Zurich Citizens News, 1958-11-19, Page 6Mrs. Earl Heywood, Wingham
was a visitor in Zurich this past
Mrs. Anne Sauve, Scarborough,
was a weekend visitor with friends
in this district.
Miss Gloria Deitz, London, was
a weekend visitor with her par-
ents in Zurich.
Miss Meda Surerus, Toronto, en-
joyed the past weekend visiting
with friends in Zurich.
Mr, and Mrs. J. McDonagh,
Lucknow, were Friday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz.
Kenneth Weido, London, spent
the weekend at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido.
Miss Mary Geiger, London, was
a weekend visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger.
Edward Deichert, Sarnia, was a
weekend visitor in Zurich with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Gordon Hess, Lloyd O'Brien and
Gordon Surerus spent a few days
last week deer hunting in the
Shwanega district.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cressman
and family, Moorefield, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Gengerich.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson
and family, St. Thomas, were
weekend visitors with friends and
Mrs Thiel and family Mr. Jacob
relatives in Zurich. !Fischer, Dashwood, spent the day
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beynon and: at Rader's. helping to celebrate
family, Ingersoll, were recent vis- Carol's 13th birthday.
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Geiger and family. Attend Funeral
Miss Kathleen Hess, R.N., Lon -
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz atten-
don, spent several days last weekded the funeral of the late Dr.
at the home of her parents, Mr. y Harold Pink in London last Thurs-
and Mrs. Albert Hess. day. Dr. Pink died suddenly in
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer Cleveland, Ohio, and was in his
chy spent a day last week in
Lucknow visiting with Rev. and
Mrs. Gordon Geiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith,
George, Jimmie, Jean, Helen and
Bobbie spent Sunday in Water -
down visiting with their daughter,
Sister M. Laurene, at Notre Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler,
Keith, Lynda and Dianne were in
Toronto for a few days attending
the Royal Winter Fair, also visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koehler.
Birthday Party
A number of friends gathered
at the home of Clayton Ortwein
last Friday night to celebrate
Clayton's 50th birthday. During
the course of the evening a suit-
able gift was presented to Clayton
from the gathering.
Calls Home
Mrs. Charles Thiel and Mrs.
Lorne Rader received a telephone
call on Sunday from their sister
Mary Mae, who is in Calgary, Al-
berta. Their sister reported that
there was a lot of snow out in Al-
The main reason for the call
was to wish Carol a happy birth-
day. which they were celebrating
on Sunday. Along with Mr. and
and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer were
visitors over the weekend in
Woodbridge and Toronto.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Thiel were Mr. and
Mrs. H. Dodge and daughter and
granddaughter, all of London.
Lorne Amacher, student at Wes-
tern University, London, was a
weekend visitor at the home of his
parents, Rev. A. M. Amacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile and
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, Exeter,
spent a few days with relatives
in Lorain and Youngstown, Ohio.
Miss Gloria Gingerich, nurse at
Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, sp-
ent the weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Edward MacMurchy, Seaman,
Saskatchewan, was a recent visit-
or at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Geiger and other relatives
in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger, Del-
bert Geiger and Edward MacMur-
55th year.
Mrs, Pink was the former Hazel
Fritz, who spent her childhood in
Zurich. A son George Edward, To-
ronto, and a daughter Judith, Mrs.
Peter Weggeman, Sarnia, also sur-
Funeral rites were from the
George E. Logan funeral chapel.
in London, with interment in
Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Evangehcal Church Women Guests
resbyterian Ladies in IIensall
The W.S.W.S. of Emmanuel
E.U.B. Church was entertained by
the WMS of the Presbyterian Ch-
urch, Hensel', on Friday, Novem-
ber 14 The president, Mrs. S. Dou-
gall presided. After, the invocation,
the hymn 'Fight the Good Fight"
was sung. Mrs. B. Edwards ]ed
in prayer for peace. The Scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. S. Mc-
Queen. Mrs. H. Snell read a medi-
tation of Remembrance Day. Mrs.
Robert Madge played a piano solo,
"Rock of Ages", in memory of
soldiers who had given their lives
for us in two world wars. Mrs.
Malcolm Dougall introduced the
speaker, Mrs. Van Farow of Ex-
The guest speaker gave a very
inspiring message on the things
we should remember. She took
eight important„ Remembers”
from the Bible. Mrs. R. MacLaren
thanked the speaker. Mrs. J. Love
read a poem, "Lest we Forget".
The hymn, Peace, Perfect Peace",
was sung, and the meeting was
closed with prayer. Mrs. S. Doug-
all thanked all who took part in
Girl Guide News
(By Ruth Clausius)
The Girl Guides held their reg-
ular meeting in the town hall last
Thursday night, starting with the
horse-shoe formation, the Queen,
a prayer and then the Guide's Pro-
The girls went to their patrol
corners and studied their second
hand tests. The meeting closed
with taps. Carol Erb is the new
Lieutenant of the Girl Guides.
