HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-17, Page 1"ant Claus C es T No. 49 Zurich Sat ay Afternoon" ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 NATIVITY SCENE. This attractive Christmas scene is located in front of the Lutheran Church in Zurich, and attracts a Targe number of viewers each year. An - ..other Nativity Scene is located_ori the farm ,cif Charles ,Rau,'on .the Biuewater.. Highway, We will try and have a photo'of his setting in next week's issue, (Citizens News Photo) Lions Club Holds Christmas Meeting, Auction Sale Swells Treasury by $85 The Zurich Lions Club held their annual Christmas meeting in the Dominion Hotel on Monday night with a good attendance. A delic- ious turkey dinner was served by the staff of the hotel. Lion presi- 'dent Delbert Geiger was in charge of the meeting. Ivan Kalbfleisch was chosen as the G{lub's representative on the Ontario Society for Crippled Child- ren. Lion Ed Gascho reported that the profits from the fowl bingo held last Wednesday were $55. Earl Yungblut gave a report on the annual Santa Claus day which is to be held in the Community Centre this Saturday afternoon. After the singing of a number of Christmas carols an auction sale of gifts was held, which realized about $85 for the club's treasury. Lion Alvin Walper conducted the sale, Lion Victor Dinnin had his re- cording machine at the meeting, and played a number of records he had made at Christmas meet- ings of the past few years. 0 Store Hours Set For Zurich in Christmas Season Zurich stores will remain open this week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, as well as Wednesday afternoon. Next week they will be open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday even- ings as well as Wednesday after- noon. Friday, December 26, has been declared as Boxing. Day, and all places of business will observe it as such by being closed all day, People are reminded of the free skating to be held in the local arena every Saturday afternoon throughout the entire winter. Candle Light Service at E.U.B. Church, Program Numbers by Young People A Candle Light Service was held at Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church on Sunday, Dec- ember 14. Rev. A. M. Amacher was in charge of the service. After the singing of some Christmas carols, Johnny Geiger led in pray- er and Sandra Schock read the Scripture lesson. The pagent, "Shining Candles," was presented by the Junior Choir and members of the Junior Sunday School. Gerald Merner was the Candle Lighter for the letters of the word "Christ". Recitations were given by Phyliss Schade, Joan Ra- der, Donna Kipper, Murray Mc- Adams, Donald Geiger and Steph- en Mack. Elizabeth Johnston sang the solo, "Silent Night", and a duet, "Star of the Eeast", was sung by Helen Grainger and Roy McAdams. Mrs. Milton Oesch, director of the choir, was the pianist for the evening. Miss Olive O'Brien and Mrs. Clare Geiger assisted in the training of the children. Mrs. Mil- ton McAdams and Durward, Mrs. K. M. Breakey and Mrs. W. A. Siebert arranged the details for the holding of the Candle Light Service, The Amacher Quartette sang "Wonderful Story of Love", and Mrs. A. M. Amacher gave the Christmas message, "If Jesus Had Not Come". The church looked beautiful in the candle light. A lovely star made by Durward McAdams, grac- ed the front entrance of the eh- ureh. , DELBERT GEIGER, Zurich, was recently ap- pointed president- of the Huron Soil and Crop. Im- provement Association. The annual meeting of the group was held in Londesboro. (Citizens News Photo) Free Vaccination Against Rabies In Zurich Today Clinics for free vaccination of all pets for rabies will be held in this district on Wednesday, to- day. In the morning the clinic will be in the Dashwood Fire Hall and in the afternoon it will take place in the Zurich Town Hall. All people are requested to bring their pets that have not been vac- cinated as yet to the clinic to receive their free shots. This service is being provided free of charge by the Canada De- partment of Agriculture in an at- tempt to stop the present epidemic of rabies in Western Ontario. 12 Pages Library 'w eceives Grant From ay Township; Council Hears Resolution At their final meeting of the year held on Monday afternoon the Hay Township council made a grant of $40 to the Zurich Pub- lic Library. Another grant of $30 Decorating Contest Judging Takes Place Fri ay Night The judging of the hest decorat-1 homes and business places in Zurich will take place this Friday night. AU persons are asked to have their home or business place lit up on this particular night, so the judges will have a true picture of what each place looks like. The winners will be announced in the special Christmas greeting issue of this paper, which will reach the subscribers on either late Monday or early Tuesday morning. If at all possible we shall try to have several pictures of the win- ning places in the paper also. If you have not yet decorated your place for the contest there,is. still time "to do so. Remember, the judging takes place on Friday evening, December 20. Christmas Issue ill Be Early The Citizens News Christ- mas greeting issue will be pub- lished on Monday, December 22, so it may be distributed on the rural routes on Tues- day, December 23. The orders for Christmas greetings in this issue will be booked this week, and the deadline for accepting such advertisements will be Friday, December 19. We would like to ask non -advertisers wishing to place greeting ads to do so as early as possible. All news for this issue will have to be in our office no later than Saturday night, December 19. We would ap- preciate any news items com- ing in as early as possible this week. Our correspondents are reminded that we would like their copy in on Saturday also. Co-operation on the part of all interested parties will en- able us to bring you this spec- ial Christmas greeting issue in time to reach everyone before Christmas. 0 All Dogs In Hay Township Must Be Tied Up Now Effective immediately all dogs in Hay Township are to be tied up until further notice. The reason is to try and stop the present outbreak of rabies in Western Ontario. This decision was reached at a special meeting of Hay Town- ship council held last week. It was reported that many of the neighbouring municipalities have passed such regulations. was made to the Exeter Agricul- tural Society. In other business the council declared Boxing Day, December 26, a public holiday in the Township of Hay. A resolution was read to the council from the West Huron District Women's Institutes, re- questing the abolition of daylight saving time, A motion was passed that the Hay Township council concurr with the resolution. Another motion was passed that William Lawrence be given $200 as part payment for work done on the Forrest drain, Henry Claus- ius was voted $250 payment for wages as caretaker of the Town- ship Hall. The 1959 inaugural meeting of the Hay Township council will take place on Monday, January 12, 0 Chamber Stages Christmas Meeting Turkey Dinner The annual Christmas meeting of the Zurich and District Cham- ber of Commerce was held in the ,Dominion Hotel . last. Wednesday. night, when about, 35 members sat down to a delicious turkey dinner. The president, Milton Oesch, was in charge of the meeting. Jack Bannister gave a report to the group on the progress be- ing made with the Pee Wee hock- ey, which the chamber sponsors. It was also revealed at the meet- ing that the annual ladies night would be held sometime in Janu- ary. The gathering decided to add another committee to the Chamb- er, it being a ways and means com- mittee, which is to establish ideas for the raising of funds for the organization. Lucky draws were won by the following men: Milton Oesch, Earl Weido, Ray Fisher, Jack Bannist- er, Lloyd Klapp and Leonard Mer- ner. Alex Mousseau was inducted as a member of the group. District School Concerts Now In Full Swing School concerts will be the or- der of the day for the next week. Tonight, Wednesday, the Zurich. school will present their program at the Community Centre. Thursday night will see the Blake school, with Miss Donna Oesch the teacher, showing their program at the school. On Friday night the Goshen School, SS 5, Stanley, will hold their Christmas concert at their school. Other schools will ne doubt be having concerts also, but these are the only ones that have been reported to our office. A Year's Subscription to the CITIZENS NEWS Makes An Appropriate Christmas Gift