HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-19, Page 2PACE TWO ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1958 ZURICH edifeas NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, for the Police Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern part of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa A. L. COLQUHOUN HERB. M. TURKREIM Publisher Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. Subscriptions payable Zuricch, Ontario, orgeto Zurich district corer sponden149, Business t Box WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1958 THE LAST ADVERTISEMENT AN IMAGINATIVE writer has pictured the conditions which would exist after the last advertisement was printed. You have cut it out and put it away to show your grand- children. With it, a way of living as you knew it, has passed forever. Tonight you willwant to see a movie. Pull up to one—saw it last week. At another—but no, you don't like it. So-and- So's acting. Let's go home. It's too much gas and time to waste on a show. Next month half of the theatres will close, Poor attendance. Tomorrow you will want some groceries. You will go to the nearest grocery store and buy some. Rib roast, perhaps, and lima beans. You won't hear until tomorrow night at the bridge table that the store just next door was having a "special" on rib roast and lima beans. Pretty soon your husband will wonder why the food bills are so high. The last advertisement was printed yesterday. Next month is Aunt Jane's birthday. Well if you think I'm going to spend a day tramping from store to store looking for a gift that I used to find by turning a page—can't afford gifts anyway. We're spending money like water and living like poor folks... . Old car's wearing out. Can't afford a new one . . Chevies and Fords are both $3,500. . demand fallen off . they've had to up prices to meet plant expenses. Most of the others have closed down ... don't know how the government will feed all the new unemployed. Fellow in Montreal is inventing color television to sell for $50. No one will hear of it. You will never see it. What is colour television anyway? The last advertisement was printed yester- day. Advertising has brought us many things. Finnier cars, better homes, silly fads and wonderful inventions that have made life easier—and longer. Advertising is no unmixed blessing. But it has helped give Canada a standard of living unmatched ;n any other place and time. That standard of living should persist as long as people have wants to fill and money to spend and eyes. to read with. It will persist only so long as the presses keep rolling. That spells it out, doesn't it? CHANCE FOR ERROR THE EDITOR OF a small weekly was severely criticized because of an error appearing in his paper, and in the next issue he had this to say about it: "Yes, we know there were some errors in last week's paper, We will further agree that there were some errors in the issue of the week before, but before bawling us out too unmercifully about it, we want to call your attention to these facts: "In an ordinary newspaper column are 10,000 letters, and there are seven possible wrong positions for each letter, making 70,000 chances to make errors and several million chances for transpositions. There are 48 columns in this paper, so you can readily see the chances for mistakes. Did you know that in the sentence, "to be or not to be," by transposition alone, 2,759,022 errors can be made? Now aren't you sorry you got mad about that little mistake last week?" NOMI,,- TI POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH PUBLIC NOTICE k Hereby Given That a Meeting of Electors of the Police Village of Zurich will be held in the Town H • Il, Zurich on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1958 at the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening For the Purpose of Nominating Candidates for Police Trustees for the Village of Zurich for the year 1959 When a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomination Paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. And if a Poll is Demanded, a Poll will be opened on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8,1958 At The Town Hall, Zurich Said Poll to be Open from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. H. W. Brokenshire, .Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 11, 1958 44-5-6-b Letters to the Editor THANK YOU DEAR EDITOR: As a subscriber who has enjoyed all the features of the Zurich Citi- zens News, I was pleased to see the familiar Recipe Box once again in the paper. We homemakers assume the ladies interests are not complete without the informative and inter- esting column, "The Needlepoint' . Welcome back Mrs. Turkhiem, and may we read Mrs. Siebert's weekly suggestions in the very near future. Yours sincerely, —"TOWN HOMEMAKER" DECORATE YOUR HOMES DEAR FELLOW CITIZENS: Christmas as you know is now less than six weeks away. What are you going to do about it? You don't know. Well, I know what you can do about it, you can help beautify Zurich for Christmas. How ? By decorating your homes and business places outside and in- side. How? Well, some of you citizens have evergreen trees out- side your homes, so put Christmas lights in them just like you do in your Christmas tree. If you, the individual citizens, try hard enough to make Zurich ready for Christ- mas you can make our little town look just like Lambeth or even better. So put your heads to gether, fellow citizens, and start getting Zurich ready for the Yule- tide season. What! Start getting ready for Christmas already, you must be crazy. No, I'm not crazy, so start right now because it's not too early to get Christmas decorations out. Well, if you don't believe me, al) you have to do is go to the city and find that they have started their Christmas decorating al- ready. There is even one lady in Zurich who has put up Christmas decorations in her home that you can see when walking or driving down Main Street. Even I, the writer of this letter, will be start- ing to help beautify Zurich in the first week of December, or before It is never too early to think about Christmas because on Sat- urday, November 15, Toronto al- ready bad its Santa Claus Parade. "Christmas Comes Again" Christmas comes again, and the merry, merry church bells ring. Christmas comes again, loud the happy little children sing. Now, "Glory be to God on high", re- sounds once more thro' earth and sky; For Christmas comes again, And the merry, merry church bells ring, Christmas comes again, Loud the happy Little children sing. Start thinking now how you, the citizen can help make Zurich be merry and bright for Christmas. Start decorating Zurich during the first week of December at the latest. —A FELLOW CITIZEN. 0 Sewing Circle Will Send Quilt Away For Relief The women of the Blake Men. nonite Church held their Sewing Circle meeting in the basement of the church last Wednesday after- noon. The meeting was in charge of their president, Mrs. Roy Gin- gerich, The devotions, taken from Matt- hew 5: 43-48, were in charge of Mrs. Harold Zehr. The secretary. Miss Dorothy Erb, read the min. utes of the last meeting, and lunch was served by the members of the social committee. A quilt was made and some oth- er sewing done, which will all be sent away for relief. 0 BACK IN PRODUCTION (Wingham Advance -Times) Certain characters have a way of creeping back into' this coliutnn time after' time. One- of these 'is "Snooker," the cat at Cameron's billiard parlor. Snooker recently came forth with her 90th kitten, a record in any mother's life. ATTENTION - FARMERS • MILK • EGGS • CREAM POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich TENDERS For Manager and Caretaker Of Hay Township Community Centre Duties to start at once. All tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by 8 p.m., November 22, 1958. For further information regarding duties expected, contact either the chairman or secretary of the Board. ARNOLD MERNER, FERD HABERER, Chairman 4 vats • Om o Secretary Meeting of the Arena Board will be held on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, AT 8 p.m. Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS INSURANCE ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, E.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRdISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4 DOCTORS Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday Evenings ZURICH Phone 51 G. A. WEBB, ®.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Ezcept Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-9 For Appointmet -- Phone 606 DENTISTS DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON. L.D.S., D.D.S. • . Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon• Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETT . L.D.S,, D.AD.S. DENTAL SUIiiGEON • 814 Main Street South Phone 273 -- Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurances—Call BERT KLOPP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 1 or 2 YEARS — 33A% 3, 4 and 5 YEARS — 4% J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 --- Zurich FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH HOFFMAN'S .Funeral & Ambulance Service OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulances located at Dashwood Phone 70w Grand Bend—Phone 20w Attendants Holders of St. John's Ambulance Certificates PIANO -TUNING a REPAIRING Alf. Denomme R.R. 2, Zurich, ph,. 95r12