HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-31, Page 5WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS For Best Result PAGE FIVE gllI,ASSIFI D RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the fust week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- ian'is, Engagements, same ..as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE .ROTARY HOG FEEDERS and 1.etz feed grinders. Apply to Amos 'Oingerich, Blake, phone Zurich '79x12. 46-tfb REFRIGERATOR and ELEC- tric Stove, 4 -burner, both is ex- cellent condition. Apply to Maur- ice Masse, phone 98r5, Zurich. 51-2-p ;RUBBER STAMPS. S. The Citizens Nevis can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc,, phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tth. 'WASHING MACHINE —i n good <condition,to be sold for only $25. Act fast on this bargain. Apply Ito Tam Rawlings, phone 33W, Zur- ich:, 50b INNER -SPRING MATTRESSES Meds, springs, sinks with taps, and traps,, shower cabinets, doors, win- dows, inner spring rollaways, and .dressers. Apply to Brenner Ho- tel, Grand Bend. 38-tfb PRINTED COUNTER CHECK BOOKS and CONTINUOUS FORMS ZURICH (..xnZENS NEWS 33-tfb TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES Everything for the office ZURICH C4TTZENS NEWS t\)1I A ,lie ¶a/' FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT An Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service --Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall 6111•111111111111111=_ LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORRSE'S. WANTED AT 31/2c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone' at once. GILBEIRT BIROS. MLN:K RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 148374 or 1483J1. MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, phone Bill Watson, Dashwood 37r19. 49-tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Gesell's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and 'Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundetenia Ltd., Exeter. 22-tEb FILPLR QUA SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors ' refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140. Zurich. 14-tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION "Where Bet- ter Bulls Are Used". Supply arti- ficial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for Clinton Zenith 9-5650 If it is a local call, use our reg- ular number— Clinton HU 2-3441 For service or more informa- tion, call between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. week days, 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The quality is high and the cost low. MARKET SERVICE COURTESY OF E. L. Mickle & Son LTD. HENSALL BEANS 6.30 cwt. (plus trucking) WHEAT 1,40 per bus. FEED OATS 62c per bus. MALT BARLEY 1.06 per bus. FEED BARLEY 96c per bus. MIXED GRAIN 60c per bus. SOYA BEANS SHELLED CORN BUCKWHEAT Prices Subject To Change Fast, Courteous, Handling Service STORAGE FACILITIES PHONE HENSALL 103 4 Sincerest wishes ring out so true to all out friends, old and new! DOMINION HOTEL Zurich ROSS and MARG. JOHNSTON BIRTHS SMITH—At South Huron Hospi- tal, on Monday, December 22, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Zurich, a son, Stephen Thomas. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends, relatives, neighbours, the Brown- ies, and the Lutheran Ladies Aid for the cards and treats sent me during my recent illness. Special thanks to Rev. O. Winter for his prayers and visits.—MRS. WILL- IAM REICHERT. 51-b IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Sam Hey, who passed away two years ago, on December 26, `1958: A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 51-b EVENTIDE AND ROCK of AGES MEMORIRI,S INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Phone 41 Seaforth 573 Clinton HU 2-6606 BLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS (Mrs: Russel Grainger, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer had as their Christmas guests; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer, Billie and Marlene, Bronson Line, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Scotcbnnier and Dale, Bluewater Highway, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hampton, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scot- chmer, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave and Erie, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. James Cleave and fam- ily. • Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cleave included Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cl- eave, Eric, Mr. and Mrs. James Cleave, Barry, Harvey and Mar- ilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tal- bot, Kathleen and Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Brien and Debbie . Mr. and Mrs Leo • Ducharme, Miss Ann Ducharme and friend, Windsor, were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duch- arme. On Christmas Day a family din- ner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake, Robert, Kenneth and Elaine, Zur- ich, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West- lake, Ronald, Sandra, Rosalie, Barbara and Mrs. B. McLean, Wingham. Robins It might be interesting to note that on Christmas Day six robins were seen in a tree at the lake by Ronald and Gordon Westlake. Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family, Bayfield, in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Deb- bie and Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling, Cathy and Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, Linda and Johnny, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer Sr., Goderich, are spending a week with his daughter Mrs. Robert Greer. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Greer, Melvin and Clifford, for Christmas included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Layton, Bonnie and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lay- ton, Steve and Vickie, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer, Joyce, Michael and Wendy, Bayfield, Mr, Rick Newman, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Sr., and Ted, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., Jack and Douglas,, were Ch- ristmas Day guests at the home qf Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay and family, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs.4 William Sparks, Seaforth, Mrs. A. Elliott and Bob spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot Sr., held their Christmas dinner on Wednesday and had as their guests: Mr. and `Mrs. Clifford Talbot Jr. and family, London, and Miss Kathleen Talbot, Strat- ford. Mrs. Thomas Snowden left on Saturday to spend the winter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Keys, Varna. Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger included Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Grainger, Nancy, Barbara and Bob, Wallaceburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, Joyce, Marilyn, Betty Jean, and Neil, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake had as their guests for Christmas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer. Joyce, Michael and Wendy, Mr. Rick Newman, Mrs. Robert Greer, Clifford and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer : Sr., Goderich, Mr.' and Mrs, Archie Mustard, Brian and Ricky, Blake: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Talbot spent Christmas day at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch, and family, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talbot, Harry and Steve spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on Page Eight) ` " cr•r `.•>. . ) y to St � . . .... — PECIALS-- Tins., Wed., Fri. Dec. 30-31 ' F. A I cind Sat, -.an. -. 1 !_r • . .."4 . ; d; /1.,e .CCS ;Il !/ v '''',vi � /) ,P:..K.. a 7n:+enL:."91 Fort,eI 1.... P. 1f• Maple Leaf SALMON 45c TIN Cheery Morn Fresh Ground COFFEE 65c LS. MARGARINE Golden Dew 2 LBS. 49c Brunswick SARDINES 3 TINS 29c Wagstaffe's • MINCE MEAT 28 OZ. TIN 45c Green Giant Fancy Wax Beans 2 TINS 35c _- M E A T BONE-IN1 PICNICS S Ib. 49c Fruits — Vegs:' Mexican, Oranges 'EL'S SLICE® BACON ............. Ib, 5.9a 1�y oIVLY DOZ, 19c APPLES b�"K �Suf GKIVI MAPLE LEAF 6 quart basket 59c I*FOOD MAR ICE s BOLOGNA,.... 2 lbs. 65c . To One and All—We wish a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ;•;. gym.., ,.1