HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
(Mrs. Russet Grainger, Correspondent)
Merry Christmas to everyone.- ing the piano for the songs, Mrs.
M rs. Russell Grainger. Don Warner and Miss Kathleen
Porter for helping behind the scen-
Miss Kathleen Talbot, Stratford es, Miss Joyce Greer for piano
Teachers' College, is spending the solos and Dewar Talbot as chair -
holidays with her parents, Mr. and man.
Mrs. Clifford Talbot. Following the National .Anthem,
Bayfield Lions Club held a very Santa Claus arrived and gave out
successful turkey bingo in the the gifts and candy.
Town Hall on December 12. 'On The pupils presented their teach -
Friday afternoon, December 19, er with a white linen tablecloth.
they held their annual Christmas SS 4 East
party for the children with a large
crowd in attendance. The film
"Francis, the Talking Donkey" was
shown and candy and oranges were
handed out to the children.
SS 4 West
Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer and
pupils of SS 4 West Stanley, pre-
sented a very successful Christmas
concert on Thursday, December 18.
The school was filled to capacity
with a good number of the men
unable to find seats except in the
Program presented as follows:
Ronnie Reder gave the welcome
recitation; the song "Presents" was
sung by Ronnie Reder, Ricky Tal-
bot and Jimmy Grainger; Sharon
Middleton played a piano solo; an
action song "Elmer Fudd" was
sung by Phyllis Grainger, Ricky
Talbot and Ruth Wallis; piano sel-
ections were presented by Joyce
Greer, Rosalie Westlake and Sand-
ra Middleton; a solo, "Christmas
Time's the Time for Love" was
sung by Helen Grainger; the sen-
iors presented a square dance,
"Pop, Goes the Weasel"; the sen-
ior girls did a blue and white drill;
two- plays were acted and the jun-
iors presented a nursery rhyme
and songs.
Carols sung by the audience
were interspersed through the ev-
At the close of the program the
teacher thanked everyone for their
co-operation in making this event
a success, to Mrs. Kingsbury for
coming out to rehearsal and play-
Mrs. Talbot and pupils of SS 4
East Stanley held their concert in
the school. on Friday, December
19 with a good attendance.
The well prepared program was
as follows:
Welcome speech by Marlene
Scotchmer; the Scripture reading,
the Christmas story; a two part
song by Ferne Steckle, alton; Irla
Martin and Nellie Zondag, sop-
rano; recitations by Allan Hohn-
er, John Campbell, Bertha Zondag,
James Steckle and Douglas Arm-
strong; a guitar solo by Ruth
Steckle; guitar with trio, Ruth
Steckle, Sharon Cleave and Ber-
tha Zondag.
Three plays were acted: "The
Real Meaning of Christmas", had
Ferne Steckle, as mother; her
children, Allan Hohner, Mary
Steckle, Alan Armstrong and Ber-
tha Zondag; Angel Gabriel, Allan
Cleave; heralds, David Steckle
and James Steckle; Wise Men,
Gerald Steckle, Mahlon Martin and
Bill Scotchmer; Mary, Ruth Steck-
4 O'Brien Produce
Leroy O'Brien and Staff
Phone 101 — Zurich .
3 a
"Department Store Rest Room",
starred Ruth Steckle as Mrs.
Whiffle; David Steckle as Mr.
Whiffle and Doris Steckle as Miss
White. Sharon Cleave was Miss
Shipovitch; Irla Martin was Mrs.
Svenson and Bill Scotchmer, Mr.
Svenson; Ruth Steckle was Fanny
Flapper; Nellie Zondag, Mrs. Van
De Pester; Bertha Zondag, Miss
Smith; Mahlon Martin, Mr. Smith;
James Steckle was Fanny's boy
friend and Allan Cleave the police-
"A Visit from the School Board"
starred Irla Martin as the teacher;
Board members were David St-
eckle, Allan Cleave, Bill Scotch -
mer; pupils, Mary Steckle, Sharon
Cleave, Bertha Zondag, Allan
Armstrong, Mahlon Martin and
James Steckle.
