HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-26, Page 5WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE FIVE Zurich Branch of British and Foreign Bible Society Hears London Minister The annualmeeting of the Zur- ich Branch of the British and For- eign Bible Society was held at the Blake A. Mennonite Church, on Sunday evening, November 23, with the pastor, Rev. E. Gingerich, in charge. The Chorister, Mr. Stanley Gingerich, led in the sing- ing of two hymns. Rev, 0. Win- ter, pastor of St. Peter's Luther- an Church, led in prayer. The. Scripture lesson was read by Rev. A. Martin, pastor of the Zurich Mennonite Church. Two numbers were rendered by an Octette, com- prised of the following, Rebecca Steckle, Grace and Joy Erb, and Mrs. Steve Gingerich, Stanley Gingerich, Calvin Gingerich, Irvin Martin and Elton Bender. The president of the Zurich Bible Society, Menno Steckle, gave a short address, urging all to give their hearty support to the work of the society. Neil Gingerich pre sented the treasurer's report. Mil- ton Oesch, chairman of the nomin- ating committee, gave his report. The following were elected as of- ficers for the year 1958-59: presi- dent, Menno Steckle; vice-presi- dents, The Zurich Clergy, secre- tary, treasurer, Neil Gingerich. The hymn, "An Open Bible " was sung. Rev. J. C. Thompson, London, brought an inspiring mes sage on the work of the Bible Society. Rev, A. M. Arnacher, pas tor of Emmanuel Evangelical Un- ited Brethern Church, commission ed the collectors, who had been appointed. Rev. S. Bacchler, pro- nounced the Benediction. After the service, a film was shown. This was entitled, "The leaves of the trees.' It showed how the Scripture verse is proven to be true, "The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations." SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF . TIMEX WATCHES For Boys, Ladies, and Men AS LOW AS $7.95 CHROMEX — extra loud double bell alarm docks, only $4.95 SALUTE ALARM CLOCKS, only $2.75 ZURIC DELUXE CUFF LINKS and TIE BAP Reg. 4.50 value, only .... $1.95 The Ideal gift for the man on your list Come in and Brouse 'PIETY ST RE Around See our many gift items EepaiiMMOSP SANTA Give Her Glamour In A Fashion Holiday Sweater SHRUGS $3.95. I Fancy Braided TRIM SHRUGS $4.95 Botany Wool Pullovers $2.98 Orlon Pullovers $3.98 Full Fashioned Orlon Pullovers $4.98 !icon -Lon Pullovers $5.95 Orlon Cardigans $5.50 Botany Wool Cardigans $4.50 Orlon Cardigans, with fancy trim Ban -Lon Cardigans $8.95 $7.95 Long Sleeve Pullover $7.95 Cardigan $8.95 EXTRA FINE ALL WOOL ENGLISH SWEATERS 0 EXTRA SPECIAL ... 1 doz. only --- Orlon Cardigan with fancy trim sizes 16 & 18 only, coral, blue, red and cognac WHILE THEY LAST ..,. $3.50 Gascho Bros. "THE CHRISTMAS STORE" Zurich — Phone 59 At The Library Among the books at present in circulation is a most amusing satire on the "class" system in England. Among the impoverish- ed gentry of The Village, 18 -year- old Margaret Trevor is the only one with "no sense of class." Her love for a working-class man brings on a state of affairs which, to us, is almost hilarious, but which, to her parents and the gentry in general, is impossible to accept. This state of affairs soon involves virtually everyone in the village. "The Village" by Laski. 0 Old Forge Sold B1ackies To Farm (By our Bayfield Correspondent) Thomas Blackie has sold "The Old Forge" to Fred. rester, Listo- wel, who gets possession the first of December. Mr. Blackie purchased the pro- perty in April 1952 from Ronald MacKay, Toronto. The following year, he added a dance hall to the restaurant. It has remained closed for the past two seasons. Mr. and Mrs. BIackie will be missed from the corner of the Blue Water Highway and Bay field Concession Road where they have resided and operated a res- taurant since they took over the property. With their son Murray they will move to their farm on the Bayfield Concession Road South, which was purchased from Harry Reid in 1956. Mr. Blackie has had the residence completely renovated and modernized, 0 Parr Line Forum Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adkins on Monday night with a good attendance. This was a Fourth Night and the discussion was "Rural Urban Night" on surpluses. This forum believes if big busi- ness would stay out of farming, and farming be left to the farmers, we would not have such surpluses. Farm organizations should investi- gate the problems, Federation etc. We congratulate Nova Scotia on the system they have of process- ing their own meat (Abattoir). We believe this to be a step in the right direction. Winners of euchre: ladies, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. Glen Weido; men, Eldon Jarrott, Wilfred Mous- se au. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan. Counter Check Books on Sale at Citizens News Treasurer's Sale of LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County of Huron TO WIT By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Hu- ron under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date of 12th day of August 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office ;t the hour of 2.00 p.m. in the Court House on the 9th day of December 1958 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the On- tario Gazette on the 5th day of September 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be held at the above office on the 96th day of December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1958. (Signed) J. G. BERRY, Treasurer 38 -yob Building Removed One of the oldest houses in Zur- ich has been torn down during the past week. The Zimmerman home was purchased from Norman Gas cho by Earl Gingerich and the en- tire building has been dismantled. At an auction sale recently Mr. Gingerich purchased the former Laura Weido residence, and in- tends to renovate the home in the near future. ZURICH HNS PRESENTS Grand TURKEY RAFFLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 ZURICH TOWN HALL 9.00 p.m, BEVIES OF BEAUTEOUS BIRDS VALUABLE DOOR PRIZE LOTS OF F U N FREE ADMISSION SEYOUG THIELS SYOU BETTER MORE SPECIALS - Thursday ® Friday - Saturday MAPLE LEAF RED SOCKEYE SALMON 2 tans 85c Save 12c YORK FANCY CREAM CORN 2 - 20 oz. tins Sac DOLES FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz. tins 33c PILLSBURY WHITE CAKE MIX 2 - 16 oz. pkgs. 65c SEALARK FANCY TOMATO ..DICE Large 48 oz. tins 29c McCORMICKS SODA CRACKERS 1 Ib. Boxes 35c EATS MAPLE LEAF WEINER& 2 lbs. for - - - - 85c PEA MEAL COTTAGE ROLL, 1/2 Cryovac - 55c lb. SCHNEIDER'S SMOKED SAUSAGE - 59c lb. FREE DRAW With every purchase of $2.00 or more, customers will receive a free chance on Two Beautiful Dolls, 30" high, valued at $27,95 each. Draw will be made an Saturday, December 20. SEE THE DOLLS ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE Kinsmen Bingo Cards Can Be Purchased at Our Store Numbers Daily in London Free Press CHECK OUR ADV. IN THE LONDON FREE PRESS On THURSDAYS for FRUIT—VEGETABLES WEEKEND SPECIALS AGENTS FOR MID -TOWN CLEANERS Monday -- Thursday -- Saturday Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich