HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-21, Page 10WAGE TEN Exeter Disttict High School Reports Finances in 1958; Hay Taxed $10,000 The annual financial statement of the South Huron District High School Board shows a total of $281,434.19 handled during the year to operate the school. The actual tax levy from Hay Town- ship contributing toward this tot- al was $10,582.26. Other municipalities in the ar- ea contributed as follows: Exeter, $7,790.49; Grand Bend, $1,950.34; Hensall, $2,577.47; Stephen, $11,- 017.79; Tuckersrnith, $334.23.; Us - borne, $8,422.50. This makes a to- tal local tax levy of $42.675.77. Other income includes grants from the Ontario Government of $144,882.77; tuition fees from oth er areas and individuals, $17,355; from other sources, $504.02. Bal- ance on hand at start of the year was $32,7.83.06; temporary loans from the Bank of Montreal $37,- 000 and superanuation deduction by the board, $6,834.26. Your Hair is Our Business For The Latest In BEAUTY STYLING GALL NO ASS EAUTY SHOPPE Phone 223 — Zurich Our Shop wits be closed from February 2 to 7 Expenses were made up' in large part of construction costs of $113,- 904.33 which includes teachers sal- aries, superannuation, income tax, Federation Fees and Ontario Hos- pital Services. Instructional supplies, such as books, films:* magazines,- supplies for agricultuxg;. oomrner tial, home economics and 'shop classes, totall- ed $6,128:62. Administration costs, which in- cludes membershij"'fee§ in the On- tario Trusteds Council and the Ontario 'High_ School Boards As- sociation, $73; secretary's salary of $1,250; liability insurance, $1,- 900; stenographer, $1,940; office supplies, telephone, fees, mileage, supplies, etc:, totalling $7,155,33. Plant operating costs of $14,106. 71 was made up of fuel, $2,193.42; electricity, $2,747.15; caretakers salaries, $7,442,85; and supplies, $1,542.77; water, '$180.52. Repairs and painting to the buil- ding, $671,81; recreation supplies and prizes, $1,169.69; tuition fees to London Board of Education, $331.13; transportation, $41,376; capital outlays, for partition in shop, furnishings, equipment for special classes, $3,258.62; cost of operating cafeteria, less receipts, $4,038.73 and for summer course, $270. The loan from the bank, plus interest of $181.49 was repaid, and a balance on hand of $51,841.73 was recorded. Further detail on the cafeteria operation is as follows: labour cost was $3,842.89; supplies, $13,- 459.94, making a total cost of $17,- 302.83. Receipts were $13,264.10, leaving a loss of $4,038.73. This financial statement is sub- ject to verification of the bank balance; and the annual audit. It was prepared by the secretary - treasurer, E. D. Howey, to assist in making his annual report to the Department of Education. L- P'r.ve;.,: C NCE NTAATES for POULTRY, HOGS ar8.'' CATTLE TRUCK LOAD LOTS OF GRAIN AT LOW, LOW PRICES COMPLETE FEED SERVICE ki DMZ and Phone 154 — Zurich Don't shiver and shake, or let plumbing freeze because you've run short of fuel! Make sure you have an ample fuel supply for the chilly days yet ahead. Or- der your supply today! Now Is The Time To H ve Th_ 4 New R R4hi°oom d — OR — A NEHEATING SYSTEM See us +or Best Possible Prices ERVICE Stade & Weido Hardware PHONE 92 — ZURICH ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1959. Brucellosis Planning Meetings Very Important, Reminds F of A Fieldman (By J. Carl Dates for the Brucellosis In- formation meetings have been an- nounced by the County Agricul- tural Office. There either has been or will be an advertisement in your local weekly stating the times and places of these meetings. We hope you will make a point of attend- ing one. . Most of us remember the first time ,our herds were tested for T. B. and many farmers suffered severe loss. I would like to point out some of the differences in the two situations. First a farmer can have a herd infected with T.B. and not notice any appreciable loss of income. In case of Brucellosis there is a very definite loss of income if the herd becomes infected. Second, if animals were condem- ned in the T.B. test a percentage went to the tank and there was risk e# serious financial loss. In the brucellosis test the meat value is not. lost thus in the great maj- ority—of cases the condemnation paid will more than take care of Hemingway) any loss of income suffered. Thirdly, in what little exper- ience I have had I would say that the danger to human health from undulant fever is much greater than from T.B. contracted from milk. Ido not wish to give the im- pression that this will be a wond- erful money making opportunity for the farmer. Any farmer who has only one reactor will have to clean his stable and the condem- nation payment will not be suf- ficient to pay for this. Finally the percentage of cat- tle condemned is much smaller than in the case of T.B. We are taking a risk in this plan but it is a calculated risk and in a short time will be justified. I think you will enjoy the farm forum TV January 27. The topic is "The Farmer Answers". A pan- el of farm experts has been chos- en and a studio audience of urban people is being brought in to ask the questions. Sounds interesting doesn't it? There Will Be DANCING Every Friday Night At The Old F rge ► ayfieI : 10.00 -- 1.30 Music By Grant Edi hoffer And His Melody Wasters, With Vocals by Jo Aeon ADMISSION: 75 Cents. DINE and DANCE for a confident father The youngster with the broom is making a clean path for the curling stone. Maybe he doesn't realize it yet, but his father is guiding him through life on a path as direct and as smooth., Life insurance is a way to meet the future and a way to save., •By insuring his son now, this father is encouraging thrift, building an attitude of mind. Many people who plan their life insurance programme through The Mutual Life of Canada, take out policies at low cost on the lives of their children: policies the children take over when they start earning. It's a good idea. Worth discussing with your Mutual Life of Canada representative -- soon. less ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance -- 1989 A i ALEX J. MASSE, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ontario Phone: 93 r 7 Zurich rde 0