HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-10, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1958 Grannie Turkheim's RecipeBox I am very happy the way the recipes for Christmas cake and cookies have been coming in the last couple of weeks. It makes us all feel as if our readers really want to see the Recipe Box in this paper. We have quite a number of re- cipes on hand that we want to pass on to you before Christmas, so we are printing asmany as we Next possibly week we will try have room for 1 week. anda the same. Inthe meantime, keep on send- ing us your recipes. we will even- tually use all of them throughout the months ahead. GOLF BALLS (Mrs. Amos Gingerich) 1 small bottle of maraschino cherries (cut) 30 marshmallows (cut) 40 graham wafers (rolled fine) 1 tin sweetened condensed milk 214 cup nuts Combine above ingredients with themilk, except 34 crumbs. Form in small balls and roll in crumbs. Keep in refrigerator. UNBAKED COOKIES (Mrs, Lauretta Weido) 1 cup icing sugar 1 egg 2 squares unsweetened choco- late pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 20 marshmallows 1 cup chopped nuts To the beaten egg and icing Add: sugar add; the melted chocolate, the cut marshmallows and chopped 2 gratedggs rind and juice of one nuts. Form into small rolls, roll lemon in coconut, slice as you use. Keep 51y cups flour in refrigerator. 1 teaspoons (These are good, I made them before I had the recipe printed). 21/4 cups flour liar teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, ginger and soda. Cream shortening and sugar, add egg and molasses, then the dry in- gredients. Chill for an hour or inmore. white Shape ugar, and all presls, roll press down with fork on greased cookie sheet. Bake in moderate oven. DROP DOUGHNUTS (Mrs. Leonard Prang) 2 eggs 1 cup white sugar 1 cup sweet milk 21/2 tablespoons melted butter (or margarine) Vs teaspoon nutmeg 31f cups al] purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Drop 'with spoon into hot lard. DELICIOUS BITES (Mrs. J. Gingerich) Cream 14 lb. of butter and 4 tablespoons brown sugar and van- illa; sift and measure 1 cup flour; add 1 cup chopped pecans and flour to creamed mixture. Roll in small balls, press with fork and place on greased cookie sheet, bake at 350°. A small candy or a piece of maraschino cherry may be plac- ed on cookies before baking. NURNBERG LEBKUCHEN (G Christmas Cookies) 1 cup but 2 cups honey 11/2 cups brown sugar Bring these to almost boiling point, but do not boil. FRUIT CAKE The night before the cake is to be baked, prepare and mix to - ;ether the following fruit: 1 lb. candied pineapple (cut thinly into strips) 1 lb. each: almonds (blanched and left whole), golden seed- less raisins 1/2 ib. each: glaced cherries, finely cut citron peel, large seeded raisins 1/4 lb. each: cut lemon peel, cut orange peel, currants (wash- ed and dried) Pour 1/4 cup pineapple juice over these and let stand overnight. In the morning cream together until light and fluffy: h lb. butter 1 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar Then beat in one at a time 5 or 6 eggs and 1 teaspoon almond flavoring. Sift together 2 cups pastry flour. / teaspoon each: cinnamon, mace and baking soda. Sprinkle % cup of this flour mixture over the fruits and mix well; sprinkle remainder of flour over butter, sugar and egg mixture and mix until a smooth batter is obtained. Then mix this batter thoroughly with fruits, making certain all fruit pieces are broken apart. Line 2 loaf pans or one 10" tube pan with 4 thicknesses of waxed paper, buttering the top one well. Press batter firmly down in pans and bake at 275° for about 4 hours. Keep pan with water in oven throughout baking. CRANBERRIES (Mrs. Amos Gingerich) ICE BOX COOKIES (Mrs. Lauretta. Weido) 30 colored marshmallows 32 graham wafers • 1 can Borden's condensed milk maraschino cherries may be added. Roll graham wafers and cut inarshmafows; mix together r it h the milk. Line greased pan (pyx) with coconut, spread above mix- ture in pan and cover with coco- nut. Cut in squares when serving. Keep in refrigerator. MOLASSES CRINKLES 3i cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 4 tablespoons molasses s so 16 teaspoon e a c h: cinnamon, , again. cloves, allspice and nutmeg 1 can Borden's sweetened con- densed milk Mix together and shape in little balls, then roll in coconut. Store in a cool place. These are better in flavor if eaten within two weeks. 