HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-23, Page 3TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1:955 I'Iit' It's time to send greetings your way... [DOMINION IIOTEL - Zurich ROSS and MARG. JOHNSTON The ancient Persians gave their friends eggs on -New Year's Day, according to The World Book Encyclopedia. The hatching of eggs symbolized the beginning of a new life. George R. Hardman Attending AT MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH - 1304 R.GE T.iIR.:is The World Book Encyclopedia reveals that Queen Elizabeth I buiof pairs of richly temboide ed hundredsad bejeweled gloves through the cus- tom of New Year's gifts. Individual 30 years Attention Experience ITliracIe 4=, MON., DEC. 29 10 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. YOUR FEET MARE YOU CRANKY? With the Chronic, Nagging Pain that Foot Arch Trouble can cause, many feel that ordinary tasks mount up to Big Problems. Help your feet, help your circulation with Comfort_ Bringing reliable Miracle Foot Aid. "A Spring in every step." See Mr. Hardman on Monday, December 29, for complete per- sonal explanation. erre Qjiritma5 anb Ti)appt) anb ro5perou5 Peth 'i -tar TO OUR EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILIES, TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, TO THE COMMUNITIES IN WHICH WE OPERATE AND TO ALL CANADIANS. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO to "Let's Not Put Christ Back In Christmas" Every year about this time, well. meaning merchants, billboard own- ers and special groups donate free' advertising space to the message, "Let's put Christ back into Christ- mas." The Rev. J. Franklin Chid- sey, writing in December 20 is- sue. of Saturday Night says, "No Let's leave it as it is. Let's give gifts, celebrate and enjoy each other's friendship." "People who urge a purely re- ligious Christmas seem more con- cerned with promoting Orthodox Christianity than peace and good will for all society. A holiday at this time of year is not, and never has been the exclusive possession of Orthodox Christianity. Just a- bout every society known to his- tory has celebrated mid -winter festivities close to the winter sols- tice of the sun—December 21st. Originally, when Ronie was Ch- ristianized, the church endeavour- ed to stop the Pagan festival of Saturnalia, which was a time of feasting and giving of gaily wrap= hurcd hfmade the wifts. Unable se move so,o do f n- corporating the feast with "Ch- ristmas". The date was chosen quite arbitrarily to cover Saturn- alia, since no record of the act- ual birth date of Christ exists, either in the Bible or in the - re- cords of the Imperial Roman Em- pire. As Christianity spread across, Europe, each converted country had its own December festival to celebrate the turning point of win- ter and the coming of spring.. Thus Christianity, by combining all these festivals, got such things as the "Christmas Tree" from Germany; the Yule Log frorri Scandinavia; Candles from the Jewish religion and Mistletoe from the ancient Druids of England. People of other religions don't want to be excluded from this time of goodwill, but Christian claims make many feel like intru- ders. Quite rightly they object to the Orthodox `celebrate our way or not at all" .attitude. Let us not exclude people in Christ's Name. Let us say "Happy Boli day" to people of all faiths at this time of peace on earth and good- will to all men." BINGO GODERICH PAVILION EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club for Welfare Admission: $1.00 NO BINGO DECEMBER 24th or 31st RESUME JANUARY 7 trita NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE AT THE OLD FORGE BAYFIELD (Now Under New Managemtent)' DANCING 10 to ?fl i MODERN and OLD 'TIME .� MUSIC BY Grant Edighoffer And His MELODIE MASTERS With Vocals by Jo Ann ADMISSION: $1.00 Hats and H or ns Supplied mrOROb+a Colli t mot 49,50-b