HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-10, Page 5WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. 10, 1958 DESIGNED FOR �rov� PLEASURE! YOU WILL THOROUGHLY ENJOY OUR FarnousFRIED CHICKEN Dinner SERVED IN CLEAN, MODERN SURROUNDINGS WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4.00 to 7,30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tues. Evening Domhuion Hotel ZURICH — PHONE 70 "YOU ARE A STRANGER BUT ONCE" -tieP.,,?tU vev. oet altC? -1,mc- wrgA �v'- i- araleu�e'+�o eetw•og-tmcozw u Things to wear are always appreciated See Our Gala Choice o1 Currie Neckwear Priced from $1.00 yap ''.{t gep�.g��Qezawz i GIFT SOX Nylon, Orlon and Wool ® Currie Hichock Belts • Forsythe Shirts • Ties and Sock Sets Come In and See Our New Shipment of Good Quality Leather Billfolds a -la mr -21-2 a a -g is 4` Doral-g`imrdlJf'' ,"lank-sagw aryl-sts ,vaa iot`a'r`a"b�,t'c Jrgg d Glittering , Ga 0.a d Glamorous Lovely Sweaters I SILK and RAYON Jumbo Knit, Pure Wool, 0 Orlon, Banlon LINGERIE In Short and Long Sleeves, Pullovers or Cardigans /1 Kerchiefs, Head Scarves aa aDwi rAarai rarpwtir.` to . • rmagb roa alb` -vol arm` aorz r9ra`ite For Those Cold Winter Nights Ahead: Give Her A Pair of T.V. SOCKS "Your Christmas Store" Gascho Bros. PHONE 59 — ZURICH �,,�p,,�.4� ��,r,� "THE STORE WITH" THE STOCK�'W�ry���,,`,�.y� Yw f rifY1Wesokrozo -nal . ..ri.fd/ftt.�l'(l�`filrlN wook .A�1.1'ti�..1 i1 .bora 1iV'1lDY ZU'RirI Citizens NEWS Lutheran Ladies' Aid Makes Donations' ful year Turkheim,reported a very success - PAGE EWE T • nominating committee, Mrs. �o Various Organizations in Church Ted Steinbach, Mrs. William Day- Theidson and Mrs. Ray :Fisher, report - Mrs. Loretta Weida opened the ed that the officers for the com- • • • December meeting of the Lutheran Ladies Aid with the singing of hymn, "Rejoice All Ye Believers" and "0 Come, 0 Come, Emman- uel". The responsive reading of Psalm 67 was followed by a pray- er. A piano solo was given by Cath- erine Gackstetter. Wanda Lawr- ence gave a reading entitled "In As Much", The president, Mrs. A. Fink- beiner took the chair for the busi- ness. The secretary, Mrs, Ed. Da - tars gave the minutes of the last meeting, also reading several th- ank you m membersno thee dona- tionschurch. with Zurich Brownies, Guides Receive New Members At an impressive ceremony on Thursday night in the town hall, conducted by Brown Owl Mrs. Earl Rowe, Hensall, three Tween- ies were inducted as members of the Brownie Pack in Zurich. The girls were Marilyn Gascho, Judy Masse, and Marcia Merrier. In a special flying up ceremony Brownie Shirley Flaxbard was gra- duated from the ranks of a Brownie to a Girl Guide. The fly - up from Brownies to Guides is the highest honour which can be be- stowed upon a girl in Girl Guide work. The third ceremony of the night was the enrolling of Carol Erb as a Lieutenant in the Girl Guide company. The leader of the Brownie pack in Zurich is Brown Owl Mona Ty- ler, while the Guides are led by Captain Kaye Webb. Brown Owl Tyler has as her assistant Tawny Owl Anne Flaxbard, while Capt- ain Webb is assisted by Lieutenant Carl Erb. Mothers of the girls who joined the Brownie Pack were pre- sent at the special ceremony. A letter was received from the United Lutheran Church in Leam- ington acknowledging the param- ents that had been sent to them by the organization. Good cheer boxes will again be packed for the sick and shut ins of the congregation. Donations are to be sent to the parsonage by December 21. A donation of $25 will be given Leagueby the Ladies of te church, al Aid to the Luther $25 to the ,junior choir towards pur- chasing gowns. A carol service is being prepared by the junior choir to be held on December 14, with the proceeds to go towards gowns. A cheque will be given to the senior choir to purchase 22 new gowns. Pastor Winter conducted the meeting for the annual reports and election of officers. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Datars. The president, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, gave a report on the activities and achievements in the past year. The treasurer, Mrs. A. Geo. R. Hartman will attend ing year will be: president, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner; vice-president, Mrs. Lewis Thiel; secretary, Mrs, Ed. Deters; treasurer, Mrs. A. Turk - helm, EVENTIDE AND ROCK of AGES MEMORIALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Phone 41 Clinton Seaforth AU 2-6606 573 WHAT CAN H.F.A. DO FOR YOU ® Raise you off painful pressure points • Lift, hold and maintain dropped arches that cause so many discomforts in the feet and often in the body. fliracIe i7 'T -- X1'1 LS AT MILT OESCH Individu- SHOE STORE ally ZURICH Fitted Serviced 130-J COME! You'll Be Glad You Did MON. DEC. 15 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. like Money helm Vote! GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN 2 tits 33c MARGENE MARGARINE 1 ib. pkg_ 33c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 4 this 49c KOTEX Reg. Size, 12's 2 for 79c CHERRY HILL SPREADY CHEESE 2 pkgs. 1/2's 39c FRUITS — VEGETABLES Check our ad in the Lon- don Free Press Every Thursday STOKLEY'S Honey Pod Peas 2 tins 33c McCORMICKS Saltene - SODAS 1 lb. box 35c NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag 81c FRESH Roast Peanuts 2 lbs. for 65c MEATS Peameal Cottage Roil, Ws 55c Ib. Sliced Bacon 49c Ib. 49c Ib. 39c Fresh Pure Pork Sausage Frozen Peas, 2 pkgs. FREE DRAW With every purchase of $2.00 or more, customers will receive a free chance on Two Beautiful Dolls, 30" high, valued at $27.95 each. Draw will be made on Saturday, December 20. SEE THE DOLLS ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE Kinsmen Bingo Cards Can Be Purchased at Our Store Numbers Daily in London Free Press OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY, SATURDAY EVENINGS C. H. THIEL Ph. 140