1 package cranberries 11/ cup water (Boil until broken) Then put through strainer, add 2 cups sugar and bring to a boil 1 cup finelyd walnuts cut citron eel 1 cup Chopp (option- al) For best results allow dough to mellow for several days before baking. Roll well chilled dough and cut with desired cutters (stars, trees, bells, etc.), Bake at 375° from 12-15 minutes. Ice with the following icing and ,press 1/2 al- mond on each cookie. Icing for Nurnberg Lebkuchen Boil 2 cups white sugar and 1 cup water until mixture threads. Remove from heat and tir n l cup icing sugar, Brush this icing over the cookies while they are warm. If icing gets sugary, reheat. SO FRESH !! -m- 'r -0- SO DELICIOUS! PIES - - CAKES - - COOKIES SWEET GOODS TRY OUR NEWEST PRODUCT( Delicious ►;!ROWN w}F`` r SERVE ROLLS Only 20c for 1 Dozen Just place them in an oven for a few and they are ready to eat. minutes TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 ZURICH "Home of the Famous "Tasty -Nu" Bread" ZURICH LIONS CLUB ANNUAL FOWL BINGO CHRISTMAS CAKE (Mrs. Alphonse Grenier) (STEP 1) 1 cup butter (or margarine) 1 cup white sugar 3 egg yolks (save whites) 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/ cup warm water (Mix well and set aside) (STEP 2) 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon baking powder - pinch of salt 2 cups flour (Mix well and set aside) (STEP 3) 1 lb. raisins 8 ozs. mixed peel 1 cup baking gum drops 15c shredded coconut 4 oz. pineapple 1 lb, red cherries 4 oz. green cherries 31/ oz. almonds Mix all this with 3/4 cup flour; then add Step 1 to Step 3, mix well; then beat 3 egg whites stiff and add to Step 3; then add Step 2 to Step 3 and mix well. Bake until done in oven 350° for one hour, lower heat to 2500, bake for one half hour or until done. MAID OF HONOURS (Mrs. Karl Haberer) 2 eggs 1/2 cup lard % cup of white sugar Beat well and then add: 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups of flour (sifted) (Mix well) Roll out fairly thick and line tart shells and to each tart add one good teaspoon of date filling. Bake in moderate oven untill light brown. Garnish with whipped cream and a cherry. Makes 18 tarts. (Date Filling) 1/2 lb. of dates 1/2 cup of water Boil slowly untill smooth, add: 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoons butter PORCUPINE BALLS (Mrs. Karl Haberer) 37 Graham wafers (single) 1 bag chocolate chips DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE (Mrs. Wesley Hugill) 1 lb. butter 2 cups brown sugar 10 eggs 2 small cups maple syrup 2 lbs, seeded raisins 2 lbs. seedless raisins 2 lbs dates (or more if desired) 2 large packages of red and green cherries 2 packages of blanched alm- onds 1 lb. mixed peel 2 rings candied pineapple (red and green) teaspoon each of: 'cinnamon, mace, nutmeg teaspoon each of: almond, or - ange, lemon and vanilla flav- oring 1 teasteaspoon oon ina and 1 4x/cups four (sifted) Method—Cream sugar and but- ter well; add well beaten egg yolks. Beat again and add maple syrup and spices. Beat well and then add well beaten egg whites. Have fruit well flavored. Then add (alternately) fruit and re- mainder of flour. Line all pans with brown paper or tin foil. Bake in slow oven (200°), from 3 to 5 hours depend- ing on size of cake pan (makes 3 story cake and one small). When In Zurich GETYOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights .-oo�-r-o-®-o-4-d-+-•rm-°�'c'a-oar-a-o-o-•s E oulf RiDEe9 FO AUTOMATIC FRY PAN With Lid and Cord Gift Boxed -- Reg. $23.95 Sped . l cit $14°95 1 3 speeds MiXER Only $14°95 REVERE WARE F DOUBLE BOILER $13.95 COVERED SAUCEPANS $6.95 COVERED SKILLET $10.25 r I? SEE OUR WIDE RANGE OF "REVERE"UTENSILS EXTRA SPECIAL .. . 6 -PIECE STEAK KNIFE SET Only $3.95 Gift Boxed, GIFTS FOR THE HANDYMAN mad SMOOTHING PLANE, 9" long, gift boxed $6.49 KEYSTONE HAND SAW, 8 pt. $6.98 BLACK & DECKER ELECTRIC DRILL Drills up to %2" in wood—%4" in steel Only $19.95 FOR THE CHILDREN WAGONS, TRICYCLES, TOBAGGANS, SKATES, AH Types of HOCKEY EQUIPMENT YOU NAME IT -- WE HAVE IT Stade & Weido Hardware IN THE Community Centre ON WED., DEC. Mb TO - NIGHT Zurich — Phone 92 25 TURKEYS 25 GAMES Only $2.10 Admission LESS THAN 10c A TRY PROCEEDS FOR SERVICE WORK R