HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-10, Page 8PAGE E,riGRT ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1955; ST. BONIFACE C.W.L. NEWS The St. Boniface Catholic Wo- men's League met in the township hall on Monday, December 1, with 47 ladies present. The ladies of St. Peter's, Catholic Women's League, St. Joseph; were guests of the evening. A songfest of Christmas carols was enjoyed by all. interesting and informative demon - Mrs. William Siebert gave an stration on kitchen gadgets and ideas for Christmas decorations. A lovely lunch was served by the committee in charge for the even- ing. HENSALL SALE PRICES Weanling pigs, $8 to $12.50; chunks, $13.20 to $16.60; feeders, $16.40 to $19.75; sows, $57 to $79; boars up to 10% cents a lb. Holstein calves, $17 to $25; Dur- ham calves, $32 to $66; fat cows, up to $16.70; bulls up to $20.60; fat steers, up to $24.85; stocker steers, up to $25.25. 600 pigs and 150 head of cattle and calves sold. THE IDEAL GIFTS For CHRISTMAS SH IJ LTO N .Joiibid "Desert Flower" STICK COLOGNE purse size $1.25 TOILET WATER $2.00 PERFUME — purse size in modernly -styled gift box $2.00 SPRAY COLOGNE $3.00 Friendship Garden BATH SALTS $1.65 TOILET WATER .. $1.25, $1.75 DUSTING POWDER $1.75 OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION $1.35 $2.00 SHAVING MUG $1.50 See Our Wide Range of "SHULTON SETS" Priced from $1.50 up PIKE -CHRISTMAS SPECIALS REMINGTON Rollectric Razors . ... Only $24.95 SUNBEAM Shavemaster Razors $24.50 Remington LADY PRINCESS Just $14.25 ACT FAST ON THESE BARGAINS BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDY NOW! NEILSON'S BOXED CHOCOLATES '/2 Ib., 1 Ib., 2 Ib. boxes ZURICH Variety Store E.U.B. Church Ladies' Aid and W.S.W.S, Hold Meeting With Christmas Theme The Ladies' Aid and W.S.W.S. of Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church met on Thurs- day, December 4, with Mrs. Nor- man Gascho acting as chairlady. After the singing of the Christmas carols "0 Come All Ye Faithful" and "Hark the Harold Angels Sing", Mrs. George Bullock led in prayer. Mrs. Clara Jacobe read the Christmas Scripture lesson. Miss Sharon Jaeobe sang, "Away in a Manager", 'accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Melick. Mrs. Ross Johnson, read the poem, "The Three Kings", by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Mrs. George Bullock gave a read- ing, and the hymn, "Silent Night" was sung. The topic, "Come to Bethlehem", was presented by Mrs. Laird Jac- obe and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. We were told to centre our attention upon Palestine, where Christ was born, walked on earth, was cruci- fied and rose again. The Moslems always repeat, "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet". Allah is the all powerful ruler, the judge of the world. Lov- ing -kindness is absent. He is not the Father God the Christian ack- nowledges. Morality is not expect- ed as an outgrowth of religion. They have 99 names for God. The came lknows the hundredth, and that gives him so .much dignity. The camel bore the wise men to Bethlehem. Let us try to win the Moslem world by a great spiritual campaign of love. Jesus wants the souls of all the.. people in the Mid- dle East and throughout the world. Christ alone is abundant life and life eternal. Mrs. Milton Oesch sang, "0 Lit- tle Town of Bethlehem", and Mrs. Ross Johnston took the part of Mary. Mrs. Delbert •Geiger and Miss Norma Geiger sang the duet, "It Came Upon the • Midnight Clear", while Misses Margaret and Ruth Geiger acted out the panto - mine. After the singing of "Joy to the World", Mrs. G. Koehler led in prayer. The president, Mrs. Delbert Geiger took charge of the business session. The past -president, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, led in prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Harold Rader, read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll. The twe treas- urers, Miss Olive O'Brien and Mrs. Leonard Erb, reported for the Ladies' Aid and W.S.W.S. Mrs. A. M. Amacher, secretary of Spiritual Life gave out the Bible readings A Year's Subscription To The CITIZENS NEWS Makes An Appropriate ..Christmas Gift for the next month. Mrs. J. W. Merner stated that the used stock- ings would be sent away soon for relief purposes. It was announced that Mrs. Milton McAdams has consented to be the director of youth work. Mrs. Allan Gasche gave her report as convener of the membership committee, Mrs. K. M. Breakey reported for the service committee. There were 46 sick visited, 78 get well cards were sent, 18 treats and five bouquets. Mrs. Thomas Meyers thanked the ladies for the basket of fruit sent to her during her sickness. Mrs. Clare Geiger stated that her group had served lunch after the funeral of the late Mrs. Bertha Horner. It was an- nounced that Christmas boxes will be packed again and sent to the shut-ins. The following was the commit- l Mrs, Norman Gascho, Mrs, Clara tee in charge of the program: Mrs. Jacobe, Mrs, George Bullock and', Laird Jacobe, Mrs. Gideon Koehler, Mrs. Ross Johnston. —NOTICE— RE: NIGHT PARKING It is illegal to park any vehicle on the main streets of Zurich from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m., during the months of December to March, inclusive. This is necessary to allow the streets to be cleared of snow. ZURICH VILLAGE TRUSTEES,. Lloyd O'Brien, Chairman, Leroy Thiel Harold Thiel 48-9-b r �a ..a �.„ �K%Ro %_ Po•.-.."�-��-R�!'r'-P� lad A Q 4 a B i2 Fa g g ing r.yric 1 aies ,ervice 1 tart61Z ar rpt -2r r igat a ailA ;o&a Illi--M-riip"t4b --Zaa arMbruSI-Ni-DiDa+aN i -Nr, ib`tSa; r 44Natat3 • Price Reductions ...Big Selections Th OUR STORE IS "FULL TO THE DOO S"i WITH GIFT IDEAS TOASTERS ® KETTLES • RAZORS a PERCOLATORS Two Gifts For The Price of One e ELECTRIC ERYiNG PAN reg. $26.95.... ELECTRIC TE,,,; KETTLE reg. $12951161 oth for Only $26.95 FREE ���e2� Flash Camerae2y����— Witham a Recorde��Player –no�oFREE 44t.7 q. •4 o'ro'^.e„�i'.�°aOu�n'.c�.if'^ . C-EV<'na'lc 6440c-atetat ti+�a�' i*'RaiZ%? reiPamici{P'=�a�lttet.atetWatra'tC�rtaTeleta' 'Wien gete 'tr*k'a it'e FSYS! TOYS! TOYS! CARS, TRUCKS, WAGONS, Rocking Horses, Electric Trains, Hockey Games, Musical Instruments DOLLS - - DOLLS - - DOLLS iVe?�t�-ftWst?e A Frigid Quilt and backed by General Motors MADE IN CANADA TO CANADIAN clUA LITY STANDARDS • for cleanest clothes! • for lint removal! • for driest spin! trrw caller allerr e �N every farady • a 11 reatIc 'Sleeves ggt °° tbyrearOoos4cature 5.~ CQM1©�N1 V�Rc��%t`ZCN SSa1l • :Sl 0� 5, e SSr� aqa manmAxe' Zure6rPh3i9aareoea,er„ &v‘1 Sealorh---P • ire