HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-26, Page 1ZUR
No. 46
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Friday -Nomination Day In Zurich
For Village ,and Township Councils
Friday is nomination day in Zu-
rich, and it is everyone's duty as
ratepayers to attend these meet-
ings. In the afternoon from one
to two o'clock, nominations will
be accepted for the positions of
reeve, deputy -reeve, and council-
lors for the Township of Hay. Af-
ter the nominations close the var-
ious candidates will have a chance
to say a few words to the elect-
From seven to eight at night
the tax -payers in the Village of
Zurich will have the privilege of
nominating candidates for trustees
in the village. After the nomina-
tions close the candidates nominat-
ed will also have a chance to
In the Township of Stanley the
nomination will be held in the
Township Hall in Varna in the aft-
ernoon, from one to two o'clock,
on the same day.
It is the duty of everyone to
FIRST CANDIDATE to qualify after the nomination
at Hensall on Friday night was Mrs. Minnie Noakes, who
is shown here with Clerk James Patterson,as she signed
her papers after the meeting. By qualifying,
Noakes is the first woman candidate to ever seek election
in the village. Later she was joined in her bid for a
council seat by another lady, Mrs. Edna (Citiens NewsSangster.
attend these meetings and voice
their approval or disapproval with
the way their representatives have
conducted the business for the
past year.
linters Retunt lioine With `e :r, Wolf
And Deer 3 aken At Manitoulin Island
The deer hunters are all home age on Monday, and attracted a
now, and the two last groups to large number of viewers.
return had a successful trip. A
group of 12 men, which included
John Robinson, Jack Bannister,
Leroy O'Brien, Herb Mousseau,
and Jim Parkins had the best luck
of any group around here, coming
home with eight deer, a big black
bear, a wolf, and a fox.
Another group consisting of Len
Prang, Ross Johnston, Bob Mc-
Kinley and Edgar Steinback also
returned on Sunday. They were
fortunate enough to bring home
three deer. Both groups were
hunting on Manitoulin Island, a-
bout 25 miles from each other.
John Robinson had the pleasure
of shooting the bear which is
probably one of the largest ones
ever brought to Zurich. When
asked if he was excited at the
time, John replied, "No, I just
kept on shooting at him so often
that I knew he couldn't possibly
live. The first shot I fired would
probably have killed him, but I
really wanted to make sure."
Shooting a bear is what a hunt-
er calls a thrill of a lifetime.
The big brush wolf was shot by
Elzar Mousseau, Kippen, who was
also in the party. There is a $25
bounty on wolves in Manitoulin
The bear, wolf, and deer were on
display at Mousseau-Parkins gar-
CWL Asks Guests
For December 1
The Catholic Women's League
of St. Boniface Parish will hold
their meeting on Decemebr 1, in
the Township Hall. The St. Jos-
eph's CWL have been invited to
Mrs. William Seibert will dem-
onstrate kitchen gadgets, along
with ideas for Christmas.
There will be a gift exchange at
this meeting.
Caretakers Hired
For Hay Schools
All the caretakers of schools
the Hay Township School Area
will have their contracts renewe
for another year, it was decided
at the regular meeting of the
board last Wednesday night. The
board is well satisfied with the job
being done by the' people in char.
ge;: and feel there is • no : reaSon
make any changes for another
In other business the board ap-
dooron number 12 school on the
14th concession.
12 Pages
Move To Zurich
Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas
and family have moved from their
former residence to the home they
have purchased from the Yung-
blut estate, in the north part of
Zurich. Mr. Joe Regier has moved
to the farm where the Gelinas
family were living.
Stiff Battle For Reeve In Hensall,
Two Women Run For Cot minors
A stiff election battle is shaping
up for the office of reeve and four
councillors in the village of Hen
sail.. Two men have qualified for
the position of reeve, and five mer:
and two women have qualified for
council seats. Nomination was
Sample Lights In
Zurich Soon
Several new sample street-
lights are to be installed in the
village of Zurich in the very
near future, according to in-
formation received from one
of the trustees on Monday. A
company is offering to install
several of the new style lights
to see if they are satisfactory
for the requirements of the
If the council finds the
lights to be suitable it is ex-
pected they will have them
installed on the main streets
of the village. Many neigh-
bouring towns have recently
invested in the new type of
lights, which they claim use
less hydro power than the old
held in the Hensall town hall last
Friday night.
Veteran reeve Norman Jones is
being opposed in his bid for re-
election by a former council mem-
ber, Gordon Schwalm. This pro.
mises to be a real battle, as work-
ers for both men are carrying on a
stiff campaign.
Women Candidates
There is something new in mun-
icipal politics in Hensall this year.
Two women are seeking seats in
the village council. Nominated at
the meeting on Friday night were:
Mrs. Leonard Noakes and Mrs.
Edna Sangster. Other nominees
who qualified are: brothers John
and Bob Baker, John Lavender.
John Henderson and Lorne Hay.
Mr. Henderson and Mr. Lavender
are both former members of the
council, while the rest are all new-
comers to the field. Mrs. Noakes
was the first candidate who signed
up to run for the office.
In other nominations at the
meeting Leonard Noakes, Roy
Campbell, and Howard Scene were
elected to the school board by ac •
Walter Spencer was returned to
the Public Utilities by acclamat•
(continued on page 12)
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EER. This
hunters from Zurich had the best luck of
e d striaBLACKo BEAR, event hunts Strip o ManitoulingIsland f They were five of a group of 2 hunters who were
in the district on their recent g P Jahn Robinson, who
at the same camp. Shown here, with the wolf, bear and deer Fprk Parkins, OBr n and Jack Bannister.
had the honour of shooing the bear, and his son Tommy, (Citizens News Photo)