HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-05, Page 11I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1958 ZURICH H COitizeens NEWS ST. JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE '(AL, •FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mrs. Morley Fournier and two week with her parents, Mr. and • children, London, are spending a Mrs. Ed Corriveau, of this high- way, while Mr, Fournier, in com- pany with friends from London is spending the week hunting in the northern woods. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and sons Cyril and Bobbie were Sunday evening visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duch- arme. Gerard Geoffrey, Walkerton, r• ') ! spent Sunday at the home of his mother and other members of the family on the Blue Water south. Mrs. James Masse, St. Joseph, motored to Toronto recently, and on her return was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J. Moir, who resides in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryder and family, London, were weekend vis - )\‘\fWF14 e %ue coal►, FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT AH Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Locker Service—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Hensall Before "WINTER" Is Here .. Insure Dependable Warmth With (LAE HECLA OIL OR COAL F RNACES SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY! Is Your Coal Bin Still Empty? PHONE IN YOUR ORDER—FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Stctde!& Weido Hardware Zurich -- Phone 92 Plumbing o4 Heating e, Hardware OPENING DANCE of the NEWSEASON will be held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH o� Friday, Nov. 14 Dancing 10 - 1.30 Dancing Every Friday Night UNTIL NEXT SPRING Music Supplied By DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club itors with Mrs. Ryder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ducharme, Drysdale, and Mr. and Mrs: An- thony Rau left on Friday for De- troit, where they plan on spend- ing the weekend with relatives and friends. Leonard Sopha, Detroit, and Philip Sopha, Windsor, spent the weekend with their parents on this highway. Mrs. Frank Denomme Last Friday word was received here of the passing in Chatham of Mrs. Frank Denomme. Before her marriage she was Annie Bed- ard, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard, of this parish. Shortly after their marriage they went to Chatham to live, and they had resided there since. The deceased leaves to mourn her loss her husband, four daugh- ters, six sons, three sisters, five brothers, and many friends. Cream Producers Seek Assistance In Butter Promotion (By J. Cart Hemingway) Hullett Township Federation of Agriculture held its annual meet- ing in the Community Hall at Lon- desboro on October 30. The meeting was well attended with some 140 present. Unfortunately for me, I had to attend the annual meeting of the Huron County Cream Producers and missed the address and showing of slides giv• en by Anson McKinley, Zurich, and on which I have heard very fav- ourable comment. At the cream producers meeting the following county directors were elected as voting delegates to the provincial annual to be held in the Royal York on November 18: Hor- ace Delbridge, Elmer Ireland, Rae Houston, Simon Hallahan, Hume Clutton, Delmar Skinner; alter- nates, James J. Elliott, Russell Bolton and Don Buchanan, Simon Hallahan we re-elected chairman, with Horace Delbridge as vice-chairman and J. C. Hem- ingway as secretary -treasurer. Two resolutions were approved: The first recommended that the floor price of butter be based on a cost of production that would re- turn to the producer an income comparable to the current wage level. The second opposed any tariff restrictions on the importa- tion of soy beans and the Feder- al Government was commended for providing a deficiency payment to provide the growers with a reas- sonable income from this crop. The trend of cream producers to sell whole milk for the manufac- ture of skim milk powder and but- ter, rather than separating at the farm was discussed. The cream producers receive no revenue from the butter to assist in carrying on their campaign of promotion and advertising. . It was felt that some arrange- ment should be made whereby the Ontario Cream Producers would receive some financial assistance from the butter produced in this way since the promotion is just as important and beneficial to this group, Mr. Lochead, fieldrnan for the Ontario Cream Producers, showed slides on the type of assistance: available for advertising and pro motion throughout the county at fall fairs and other activities. Note: The source of figures on hog production in my article of two weeks ago was the Market Information Section, Marketing Service, Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. Sorry I didn't quote. this source previously, O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 -- ZURICH PAGE ELEVEN BLAKE (MRS, AMOS GINGERUCH, Correspondent) Mrs. Ken Gingerich and family. Archie Mustard, London, spent the weekend with his family. Mrs. Jacob Weidrich, New York, spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weidrich. Mrs. Kathryn Styles, New York, spent the weekend with her sisters, Mrs, Nancy Schwartzentruber and Mrs. Mose Erb, Zurich. Allan Schwartzentruber, New Hamburg, called on his sisters on Friday. Allan is convalescing after an accident which happened at Timmins while working with a contractor in that area. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle were: Mr, and Mrs. Heinz Benedictus, Sarn- ia; Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. Mrs. Donald Scott and girls, Cromarty, spent an afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechler. Karen, who had the recent misfortune, is getting along very good. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedictus, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginge- rich spent Saturday with Mr. and ATTENTION – FARMERS • MILK • EGGS • CREAM • POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich SERVICE PROVEN CONCENTRATES for POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE Inquire about Low Grain Costs In Truck Load Lots (DELIVERED TO YOUR FARM) M. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH NEW ONTIA(S Will Soon Be In Again hi The Meantime Try A Demonstration Ride In The New VICTOR VAUXHALL cit. only $1,965.00 • Victor 5.Passenger Sedan VAUXHALL G.M.`s roomy English -made car cuts operating costs O Up to 40 miles per gal. • Only 3 qts. per oil change. • High trade -hi value.' • Low cost depreciation. EASILY OBTAINABLE at only $56 per month PEARSON MOTORS LTD. Phone 78 ZURICH Phone 608 EXETER