HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-23, Page 5ti' 9 to our many friends! NORMA°S BEAUTY SHOPPE NORMA STEINBACH — Phone 223 — ZURICH , 'tpy , . }3/152, :k: a. rit es`tbFnag"r2r•tr�7-`/"Meriatai`z!'tz�-r`'7-D' 7iVaZDZ 'VItt'cti-a"•i^Jt�$tTee TftlESDAY; DECEMBER 23, 1958 ZURICH Ottizene NEWS PAGE FIVE HOW I CAN HELP THE CRUSADE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS (A Prize -Winning Essay by Ferne Steckle) T.B. is one of Canada's greatest enemies. Although we do not in- herit it from our parents it is possible to get it from them if they have it. Many people do not realize how dangerous this disease is so I must place and keep all information before them that is possible. This will make them more conscious of this disease and there- fore they will be more apt to gu- ard against it. How can this in- formation be placed before them? Certainly I can help a great deal by buying Christmas seals and putting the seals on my letters, Christmas cards, envelopes, and in fact on all written correspondence. This is a very easy way of con- tacting people to bring to their attention this Crusade against Tuberculosis. I would also try to arouse the attention of our people so that • STARLIGHT, STAR -BRIGHT! Shine down and Cheer each child, Each home, This Christmas Night! TASTY -NU BAKERY Allan Goscho — Orville Witmer Phone 100 — ZURICH 4 8 6.74 DeztelaaiDaDOSOMAIVei they will give donations. Dona- tions are then used to further help the scientific research of T.B. Keeping the Health Rules is one of the main factors in preventing T.B. In this I can be a good ex- ample to others. I should get lots of fresh air every day and soak up all the sunshine that I pos- sibly can. Lack of fresh vege- tables will cause me to become run down so that when I come in con- tact with someone who has this disease I am easily infected. In this I can help by eating plenty of fresh vegetables. Sanitation is also required as it will help me to avoid getting the germs. I should always cough into my handkerchief and avoid breath- ing near someone's face. Washing my hands before I eat is also im- portant since I may carry many harmful germs on them. When- ever I have a cold that does not "clear up I should visit a doctor and he can examine me and di- agnose my case. When I get run down and tiredfor no reason whatsoever, I should also see the doctor. '*4 �i*�l �`�i 4Fi„'�-`e�lseYlel4lwcUo�� Our ChristmasWishes Like the star that guided the shepherds and wise men, may the love and glittering light of the Season make this Christmas your happiest! WESTLAKEanFURNITURE FUNERAL' HOME Phone 89W or J --- Zurich AWRINAIN 1J. Evening of Song Presented In' The Lutheran Church St. Peter's Lutheran Church was beautifully decorated for the even- ing of song which was held last Sunday, prepared by the junior and senior choirs, under the choir directors, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heimrich, and Mrs. John Turk- heim. Ronald Heimrich gave a few words of welcome and also thank- ed the children and everyone who co-operated in making the program possible. The junior choir presented a number of carols. Included in the program was a duet, "Silent Night" sung in German by Mary Ellen Thiel and Carol Fischer. Cheryl Stade and Ann Webb were featured in an anthem entitled "Manger Lullaby". A duet "Only a Child in a Manger" was sung by I can also help by putting up posters so that people will become acquainted with the fight against this disease. School papers are a very good way to also attract the attention of our parents to this great scourge. In my school I would encourage putting on pro- grammes and concerts to raise money for this work. The pro- ceeds can be sent to a T.B. as- sociation. I can encourage my parents to attend the Home and School Clubs where discussions may be held as it is a great opportunity to tell them the dangers of T.B. Then too we could have lectures given to them by a speaker. Another way I could help is to interest my parents in giving our cattle T.B. tests. This is very important as T.B. germs grow rapidly and may be transmitted to humans. The pasteurization of milk is necessary for a safe milk supply. Therefore I would encourage the drinking of pasteurized milk. X-rays are very necessary since the plate will show up the infected lung. X-ray clinics are often in the neighbourhood so I would encour- age all to visit them. This would ensure an early diagnosis. When- ever the doctor advises me, I sh- ould have these x-rays taken. Let us all obey these rules then I am sure we will help to have a better Canada. 1 1 0 Christmas Party (Clinton News -Record) Nearly 300 children received a gift and bag of candy from Santa Claus at the Clinton Legion Christ- mas tree in the hall on Sunday afternoon. The auditorium of the hall was filled to overflowing for the annual party. Before Santa arrived the child- ren enjoyed three short films: Broncho Busting', "The Night Be- fore Christmas", and "So this is Hockey". Hector Kingswell was master of ceremonies for the after noon, with Doug Thorndike doing a good job of his role for the oc- casion. Jack Cree, caretaker of the Legion Hall, was the recipient of a gift from Santa. Reeve Entertains (Huron Expositor) Winding up the year's business in Tuckersmith, councillors and township officials were treated to a turkey dinner by Reeve Ivan Forsyth following the December meeting Monday. All members were present at the meeting, pre- sided over by the reeve. The following appointments were made: Scott Memorial Hospital Board, William Cameron; Seaforth District High School Board, James McIntosh; Clinton Collegiate In- stitute District Board, George Fal- coner; and Clarence Smillie to the Board of South Huron District High School. ! ...... .....\Z+x�l:o-r 5'+.• ,r. ._ �sca"�ii `SF'z�$Si;�...1 ,A dR a GREETINGS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS OESCH SHOE STOREI AND NETE'S Flower SHOP Phone 130J — Zurich two senior choir members, Ruth Haberer and Marion Turkheim. The senior choir sang three an- thetas, "The Prince .of Peace", "Silent Night" and "Glory to God." Pastor Winter told a story about Christmas. The evening closed with the eon- gregation singing "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Two) derwear was just what I wanted, my mother started to cry. I guess it was the look on my face. * ,n* But I've never been alone, with- out friends or family, without love, on Christmas Day, so I don't re- gret the few forlorn Christmases I've had. They serve only to high- light the good ones, and there have been many of them. I remember singing carols, five of us around the piano, with the smell of roast- ing turkey creeping in from the kitchen, and my Dad booming away like a bullfrog from his chair in the background. :e x And when we sing the same carols now, around the piano, and I see the two pair of brown eyes shining heavenward and the little faces tilted, carolling fervently, X am content and grateful. ��s►�a++ae{ When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights a° qe tWaRgl tetKt$-dGOVVER• -t b"`t t "�v K tiv..tmiq , - 8 • R SANTA'S ON ITIS WAY! Have the ' merriest, most Wonderful -Christmas ever! THIEL'S SUPERIOR STORE C. H. THIEL *PERIOR,I 1400D IAARKETS*! Phone 140 — Zurich and STAFF