Following the program the Na-
tional Anthem was sung and the
gifts and candy were distributed
by the teacher, Mrs. Talbot and
chairman of the evening Dan
Control Measures
For Rabbits In.
Yo ng Orchards
ESCORT FOR SANTA. Rather than trip off the entire air defence system of North
America, Santa asked for an RCAF escort on his long journey down from the Pole this
year. This picture was taken at a DEW Line site as Santo practised formation flying
with three CF -100's which will escort him on the December 24 voyage. (RCAF Photo)
Rabbits can cause serious in-
jury to young fruit trees in Ont-
ario, states Robert Wilcox, Exten-
sion Specialist, Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
It is almost impossible to estab-
lish a young orchard if some pre-
cautions are not taken. Usually
rabbits move into the orchard on
a cold winter night when there
is a snow cover. Rabbits will eat
the side of the trunk of a young
tree and nip off new limbs, and
trees can be nearly ruined in one
To Our Friends!
Phone 154 — Zurich
New Exchange
(Goderich Signal Star)
Auburn community is shortly
to have its own telephone ex-
change, which, among other ad-
vantages, will make private lines
available in the village.
The new exchange will be es-
tablished by the Blyth Municipal
System. Auburn district has been
served by the Blyth System and
the Huron and Kinloss Municipal -
Telephone System, which a year
ago bought out the Dungannon
telephone system, known as the
Goderich Rural.
Xt: Y1tiiQ 0$97MOINNIPZ-01iii 1-21XIAZO4ii'-Rblaiia*,
Force Complete
(Exeter Times Advocate)
Exeter's police department will
soon be at full strength as a re-
sult of council's appointment of a
third man Monday night.
Robert Aitken, 40, of Palmers-
ton, was engaged at a salary of
$3,000. He was chosen from eight
Constable Aitken has over a
year's experience on the Palmers-
ton force. He will start his duties
here not later than January 15.
Vaccinate Pets
(Wingham Advance Times)
The clinic for innoculation of
pets against rabies, which was
held in the basement of the town
hall last Wednesday was consider-
ed highly successful as over 200
dogs and nearly 100 cats received
their shots. The clinic was in oper-
ation both morning and afternoon
and saw a steady stream of pet
owners bringing their animals for
RCAF Families at Seaforth
(Seaforth News)
The number of RCAF person-
nel based at RCAF Station Clin-
ton who reside in Seaforth and
Egmondville is thirty, according
to a survey made this week by
RCAF Public Relations. The
number of civilians from Seaforth
and Egmondville who are employ-
ed at RCAF Station Clinton, is
thirty-one. This means that the
bread winners of 61 families com-
mute daily to their work at this
There are a number of control
measures: (1) Poison baits; (2)
rabbit repellent; (3) sacking; and
(4) bullets.
A poison bait method consists
of hanging bunches of strychnine -
treated hay on the limbs of the
trees in the orchard (make sure
livestock do not have access to the
orchard). The repellent method in-
volves applying to the trees a solu-
tion consisting of 9 lbs. of powd-
ered rosin dissolved in one gallon
of denatured ethyl alcohol (let the
mixture stand for two or three
days before use). In the sacking
method, sacking is wrapped around
the trunk above the mouse guard,
and also around the lower limbs.
Before using the bullet method,
consult the local game warden.
Detailed information on both
mouse and rabbit control in or-
chards is contained in Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture circular
311, obtainable from the Informa-
tion Branch, Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Parliament Build-
ings, Toronto, or the office of the
county agricultural, representative.
Gun Club Having
Fox Drive On
Boxing Day
The Bluewater Gun Club is spon-
soring a jack rabbit and fox drive
on the afternoon of Boxing Day.
All hunters are invited to go along
on this drive, as it is the intention
of the club to wipe out as many
foxes as possible.
All hunters are asked to meet
at the Dominion Hotel at one p.m.
on Boxing Day, so plans can be
made before they go out on the
Boxing Day, Friday, December 26
at 1 p.m.
All Hunters Are Asked To Meet At The
Dominion Hotel, Zurich
Sponsored by the Bluewater Gun Club
and, thank you
for your
Phone 103 — Zurich