Zurich Citizens News, 1958-11-19, Page 4PAG:; FOUR
(By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley)
took a strong stand. Never mind
what stand, as long as it was
strong. One week, for example,
it could come out solidly in favour
of higher salaries for teachers, and
lower necklines for women. The
next issue could carry a resound-
ing attack on the rising cost of
education, and a demand for a
firmer attitude toward indecent ex-
So often am I aware of my own
failings as a weekly editor that I
can't help pondering on the make-
up of the ideal editor. He, of
course, is the editor of the weekly
newspaper that pleases all its sub-
K * s
I have yet to see the issue ap-
pear that pleased more than a min-
ute portion of my readers. If the
teachers aren't after me, the prea-
chers are. If the temperance peo-
ple aren't gunning for me, the ho-
telkeepers are roaring with pain
over some fancied slight. If the
dog owners aren't urging me to
partisanship, the garden lovers
are down on me for not demand-
ing an open season on canines.
s :s ,a
The ideal weekly editor would
have to combine the forebearance
of St. Francis with the raw cour-
age of Joan of Arc, the perspicuity
of Plato with the cunning of Mach-
iavelli, the eloquence of Demos
thenes with the foresight of Moth-
er Shipton.
* * 8'
That's what makes it so diffi-
cult. You just don't find too many
people around with all those at•
tributes rolled up in one hide. You
get one fellow with a brain like
a polished blade, and he hasn't
the guts to do any slashing with
it. You find another editor with
the furious courage of a wounded
wild buffalo, and just about as
much insight. Still another Wil)
have a pen like a whiplash, and
spend all his time flogging dead
Admitting, then, that ideal
weekly editors are non-existent
what would the ideal weekly paper
be like? First of all, it would
have an editorial page that always
a * .tt
For the ghouls and gossips, of
course, the ideal weekly would
carry several columns of court
cases, hints of wife -beating, sug-
gestions of teenage orgies and al-
lusions to all manner of like delic-
acies. No names, of course. But
everyone would know who was
meant, when the paper ran an item
like: "The garbage collectors are
complaining because the garbage
cans at the home of a certain pil-
lar of the church who lives on
Maple St., are so loaded with em-
pty whiskey bottles they can hard-
ly lift them."
For avid readers of the "pers-
onals," of course, the ideal weekly
would have a new approach. No
more of this dull "Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Salt of Westvale called on
relatives in town this week." That's
not news. The ideal personal item
would pack a lot more punch and
convey a lot more inforamtion. U:
would read something like this:
* :*
"Mr. and Mrs. Peter Salt (nee
Jennie "Red" Pepper, daughter of
Mrs. Malachi Pepper and the late
Malachi who used to live in the
old Squash place till it caught fire
in that lightning storm four years
ago and Malachi was burnt up
trying to get central on the line)
of Westvale, where they have been
living since Peter ( a son of Mr.
t _
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and Mrs. Rociffield Salt, former line, would undoubtedly have gone
through the opposing team like
spit through .a tin horn, and
scored." There'd be columns and
columns of this behind -the -scenes
colour for the sports enthusiast,
Our ideal weekly, of course
wouldn't neglect important social
news, like weddings. Instead of
the present fashion of limiting
wedding write-ups to a mere, bare
curt outline about three-quarters
of a column long that gives only
the most brief and perfunctory
tescription of things, the idea'
,•vedding write-up would have some
meat on its bones. It would give
a full description of the bride's
costume, instead of a skimpy
couple of parapraphs. It would
carry a complete list of the wed•
ding gifts and the wedding guests.
And it would carry in full the
many charming and witty toasts
proposed at the reception.
* * *
I have more, many more, ideas
about what the ideal weekly
should carry. But I am so sensi-
residents here before they moved
to the County Home) took a posit-
ion there in the undertaking par•
lours after some years employed
here in George McLean's body re-
pair shop, visited this week with
Jennie's mother, and called on her
sister Annie, married to that new
German fellow on the tenth con
cession." See what I mean T
You've got to get some life into
those personals.
* *
In the ideal weekly, the sports
fan too, would be looked after.
No more of 'this dull chronicling
of who got how many hits or scor-
ed how many goals. There'd be
more of the real, roaring excite-
ment of the game, like: "In the
third period, responding to the
pleas of the fans. Joe McDrool
rose to new heights as he picked
up the puck behind his own net,
circled with the speed of an ex-
press train, started up the ice like
a jet plane, and had he not had
the sheer bad luck to run into one
of his own defencemen at the blue
tive about my own shortcomings
as an editor that it is too painful to
go on. And I know my fellow pub-
lishers are hanging their heads in
shame, too. Or is it horror?
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