The next regular meeting of the
Zurich Girl Guides will be held
on Thursday night at 8 p.m.
Kippen East W.I.
Euchre and Dance
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
Kippen East Womens Institute
held a successful euchre and dance
last Friday night in the Town
Hall. Winners of euchre were:
ladies, Mrs. Doug Wilson, Sea-
forth; Mrs. Verne Alderdice, Kip -
pen; Mrs. J. Pethick, Seaforth;
gentlemen, Lorne Hay, Glenn Bell,
James McNaughton. Lucky lunch
prize was won by Mrs. J. Pethick,
Christmas Mailing Schedule Set
Overseas Parcels N eed Declaration
Mailing a Christmas parcel to a
friend or relative in the Canadian
armed forces overseas? You'll save
yourself a lot of extra steps if you
make certain you have complied
with the regulations.
Increased Christmas mailings
have led post office officials to
warn that parcels will not be ac -
Coming to
BayFeId Baptist Church
Dr. Bob Oughton
Greencastle, Indiana, U.S.A.
to conduct an
Evangelist Camp u:,ign
Nov. 19 to Nov. 30
Meetings every evening at
8 p.m.
Except Saturdays
Dr. Robert Oughton is a former
weightlifting champion and record
When Dr. Oughton renounced
the applause of the world for his
achievements in sports, he entered
a seminary to study for the min-
istry, and became very active in
the field of evangelism, preaching
in Japan, the Ph llipines, the Un.
ited States and Canada. He has
been used extensively in Youth for
Christ work, conferences a n d
youth rallies.
The People and Pastor of Bayfield Baptist Church
extend to all a cordial invitation to come and hear this
gifted servant of God.
cepted by the post office unless
Customs Declaration Form 91B
has been filled out and attached
to the parcel. They're available at
the customs office.
Postmasters again this year •will
approach business firms with a re-
quest to withhold large mailings
of calendars, catalogues and other
third class natter during the
Christmas rush period. Officials
said that agreement of business
firms to postpone large mailings
has been a big help in past years.
November is the mailing month
for surface mail of all kinds to
countries on the other side of the
Atlantic or to Pacific lands.
Christmas parcels must be in
the local post office by Wednesday,
November 19, for delivery to Euro-
pean countries and by Saturday,
November 22, to the United King-
dom. The deadline for parcels to
Australia and New Zealand is past.
Cards or letters going surface
mail must be mailed by November
26 for Europe, November 29 for
the United Kingdom and by Nov-
ember 22 for Fiji. Airmail cards or
letters must be in the post office
by December 12 for Europe,
December 15 for Britain, Dec-
ember 8 for Australia and Decem-
ber 9 for New Zealand, December
10 for Japan.
Q. How can I fry oysters prop-
A. When frying oysters, first
wash and drain them. Season
with salt and 'pepper, dip in flour,
egg, and then cracker crumbs. Fry
until golden brown in hot fat, then
drain well and garnish with pars-
aayt or le non.
the program. Miss Hannah Murray
expressed the thanks of the Arnold
Mission Circle for the privilege of
attending the service. Mrs. Del-
bert Geiger did likewise for the
members of the W.S.W.S. from Zu-
rich. The ladies of the Presbyter-
ian Church served a delicious lun-
ch at the close of the meeting.
Counter Check
Books on Sale at
Citizens News
Wednesday, Nov. 19-
8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Gingerich. Doctrinal
studies on "What God is
like", by the pastor.
Sunday, Nov. 23-
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service
All Are Welcome
Rev. O. Winter. Pastor
Mrs. J. Turkheim, A.•T.O.M.,
Sunday Services
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service.
11.15 a.m.—Bible Class and Sun-
day School (all ages).
Sweet is the solemn voice that
The Christian to the House of
I love to stand within its walls,
For thou, 0 Lord, are present
Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist
Wednesday, Nov. 19-
8.00 p.m.—Bible Study and
Prayer Service.
Sunday, Nov. .23-
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a.m—Sunday School
Evening Service is withdrawn
Sentence Sermon: "We would
not change man's idea, but
man's ideals."
We welcome all to worship with
Rubber Stamps
of every description
Stamp Pads
Sold by
Zurich Citizens News
Was in the beginning, was with God, was God John 1: 1
Was made flesh, and dwelt among us Jiro. 1: 14
Shall not pass away Matt,. 24: 35
Is quick and powerful Heb. 4: 12
Is sharper than any two-edged sword Heb. 4: 12
Cleanses and reconciles men to God ' Jno. 15: 2,
II Cor, 5:19
Should be kept (Be ye doers of the Word) .... James 1: 22
If despised brings destruction Prov. 13:13
Should be preached Tim. 4:2
Jno. 3:
Gives Life 1 1 1
For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God:
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life Jno. 3: 34, 36
Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Co , mittee
Annual Meetin
of the
will be held in the
on Sunday, November 23
at 7,30 p.m.
REV. J. C. THOMPSON, London, the district secretary,
will be the guest speaker
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