HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-21, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1959 Charles Thiel. Is Third Owner O1 Grocery Business The late Tally Wurm, a well- known Zurich man, was the first person to open a general store in the building now occupied by Th- iers Superior Store. At that time Mr. Wurm sold almost everything imaginable, including groceries, dry -goods and clothing. • After Mr. Wurm's time the bus- iness was taken over by Wesley Merner, who now resides south of Zurich on a farm. He carried on much the same type of business as Mr. Wurm had. New Owner Aftr serving in the army for some time Charles Thiel returned to Zurich and carried on the busi- ness which he and his brother Earl owned, the Thiel Transport. Charles then sold his share of the trucking business to his brother and bought out the general store from Wesley Merner. A few years later he discontinued the cloth- ing business and considerable of the dry -goods lines they had been carrying. From then on he worked more and more towards turning the business strictly into a food store. ZURICH Citizens NEWS Local Tradesmen Help Renovate New Modern Store Two local trademen played a major part in the renovation of Thiel's Superior Store in Zurich. Donald Oke, Zurich, did all the carpenter work in the fine new store. Besides building the new ad- dition Don covered all the walls in the inside of the store, built all the new shelving and display islands, and installed a new tile floor throughout the entire building. Clarence Farwell, Zurich, was the painter in charge of redecor- ation of the store. The entire ceil- ing was painted, as well as much, of the woodwork in the building. Clarence arranged to do all his work while the store remained op- en for business, without causing inconvenience to the customers. All the refrigeration in the modern store was installedO by Pete Crocker, RR 1, Hay New Refrigeration. Units At Thiel's As time went on and business progressed rapidly Mr. Thiel real- ized the need for an expansion prgram, and the result p isthe fine modern food market Congratulations! THIEL'S SUPERIOR STORE We Heartily Congratulate You On The Grand Opening Of Your Store in Zurich Homestyle HOLLANDIA Cookies, Honey Cake and Pumpernickle will be available at this store. Holkndia Bakery BOX 130 3p PAGE FIVE Rev. and Mrs. O. Winter, Mrs. I were in Toronto for a day last Juettner and Mrs. A. Turkheim week. Superior Store Probably more refrigeration un- der one roof than can be found this side of the cities will be in use in the Thiel's Superior Store, the newest "supermarket" in this part of the country. There are about 45 feet of display refrigeration cas- es alone in the store, as well as a deep-freeze and two walk-in cool- ers. There is the ice-cream freezer, packed full of delicious York br- and ice cream treats. Next to that sits a modern dairy case, for all fresh dairy products, such as milk, cream, eggs, butter, cheese, etc. A ten foot case holds all the froz- en food products, such as vegetabl- es, fruit and frozen fish of all kinds. Two cases are used for the dis- playing of fresh and cured meats, with ample storage space under each one. One of the walk-in cool- ers is to be used for fresh meats, and the other one for fruits and vegetables. The deep freeze is us- ed for extra supplies of frozen pro- ducts. Customers can be sure of buy- ing fresh products at all tunes when they shop at the new, mod- ern Thiel's Superior Store. 0 DISTRICT COMMISSIONER ATTENDS ZURICH AUXILIARY MEETING A meeting of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Scouts and Guides was held in the Town Hall last Thursday night, with Miss Seig- ner, the district commissioner as a guest. Miss Seigner stressed the im- portance of having a monthly meeting in the LA. Jack Bannister, chairman of the group committee gave a brief talk on what is expected of the Auxil- iary, and of the benefits the ch- ildren will receive. It was decided at the meeting that a card party would be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, January 27, and a door prize would be offered. PHONE 140 � 14,1959 ^ fit OD; 1101�L 15;'5 ()NT., January 4URlCH, � of our customersdi 9 credit, R CUSTOMER of the majority discontinue erten DEQ benefit deeded to discos endive For the be.n with exp . uch consideration, 22, 1959.us t0 dispense rned�ately after m Januarytdis eat will im commer'cin9 °n i11 permit Orley change C v saving PRICES• will This Pand auditing costs--a �O that you bass on bookkeeping in the form we know pass on to is days it high uy�m�ore groCerie f the trend money. all In these tha erati of this oPP°rtuthi tO follow e d welcome ting this p°Jicoun ey who have proved h m perati they an gi adopting the the overwhelm paces merchants in is is desired by economical progrtheir sive msh of the lash and we an a strictly because mo our new p, how You customers,us, about to you lust theirtalk to raining Would We Invite you totalkof exp for less at the opportunity able to shoe tickets that would appYeciate will be our price a result benefit. that you as will To prove our to you MARKET, look. our price 'THIEL'S SUPERIOR ions N,� are extending `n the past, and show the ng f ornta credit to cash welcome patronage prices, we n the future at Changing krd to serviing you in Than ectfully, forward Yours resp looking Signed„',. N. T1-litEl.- t of RD ,►.1�'E 'S the minimum 11.00 amouna rn' of delivering, the made Due In h cost ries give to the nig All deliveries se do not hesitate to . an order should be aV3.00. ergency�nplea power o serve y°u' and cal p.m. ase it do everything power aroaterearoodesomt us a call. we Will fest Wishes To THIEL'S SUPERIOR STORE; On Your GRAND OPENING It is our gale,,!sure to deliver fresh products to this ;lbw dere store daily. TON TRANSPOR LTD "Local and Long Distal= Hauling" BEST WISHES! To Our Next Door Neighbour on the GRAND OPENING of their fine new MODERN FOOD MARKET FOR ALL YOUR HARDWARE NEEDS SWEEP NEXT DOO' TO ITSF, n 1 w a� n;. THE HOME OF "PIONEER CHAIN SAWS" Plumbing eo He ting The Management of WISHES TO THANK PUBLICLY GEORGE R. HARDMAN For his untiring efforts on behalf of users of MIRACLE FOOT AID Many comments on his personal and sincere attention have been received. If HARDMAN you are a patron of "MIRACLE" you know. G. R. If not, you have an opportunity on MONDAY, JANUARY 26 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. To see Mr. Hardman at Milt Oesch Shoe Store PHONE ZURICH 130J Mr. Hardman will give YOU a personal explanation on Mir- acle Foot Aid, and how it will help YOUR foot problems.