HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1959-01-14, Page 7"WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1959 ZIJRICII Citizens MEWS PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the fist week, then 11/2c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above, Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. Accommodation For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT—in the vil- lage of Zurich. Can move in im- mediately. See Ivan Kalbfleisch, ,phone 69, Zurich. 1-b FOR SALE ROTARY HOG FEEDERS and Letz feed grinders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich '79r12. 46-tfb USED WASHING MACHINE— 1952 General Electric model, in good condition, $25. Apply to Tom Rawlings. Phone 33J Zurich. 1-b ,RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc•, phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. INNER- SPRING MATTRESSES 'beds, springs, sinks with taps, and 'traps, shower cabinets, doors, win- dows, inner spring rollaways, and dressers. Apply to Brenner Ho- ' tel, Grand Bend. 38-tfb PRINTED ,COUNTER, CHECK BOOKS and CONTINUOUS FORMS ZURICH C1'iaZENS NEWS 33-4fb TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACYIINES Everything liar the office ZURICH MENS NEWS 33-tfb "LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NUMBER OF SOWS—York and Landrace. Due in January, first litter, Apply to Harold Erb, phone 79r1 Zurich. 2-3-p COWS — HOLSTEIN, HERE - ford and Durham cows, freshen- ing in two weeks, Apply to Gord- on Coleman, phone Zurich 99r20. 2-x LIVESTOCK WANTED ,OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%c 1b., and 'dead cattle at value. If • dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, ,phone col- lect, Goderich, 148334 or 148331. Lost and Found GIRLS WHITE FIGURE skates, in the vicinity of the Arena. Find- er contact Gail Siebert, phone 185, Zurich. REWARD. 2-x ..{'i%Y ,: >;*;,rya::'!,•;', kti" r s�+. `zYs� ax n..✓ rMs m^r•;p;if:.�ipv . %�^mY.Ya' MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, phone -Bill Watson, Dashwood 37r19. 49-tfb MAT WEAVING—reasonable pri- ces, We will be weaving all win- ter. Mats for sale cheap. Apply to Seth Ammans, RR 1, Zurich, phone 128W. 1-tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140. Zurich. 14-tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service, Call Earl Oesch's Bamber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tb r.u.,TER QUEEN SATES AND service. Repairs to Mil makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION "Where Bet- ter Bulls Are Used". Supply arti- ficial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number -- Clinton HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- tion, call between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. MARKET SERVICE COURTESY OF E L Miakle & Son LTD. HENSALL BEANS 6.30 cwt. (plus trucking) WHEAT 1.40 per bus. FEED OATS 62c per bus. MALT BARLEY 1.06 per bus. FEED BARLEY . • 96c per bus. MIXED GRAIN 60c per bus. SOYA BEANS SHELLED CORN BUCKWH EAT Prices Subject To Change Fast, Courteous, Handling Service STORAGE FACILITIES PHONE HENSALL 103 When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights .oma The HURON COUNTY COUNCIL rill meet in the Court House. IGoderich. Ontario, on Tuesday. January 20th. 1959 at 2.00 p.m. Ali communications, notices of deputations and ac- counts must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than noon, Saturday, January 17th, 1959. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk, County of Huron. i -2-b BIRTHS BEAVER—At South Huron Hospi- tal, on Thursday, January 1, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver, Dashwood, a daughter. BEDARD -- At Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, January 12, 1959, to Mr„ and Mrs. Nap- oleon Bedard, Zurich, a daugh- ter. COLEMAN—At Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 8, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coleman, RR1, Zurich, a son, a brother for Kenneth and Mar- lene. DUCHARME — At South Huron Hospital, on Sunday, January 11, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme, Zurich, a daughter. KYLE—At South Huron Hospital, on Wednesday, December 31, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Hensall, a daughter. REGIER—In South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Tuesday, Janu- ary 6, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Clement Regier, a daughter (Mary Anne, sister for David, Bonnie, Dennis, Jim and Ken- ny). CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Leon Jeffrey wish to express their sin- cere appreciation for the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy received from rela- tives, friends and neighbours in their recent bereavement of a be- loved husband and father. Special thanks to Father Doyle and to Dr. Goddard. 2-p Sch.edu.le, Set For Peewee Hockey Following is the balance of the schedule for the Pee Wee hockey team which is entered in the Shamrock Minor Hockey Associa- tion. January 17: Zurich vs. Ailsa Craig, 3.00 p.m. in Lucan Arena. January 23: Lucan vs. Zurich January 31: Zurich vs. Ilderton, 5.00 p.m. in Lucan Arena. February 6: Exeter vs. Zurich. February 14: Zurich vs Exeter, 1 p.m. in Lucan Arena. February 21: Zurich vs. Lucan, 1 p.m. February 28: Zurich vs. Lambeth, 1 p.m. in Lucan Arena. DASHWCOD and DISTRICT Women's Institute Meets The January meeting of the Dashwood Women's Institute was held on Tuesday, January 6, with the Historical Research group in charge and Mrs. Milfred Merner convener. Roll call was answered by nam- ing a Christmas gift received, A social evening of court whist was enjoyed. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ted Rader, high; Mrs. John Rader, second high, and Mrs. Emil Becker, low. The group in charge served lunch. Miss Charlotte Biesenmthal of the RCAF Station, Beaverbank, N. S., is vacationing with her sis- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller Miss Erma Wein, Clinton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein and Raymond. Misses Mona Kellerman and Marian Rader, London, spent the weekend with their parents. Mrs. Ed, Maur is spending the week in London with her daugh- ters. The annual library meeting will to held Saturday, January 31, at 4 p.m. at the library. The public is urged to attend. Pastor K. Zorn of Zion Luther- an Church attended the Leaders' Conference in Kitchener on Wed- nesday, January 14. immimniimummmemeniimmi There WiII Be DANCING Every Friday Night At The Old Forge - Bayfield 10.00 -- 1.30 Musk By Grant Edighoffer And His Melody Masters With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: 75 Cents DINE and DANCE —NOTICE ---- TOWNSHIP , OF HAY The Township of Hay will not assume any responsibility for damage done by snow plow to milk cans placed on the Hay Township roads. and All cars or trucks left on the road MUST be parked as well to the side of the road as possible to allow for snow plowing to be carried out effectively throughout the winter months. V. L. BECKER JAMES MASSE Reeve Road Superintendent 2-3-b WHEN PILED -UP BILLS SAY "GET A LOAN'® CALL T.C.C. ON THE TELEPHONE IOUSEHOLS DILLS CAS Ni (a Al TRANS CANADA CREDIT Loans from $150. to $2,500. or more. Take up to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plana. Prompt, dignified service. 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT. SALES, BUSINESS FINANCING WINTER HOLIDAYS