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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-12-03, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19551 Stanley Council Geis Acclamation, Reeve Harvey Coleman Returned Officials in the Township of Stanley were returned to office by acclamation last Friday after- noon, in an uneventfulnomination day program. Harvey Coleman, R.R. 1, Zurich, will serve as reeve in 1958, for his fifth year and his 12th year in municipal work. Deputy reeve Harvey Taylor, Brucefield, was returned for his second term. This .is the second year that Stanley Township has been entitled by population to a deputy reeve. Mr. Taylor took up office for the first time on Janu- ary 1, 1958. The three councillors are Ern- est Talbot with three years ex- perience; John Scotchmer, Jr., with three years experience and Alvin Rau, with six years exper- ience. Public School Area Trustees, Clifford Henderson, re-elected and a new man, John McGregor, who succeeds George Cameron. These two trustees join with Ward For- est, Lloyd Heard and Ken Mc- Cowan to make up the five man board. Chairman Fred Watson, the township clerk, congratulated the candidates, and called them in or- der to address the meeting. Reeve Coleman referred to the OPTICAL SERVICE Newest Styles of Frames 0 Lenses Duplicated Prescriptions Filled Accurately 0 SAVING PRICES 0— A. G. HESS Jeweller and Optician ZURICH 47-tfb passing of the county clerk, the late A. H. Erskine, and the ap- pointment of J. G. Berry as his replacement. Billie Hanly, a resi- dent of the township, has since been appointed assistant to the county clerk -treasurer. The reeve spoke of the proposed additions to the county home and to the collegiate in Clinton, and could not see any reduction of taxes. He spoke:also of work done on the township roads. Deputy reeve Harvey Taylor told of his first year at county council, and said he had found the experience helpful and interesting. He spoke of the township roads, particularly of the fourth conces- sion and the new'bridge there. Each of the three councillors spoke on township affairs, and said they felt council had kept before it the best interests of the town- ship. W. R. Jewitt, reeve of Hul]ett Township brought greetings from his municipality, and Councillor Frank Falconer brought greetings from the Township of Tucker - smith. George Reid, the Stanley Town- ship representative on the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board outlined the need for the addition to the collegiate, and noted the ever-increasing pupil enrolment in the school. Chairman Fred Watson reviewed the financial situation of the town- ship, and noted that there was a new date for nominations, one month earlier than had been the custom. He stated he thought it would prove advantageous in a- voiding the Christmas rush of act- ivities. Those named, with their mover and seconderare as follows: for reeve, Harvey Coleman (W. Web- ster George Stephenson); deputy reeve, Harvey • Taylor (T. Baird, J. A. McEwen) ; councillors, Ernest Talbot (N. Hood, E. Love) ; John Scotchmer, Jr. (L. Talbot, H. Pen - hale) ; Alvin Rau (P. Durand, C. Rau) ; school trustees, Clifford Henderson (N. Hood, ' S. C. Tal- bot); John McGregor (G. Camer- on, R. Glenn). r SANTA CITY TOYLND eyKi's! u I'm Corning To m GINGEIICU S SANTA CITY TOYLAND ON SATURDAY, DEC. 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. SEW= 1110001M1111 MOO= Parr Line Forum Pear Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Solden. The subject for discussion was, "The Cost of Production—Can We Find It" (1) Cost of production, we have found, varies in individ- ual cases, We could, as labour has, standardize a cost of production. Would you accept an average cost of production figure for the purp- ose of bargaining instead of your own cost of production? Yes, the average cost of production is nec- essary as a guide or measure in order to bargain from. However, in that cost of production is favour- able to half the producers and un- favourable to the other half of the producers who are below it if the price supports were set at the av- erage level. (2) If your answer is yes, then who should determine the average cost of production of your product —government? farm organization? co-operative? board of arbitration? Either government, co-operatives or farm organizations or a united effort of all three, since gathering the information is a costly time consuming job. Government financ- ing or aid would be necessary. Euchre winners were: ladies, Mrs. Keith Love, Miss Margaret Mottsseau; men, Wilfred Mous- seau, Ross Love. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson . _ o --- Unique Forum Unique Farm Forum members held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper on Monday night to dis- cuss the topic "The Cost of Pro- duction—Can We Find It?" Carl Oestreicher led the groups in discussion and the questions were answered as follows. (1) "Would you accept an average cost of production figure for the purpose of bargaining instead of your own cost of production?" Our forum agreed to answer this question in the affirmative. (2) Our forum decided that farm or- ganizations should determine the cost of production. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp with Delbert Geiger as dis- cussion leader. The topic for dis- cussion will be, "Farm Manage- ment,,. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with "God Save The Queen". SANTA CITY TOYL.ND uct 0 0 0 J� 0 FREE TREATS FOR THE CHILDREN — — — — LUCKY DRAW )' ,t;:i Remember The Date -M — — -- Saturday, December 6 AT 0 i o. GINGERICHSALES & sERVlCE v ,� ©NTIAOL 1.1110 YLNVS — ° — — CINV1AO1 A.I.13 .'JAWS 1 Mrs, Earl Gingerich was the I steel cookwear in a recent cross - lucky winner of a set of stainless word puzzle contest. petzetatmatockagegtmematetwagoemocwvz n noa;��� Give Her The —GIFT— That GIFT— That Lasts A Lifetime BEAUTIFUL CEDAR CHESTS Finished In MAHOGANY, WALNUT and NATURAL MADE OF PURE RED CEDAR ORDER NOW! Supply Is Limited ZURICH WOODWORKING SHOP Doug O'Brien * Don Hesse Phone 52J Phone 131 "Custom Built Christmas Gifts" Pa r111.028811111.1317.10121.1. Mae FREE — FOR CHRISTMAS Wth Every Major Admiral Appliance. We will give away a Chest of Christmas Toys SEE THE NEW 1959 ADMIRAL TV NOW GIFT SUGGESTIONS Hobby Craft Sets 40c up CAR TOP CARRIERS PHOTOFLASH BULBS ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES Reg. $14.95 Only $9.95 ELECTRIC MIXERS Reg. $24.95 For $17.95 B.B. GUNS Reg. $10.60 and $9.60 Now only $6.95 and $5.95 GOOEY SINGLE SHOT 12 GUAGE SHOT GUN Reg. $23.95 For $21.95 STEVENS 3 -SHOT REPEATER With Adjustable choke — Reg. $41.25 For $36.25 .222 CALIBRE SAVAGE 5 -SHOT REPEATER Reg. price $61.50 For only $51.50 ARCHERY SET 25 Ib. Bow, with Six Target Arrows, Target, Arm Band, Etc. — Fibreglas. COMPLETE $9.95 35 Lb. Fibreglas Bow, Reg. $12.65 FOR $9.65 28" Broadhead Arrows .... $1.35 28" Target Arrows 40c 26" Target Arrows 35c 20" Target Arrow 29c FOR THE BUDDING SCIENTIST 100, 200, 300 power microscopes, complete with wooden case and slides ONLY $7.95 each K. M. BREAKEY Radio, Television, Sporting Goods and Hobbycraft Phone 110 — Zurich "EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMAN"