Zurich Citizens News, 1958-12-17, Page 9'WEDNESD.A.Y, DECEMBER 17, 1958 11 ZURICH Citizens NEWS 'Start a TV Farm Forum"; Urges Federation Fieldman; Lots of Ideas (By J. Carl On December 1 and 2 175 Farm Forums reported in Ontario, of these there were 40 TV Forums. This may seem to be a fair num- ber but is hardly what we had hoped for. Farm Forum offers a wonderful opportunity for farm people to get together and discuss their problems and arrive at some of the remedies. By listening to the broadcast you may get some information that will give you some very good ideas in your own home but unless you report your ideas little action can result. From the many comments I have heard it is quite apparent that a much larger number, than indicated by the reports, watched the TV program on December 9th. Hemingway) Many of these were urban families. How about getting four or five of your neighbours in and forming a forum? Then we will get the bene- fits of your good ideas. The January series on vertical integration should be particularly informative and your ideas on this problem would be most welcome. Representatives of the County Hog Producers were called to To- ronto, December 10 for a special meeting. The purpose was to find out if the Hog Producers on the farms in the counties wanted any changes made in the method of selling hogs. The result of the meeting was a resolution passed by the meet- ing stating that there be no basic A Milk Replacer You Can Afford To Feed NEW SHUR-GAIN 24% MILK REPLACER FOR CALVES With a new high level of antibiotics for the prevention of scours — High Protein! — Low Fibre: — an excellent body building feed. No matter what price you are receiving for your liquid milk — it costs you less. NOW AVAILABLE -- AT OUR MILL Only $3095 25 Lb. Bag M DEIT7. and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH Winter Dysentry Starting Now To Appear in Cattle Ontario veterinarians have re- ported that the common intestinal disorders in cattle during the win- ter season have started to occur this year. The most common of these is winter dysentery, a dis- ease affecting cattle as a herd problem during the winter months. The disease usually occurs in part of a county one year, and in a totally different Iocation the next year. Fortunately the disease sel- dom appears in the same herd more frequently than every three orfour years, About 20 percent of the herd may show the first evid- ence of the disease overnight. Within a few days about 80 per - change in the method of selling hogs in Ontario. The complaints of the Meat Packers Council, representing the larger packers, seemed to be that they can't bid on all hogs offered and can't get their share of hogs. In the first case hogs are now being offered in smaller lots there- fore the opportunity to buy has been considerably increased and should take care of the first com- plaint. In the second case with 160 thousand or more hogs coming to market each week and with the Government reportedly buying hogs in the west it hardly seems reasonable that any packer should feel the need for more hogs. It isn't so long ago that 120 thous- and a week was an over -supply. We have been told that Alberta hogs are shipped live into On- tario. If any packer wants more hogs let him raise the price 25 or 50 cents and more will come from the west. I'm quite sure the Government won't be offended. cent of the herd may be affected. The most constant symptom of the disease is a severe diarrhea, Milk production may drop 50 to 90 percent, but most affected ani- mals continue to eat well...A. few animals may be affected so severley that they are weak and unable to rise. The disease is similar to several PAGE MN* serious conditions in cattle and it is important that a veterinarian be consulted and treatment instituted immediately. According to the On- tario Veterinary College, there are no practical preventative measures other than keeping people who have been on infected farms from the barn unless they adequately disinfect their boots. Christmas baking always better made with butter! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS/ MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS —NOTICE - TOWNSHIP OF HAY In accordance with o resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Hay: it is hereby requested that in view of the present rabies situation, no dog shall be allow- ed to run at Targe in the Township of Hay until further notice from this date. December 9, 1958. V. L, Becker, Reeve, Township of Hay 49,50,b A• g iA •" w°ts • .. . • .Agi rt am ; a 01,k " UST IN TIME OR H NEW 1959 FRIGIDAIRE WASHERS and DRYERS DROP IN AND SEE THEM RIGHT AWAY • Frigidaire D.Luxe Automatic Washer Frlgidaire's thriftiest automatic washer—and it`s ao eesyr, to use! Set the dials for the type of wash you are doing, and your Frigidaire Washer does all the work for y MATED No.1 for washing clothes chanes!. Underwefter Detergent Distributor, built-in Lint Chaser, built -In SudsWater-Saver. Height 36° Width 25' Depth 204' CHECK OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR CHRISTMAS You'll Be Amazed How Cheap They Are A Frigidaire DeLuxe Automatic Dryer Frlgidafre'a lhrlfifeat Electric .Dryer, with most of the features of their highest -priced Dryers I Dries anything washable with Just one setting of a dial. "Wrinkles - Away" feature dries many of your washables without a wrinkle. You save hours of ironing timol Easy -to -clean Lint Trap, push-button Door Opener. Height 95' Width 27' Depth 261/4" MAKE HER HAPPY THIS CHRISTMAS WITH FRIGI DAiRE �J�kiR h7hgitAY i t �ir`�i�i?77k�ii�'7a�'iiYta�ri"�' t7xt �3SY;�7td`t h.""1 `�lY` t�7»I 1.a 4:7iX�t�iltit�DbihSfiYr�Ia"St�Sta?ta37ai7`k7�1iaLRol h?7`i1�'y�"7a t:7l�a:... ��� ' bit-ltretZt`s7h 7ab,MalAV GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE ZURICH—Phone 34 Phone 644W1 —SEAFORTH MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM DELIVERY BEFORE CHRISTMAS ";?-• :`e OPeirr