HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-17, Page 5WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 ZCJRIMI Citizens NEWS Goshen WMS Hold Christmas Program, Officers Elected for WMS and WA The Christmas meeting of the Goshen Woman's Missionary Soc- iety was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Robinson. The special Ch- ristmas program in the Missionary Monthly was followed, with Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley and Mrs. John Robinson taking special parts. Mrs. Elmer Hayter was in ch- arge of the business. A thank -you card from John Armstrong and family was read, Mrs. T. J. Pitt read an article on temperance. Rev. 'I'. J. Pitt took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Elmer Hayter; vice - presidents, Mrs. POINSETTIAS • TABLE CENTRES • CUT FLOWERS • . PLANTS PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY ETES FLOWERS Phone 130-W ZURICH Sri`33r5t`r�t-2t°a°3N21-1a024-- "3�ta0429i' aar5ze to - Bruce Keys, Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Mrs.: Ans- on McKinley, Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley; treasurer, Mrs. John Rob- inson; recording secretary, Mrs. Clare McBride; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Richard Robinson; lit- erature secretary, Mrs, Clarence Parke; supply secretary, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, Mrs., W. Eckel; Mission Monthly secretary, Mrs. Bert McBride; press secretary, Mrs. Arnold Keys; Associate Help- ers secretary, Mrs. Bert McBride and Mrs. William Hayter; Christ- ian stewardship, Mrs. Margaret Erratt; temperance and citizenship secretary, Mrs. Pitt; community friendship secretaries, Mrs. John Keys, Mrs, Russell Erratt, Mrs. Clarence Parke, Mrs. Kenneth Parke, Mrs. Richard Robinson and Mrs. William Clarke (cards); Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong; organist, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs. Bruce Keys; birthday fund, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; card fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; Mission Band, Mrs. Robert McKinley, Mrs. Kenneth Parke, Mrs. Douglas Rob- inson, Mrs. Clare McBride; tea fund, Mrs. James Keys. WA Officers The election of officers for the Woman's Association f o 11 o w e d: Mrs. Bruce Keys and Mrs, Allan Armstrong were elected as joint presidents; t h e vice-presidents, Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Anson McKinley; re- cording secretary, Mrs. James Keys; treasurer, Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride; organist, Mrs. Melvin El- liott. GIVE THE BEST! SMILES 14a CHUCKLES ! lb. box ... $1.00 Orchids $1.75 Turtles $1.69 Twosome Assortment $2.50 Peppermint Patties 1/2s 50c BULK BUNGALOW CHOCOLATES ---79c lb. See Our Variety of HARD & SOFT CHRISTMAS CANDY to kC;tit ztevem ^,U'vageP . e', tm op "€m{4xgP,":zimry 4wzt <remt FOR THE MEN!! CURRIE MATCHED SETS ... $330 BELTS, made by Hickok .,. $1.50 up Monogramed White Scarves $2.,95 SOCKS 79c & up -- TIES $1.00 up DRESS & SPORT SHIRTS $2.95 up ;ret6tsseamtmom-t.+,zelm.,e-ce+og4 FOR THE LADIES!! A 1 lA SWEATERS—Pullovers and Cardigans p $3,95 to $9.95 Finest quality NYLONS as !ow as .... 79c Silk & Nylon LINGERIE— fit for a Queen Make The Children Happy! Give Them One of Our Fine DOLLS or TEDDY BEARS priced from 98c to $4.95 Gascho Bros. PHONE 59 ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK 14DiraaWdttaZ4101141iga1=4-.242larli ]Ir f INAttra- t>3t aiprIVia`. 41-7 TRIM PAGE FIVE Mennonites Have Former Member As Guest Speaker Rev. Hubert Swartzentruber, pastor of Bethesda Church, St. Louis, Missouri, was guest speaker at the Zurich Mennonite Church, on Sunday morning, December 14. Mr. Swartzentruber, a former member of the Zurich congrega- tion, shared some experiences in the growth of the young church .in St. Louis. The Swartzentrubers have been serving there a little over a year. The missionary message was based on Romans 12: 1-13 and Luke 9: 57-10: 9. The speaker em - Sugar and Spice (continued from Page Two) tree for the farmers? You guessed it, Caleb. I'd grant them a whole year of exactly the kind of weath- er they wanted, regardless of the comfort or convenience of the rest of us. Of course, I'd have to find , them something else to bellyache about, but they could probably fall ' back on the complaint that all those tremendous crops were tak- i ing a lot out of the land. i 'K * x i All amateur golfers would be do- nated one season in which they i sliced not, nor did they hook, but'e plastered every drive 230 yards l down the gut. All anglers would 1 be given one year in which they e were smarter than the fish. All weekly editors would be given one week in which there were no mis- takes in the paper.. ' All wives would beiven one year's absence from the boring, in- sensitive, callous, stingy, inattent- F ive cretins they are married to. ai,® And all husbands would receive a similar parole from the nagging, complaining, spendthrift, married to. Z s':� ing harridans they are married to.� TASTY -NU ,, ,��, ERY There, I don't think l've left any- k PHONE 100 ZURICH body out. But if I have, just drop D. me a line at the South Pole. I'm "Horne of the Famous "Tasty -Nu" Bread" sort of a left-handed, or southpole Santa Claus. d arz"roFa to`"it:ali r9izk'coat"isai"7$rdtntvPrEarcraya'raara `h94`93- "rya ,,,,zar �",`^64„10sc *fCy�, W 5 , :0 c ,fir • phasized the need of the prepara- tion of the missionary, the great- ness of the task and the necessity of every Christian considering himself to be a vital part of the total program of Church of Christ:„ may,' Iaer-Va W 44°- m0ae,y°vY'Ei i''c r,c,F 4ow ki avivP4 �+�''� �-ttemeetze+egewootrv ° IT'S NOT TOO LATE — WM Oa TO ORDER YOUR See Our LIGHT and :ARK CHRISTMAS CAKES All Christmas Cakes must be ordered by Saturday, Dec. 20 DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 0z tin 33c DEL MONTE TOMATO CATSUP 2911 oz. b:. tiles .... 35c DEL MONTE t' hole Kernel Corn 2-14 oz. tins . 33c GOLDEN MIXED NUTS 2 lbs. for 89c STOKLEY'S Fancy Tomato Juke large 48 oz. ties 29c CHEERY MORN Fresh Ground Coffee 69c Ib. MEATS Fresh Spare Ribs 43c Ib. Ready To Serve Picnics 49c Ib. Fresh Pork Butt Roasts 49c Ib. Fruits and Veg. , Check Our Adv. in the London Free Press Thursday 11111.21111112110111.1.1.11,11..... DON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY FREE DRAW With every purchase of $2.00 or more, customers will receive a free chance on Two Beautiful Dolls, 30” high, valued at $27.95 each. Draw will be made on Saturday, December 20. SEE THE DOLLS ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE Kinsmen Bingo Cards Can Be Purchased at Our Store Numbers Daily in London Free Press OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY., SATURDAY EVENINGS C. H. THIEL Ph. 140 :.et r,�aer raffia au�.,v