of the behaviour of the pupils, and the courtroom at- tention and interest he was ac- corded. GOSHEN NORTH Miss Dianne Peck spent the weekend with Janet Armstrong on the Bronson Line. Berne McKinley spent the week- end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley. Howard Armstrong, Orangeville, was a weekend visitor at the home of his father, John Armstrong. Mission Band The Goshen Mission Band met on Sunday morning with Mrs. Robert McKinley and Mrs. Doug- las Robinson in charge. The meeting opened with the Mission Band Hymn, accompan- ied by Dianne Peck at the piano; call to worship, "0 Give Thanks Unto the Lord, for He is Good." There were 27 children present, with 15 paying their membership fees for 1959. Joan Elliott offered prayer fol- lowing the offering. The second chapter from "Here Comes Dirk" was read. Annual Meeting ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Friday, January 30, 1959 8.00 p.m. ZURICH TOWN HALL Everyone Is Urged To Attend CLIFFORD PEPPER ELMORE F. KLOPP President Secretary -Treasurer 3-4-b CLINTON: goal, ..Harris; defen- ce, Jacob, Bartliff; forwards, Al- len, Scruton, Pickett; alternates, Livermore, Boyes, Cummings, Dr- aper, Yea, Sharp, Murray, Trus- cotte, McCann. ZURICH: goal, Amacher, def- ence, Bedard, Willert; forwards, B. Johnston, Overholt, E. Wagn- er; alternates, Masse, Johnson„ Weida, Denomme, B. Wagner, Dei - chert, P. Bedard, Klopp, Thiel. Bantams Lose To Raccoon Shot On McKinley Farm; Check For Rabies (By our Goshen Correspondent) A raccoon, which could possibly have had rabies, was killed on the farm of Anson McKinley, three miles north of Zurich last Friday night. Apparently Mr. McKinley heard his dog, Rinny, barking strangely at the driving shed, and on going to investigate found a racoon in the shed acting very queer. The animal was jumping up and down, and Mr. McKinley was able to kill it with a stick. He notified Dr. McLennan, Seaforth, the vet- erinarian for Huron, who came to investigate. The head of the animal was sent to Hull, Quebec, to determine wh- ether or root it may have had rabies. The results are not back as yet. BLAKE (MRS. AMOS GINGERICH, Correspondent) Mrs. Roy Gingerich, and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, accompanied by Mrs. Soloman Baechler, of Zu- rich spent Tuesday afternoon and evening at a mat bee at Mrs. Neil Gingerich's. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich spent Tuesday in London. Miss Edith Steckle returned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Aden Mart- in, at Gowanstown. Mrs. Martin and daughter Carol returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle and spent the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle spent Friday at Gowanstown, Mrs. Martin and daughter Carol return- ing with them to. their home. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and family and Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle. Mrs. Harold Soper, Zurich, en- tertained Mrs. Peter Gingerich, Mrs. Ray Gingerich and Mrs. Am- os Gingerich, all of Blake, and Mrs. Mose Gerber and Miss Verda Baechler of Zurich at a quilting bee on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Zandwych. Mrs. Mary Jane Hey has re- turned to her home after spend- ing several months with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Elva Younge and fam- LUTHERAN WOMEN MEET AT MRS. YUNGBLUT'S HOME The United Lutheran Church Women held their regular month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ivan Yungblut last Tuesday night, and heard a topic on South Am- erica, presented by Mrs. O. Wint- er. Mrs. James Parkins assisted in delivering the topic. During the evening a crystal bowl was presented to Mrs. Win- ter, who will be leaving shortly for Toronto. She has been the pre- sident of the group. Her mother, Mrs. Juettner, was presented with a scarf. Goderich Team, 7-3 Goderich Bantams walloped Zu- rich 7-3 on Monday night in the first half of a doubleheader played' iri the Zurich Arena. Black shot the Sailors into an early 1-0 lead in the first period. In the second period Harrison and Yeo scored to give the visitors a 3-0 lead, before Consitt brought the locals back into the game, on an assist from Earl Wagner.. Laithwaite, Gower, Daer and Wil- kinson each scored in the third for Goderich before Wagner came through unassisted for Zurich. The final tally for the homesters was registered by Bob Hoffman, with Earl Wagner getting the as- sist. Only one penalty was called in the game, that to Earl Wagner in the second period for roughing. GODERICH: goal, Willis; de- fence, Black, Skeoch; forwards, Gower, Williamson, McCabe; al- ternates, Doak, Laithwaite, Yeo, Harrison, Rumig, Doak, Wilkinson, Daer, Fritzley. ZURICH: goal, Bedard; defence, Klopp, Willert; forwards, Wagner, Consitt, Hoffman; alternates, Bed- ard, Prang, Witmer, Block, Ban- nister, McAdams, Dinnin, Law- rence, Wein, Merner. ily at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soper and family, Zurich, and Miss Nancy Erb called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bachert and family spent Sunday at Manheim with the former's parents at a family gathering. Keith Bachert and Glen Schw- artzentruber are attending Bible School at Wellesley. HAY & STANLEY TOWNSHIPS' Federation of Agriculture JOINT ANNUAL MEETING AND HOT TURKEY BANQUET IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Thursday, Jan. 22 Guest Speaker: ROY JEWELL Dance To Follow Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA TICKETS: $1.50 each 2-3-p SO FRESH SO DWLWC OUS PIES - - CAKES - COOKIES SWEET GOODS TRY OUR NEWEST PRODUCT! Delicious BROWN Isi" SERVE ROLLS Only 20c for 1 Dozen Just place them in an oven for a few minutes and they are ready to eat. TASTY -NU BAKERY Phone 100 -- Zurich "Home of the Famous "Tasty -Nu" Bread