HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-12-03, Page 7WEDNSEDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE SEVEN -CLASSII+IED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1%c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE 'SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees. Call Russell Grainger, 60r3, Bay- field. 47-tfb ROTARY HOG FEEDERS and Letz feed grinders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79x12. 46-tfb USED 'Ili ES — in real good con- dition, 2 only size 500-14, 2 only :5.50-15. Apply to Edward Smith, phone Zurich 84r4. 47-8-p RUBBER, STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc., 'phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. FOUR PIECE serving sets, in Wh- ite Orchid, Lady Hamilton, Even- ing Star, and South Seas. Regular $13.50 for only $8.95, at Hess, the Jeweller, Zurich. 47-tfb INNER- SPRING MA1°11t,ESSES 'beds, springs, sinks with taps, and 'traps, shower cabinets, doors, win- dows, inner spring rollaways, and dressers. Apply to Brenner Ho- tel, Grand Bend. 38-tfb MARKET SERVICE COURTESY ickie OF E. I.,M& Son LTD. HENSALL BEANS 6.30 cwt. (plus trucking) WHEAT 1,40 per bus. FEED OATS 62c per bus. MALT BARLEY 1.06 per bus. FEED BARLEY 96c per bus. MIXED GRAIN 60c per bus. SOYA BEANS SHELLED CORN BUCKWHEAT Prices Subject To Change PRINTED COUNTER C&1LCK BOOKS and CONTINUOUS FORMS ;ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS -0b 34 -PIECE SERVICE for eight, Community Silver Plate and South Seas. Regular $87.50, one-third off, only $58.34, at Hess the Jeweller, 47-tfbr,, Zurich. Fast, Courteous, Handling Service STORAGE FACILITIES PHONE HENSALL 103 DEATHS WORKMAN — In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday, November 29, 1958, Thelma Mae Dowson, Varna, widow of the late Percy Workman, in her 55th year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hens - all, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday, December 1, by the Rev. T. J. Pitt. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Auto, Restaurant Equipment and House- hold Effects, Eto., on the Premises, Part of Lot 20, South Boundary, Sarepta Township of Hay, 83 High- way. 11A miles east of Dashwood The Undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by Public Auction on Wednesday, December 10 1958, Commencing at 12.00 o'clock p.m., sharp REAL ESTATE Valuable Real Estate: Consisting of Part of Lot 20, South Boundary, Township of Hay, Half acre of Land on which is situated a Two - Storey brick dwelling, main floor consists of large kitchen; utility room; living and dining room and bedroom. Second floor has 2 bed- rooms; 3 -piece bathroom; large basement and pressure system. This home is completely remodel- ed; nicely situated and in all round new state of repair. Convince your- self by inspecting this property be- fore day of Sale. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on clay of Sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- served bid. Auto: 1950 Dodge Coach, blue in color, radio, seat covers and snow tires. In guaranteed condi- tion, to be offered on day of sale if not previously sold. Restaurant Equipment, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items: 3 - piece chesterfield; dining room suite and chairs; 4 -burner General Electric stove; Thor 4 -burner elec- tric stove; Thor combination wash- er and ironer; General Electric refrigerator; 2 large size space heaters; medium size space heater; annex stove; Bauer player iano, including 125 records; phonograph with records; Singer sewing coach- ing; china cabinet; chest of draw- ers; hall tree; leather rockers; oak rocker; mirrors; kitchen table and chairs; antique rocker; occasional hairs; mantle clock; electric clock; steel table; 2 electric fans; crok- inole board; Williams sewing machine; tri -lights; bedroom lamps; vacuum cleaner; book case; centre tables; 2 Axminster rugs, 8x6; end tables; daybed; 3 -piece oak bedroom suites; 2 steel bed- room suites; oak antique bedroom suite; buffet; toilet set; extra lar- ge variety of fancy dishes; linens; curtain drapes, mats, bedspreads, quilts, comforters, pillows, silver- ware, glassware, antique dishes; assortment of embroidery thread; restaurant dishes; kitchen ut e sils; hot electric toaster and iron; plates; waffle irons; lunch coun- ter; 4 tables; 12 chairs; 12 counter stools; 2 steel utility tables; small sealers; leather swivel chair; fern- ery; lawn chairs; lawn windmill and lighthouse ornaments; bench- es; storm windows; 3 Quebec heat- ers; variety of Door; small fire alarm; garden tools; 2 laundry baskets; 2 power lawn mowers; cellar table; variety of fruit; crocks; sealers, and other misc. items. Due to extra large sale, selling will start at 12 o'clock sharp, with no reserve. TERMS—GASH Estate of late. Norman Cowan, Proprietor Glen Webb, Clerk Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer 47-8-b TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES Everything for the office ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS33-tfb LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%/zc ib., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILB(ERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 148334 or 1148 g_1.. ST. JOSEPH'S-DRYSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mrs. Josephine Ducharme of this same as they are today, but the neighbourhood visited a few days bride's costume differed somewhat. in Goderich the past week with Mr. They always preferred a blue and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey, also gown in those days, keeping in visiting St. Joseph's Convent with mind the old saying, "Dressed in Sister Frances Bourgia, of the blue, will always be true". Motherhouse in London. The Ducharmes well remember Gordon Smith of the Bluewater the day they got married, it was south is building a new cottage a day much like the past few days, on the home place, and has a staff with the weather being cold and of men on the job. The recent windy. Regardless of their years snow and cold has delayed the the Ducharmes are enjoying life work for some time. with good health. Neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pfaff last Thursday to honour Mr. Pfaff on his 64th birthday. The evening was a pleasant one and many good wishes were extended to Mr. Pfaff. After spending a few weeks in Detroit the Misses Lucille and Sherrie Geoffrey returned to their home on the Bluewater south.with Last Thursday, in company the Mernorvidges of Detroit they attended a bazaar at St. James Parish in Walkerton. While there they were the guests of Gerard Geoffrey, who has a large appli- ance store in that town. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masse and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryder, all of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard, of this highway. As it is getting late in the sea- son weather is unpredictable, but according to an old Indian legend their summer comes only after the first snow. This would mean that the snow now on the ground would all disappear. Let us wait and see. Comments Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme of anniversary hof married celebrated their life last November 25. When commenting on the event they have this to say: "Wedding days at that time were mirth different than they are to- day. There were no fast moving limousines to carry the bride and groom over well paved highways. At that time the wedding parade was led by horse drawn vehicle over rather rough and bumpy roads to the parish church, where nuptial ceremonies were perform- ed. Other members of the wedding party who were not so fortunate left a few minutes earlier on foot to be there in time. In the spring and summer there was pleasure in riding along the rough roads, the scenery was bea- utiful along both sides of the road. However the winter was a bit tough for such occasions. Families concerned in the wed- ding would turn out the day be- fore the event and tramp down the snow so it would be passable, and the bridal couple would not be dis- apointed. At that time there were no snow plows in sight. There were no honeymoons in those days, and if the bridal coup- le would want a little privacy they would only go a short dist- ance away. Grooms were garbed much the MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SPRAYING — Gramm, corn, etc. We also do whitewash- ing. William Watson, RR 3, Zu- rich, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 22tifb DRY ()LEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Call Earl Oesoh's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria 2L Ltd., Exeter. FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurioh. Phone Hensall 20 96r2. 18 HOLIDAY GREETINGS — Give mats, we weave them. Also a few for sale. Call Seth Amanns, RR 1, Zurich, phone 128W • 47-8-9-50-b FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMIN- ation service or more information, telephone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton HU 2-3441 Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Ho, Brown Swiss, Ayr- shire, Guernsey, Poll, Hereford (polled and horn- ed) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Short- negtnholaise5t edsThosis low. 4b WANTED ABOUT 10 HEAD of cattle to feed for the winter. Call Menno Martin, phone 698r31, Hensall. 47b .Large Furnace CLARE-H7ECLA 28" All Steel Air Conditioning Coal or Wood `Suitable for church, school, hall or large home. Very reasonable in price Can be seen in operation G.E. PT?S4 BRANGE urner "Gingerich's Sales and Service Zurich 34 'LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL, thoroughbred, apure h , only 10 months weighs e l , also lbs. bred York hog, g s. ArAp- ply to Earl Gingeric'h, phone490 90r7,, 'Zurich. Treasurer's Sale of LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County 1. of Huron "TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Hu- ron under his hand and the seal of the said corporati gustea 958, date of 12th day saleheof o landsnf Hu on will be helears of taxes d the County at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m. in the Court House on the 9th day of December 1958 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the On- tario Gazette on the 5th day of Seies of ,tember the said list 8may b, ande had athat my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held at the above office on the 16th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1958, (Signed) J. G. BERRY, Treaasur b when you REALLY !ARL REMEMBER HER AT CHRISTMAS With Floral Arrangements or Potted Plants from VANDALS AXE POLE (Exeter Times -Advocate) Telephone service on a Kirk - ton line was out during the night last week when vandals chopped down a pole with an axe. The pole was split about three feet off the ground. Workmen put the line in order the follow- ing morning. Officials believe the same group pulled out a number of traffic signs along the Exeter-Kirkton road. Stop signs and a checker- board were among the markers down in the morning. , NETE'S Flower Shop. y «e1111111111110m RECEPTION and DANCE For Mr, & Mrs. James Wild (Nee Gail Shearing) in the Community Centre ZURICH 011 SATURDAY, DEC. 6 Music By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome 46-7-b ismiumumenimmummourpeownemiromummi Joseph F. Foster Joseph Francis Foster passed a- way suddenly at his home in Zu- rich on Saturday, November 29, in his 80th year. Prior to his mov- ing to Zurich some years ago he had farmed in Hay Township. His wife pre -deceased him last spring. Surviving are one son, William Watson, Zurich; a brother, Nicho- las, Seaforth; Sister Mary Erica, Wisconsin, and four grandchildren. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home until Monday, when Requiem High Mass was sung at 10 a.m. in. St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich. Interment was made in the ad- joining cemetery, Rev, Father Doyle officiated. ZURICH LIONS nnu l wi BINGO ii o+.no�oe••40 CMMUNITY CENTRE -a-.-.-.- e-+-4--. a o. a► a Dec. 0 25 TURKEYS for $2.00