HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-05, Page 5WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE FIVp; 1 ABOUT OUR CENTENNIAL A SUCCESS (Lucknow Sentinel) Donations to the Lucknow Cen- tennial stand at $2,105.50. Two contributions not previously ack- nowledged were received from For The LATEST in HAIR STYLING S Cool Norma's Beauty Shoppe Phone Zurich 223 EIGHBOURS Mrs. A. L. Brown of Vancouver and Mrs. Garnet Henderson of Lucknow. The finance committee met this week to receive a report and a general meeting will no doubt be called shortly. Advertis- ing in the historical book is now all paid and this committee is planning to meet (if a night can be found) to finalize this project, from which the Centennial will benefit substantially. TO HAVE POOL (Wingham Advance Times) To a good many individuals and organizations in Wingham and dis- trict the projected swimming pool is beyond the planning stage. They have already gone into act- ion to see that youngsters in this community have a pool by next summer. At a recent meeting the Wingham Kinettes voted $200 to the pool fund, along with their wholehearted and continuing sup- port of the project. The local Brownies have already completed plans to hold a "basket drive" on Wednesday, November 5, with 1958 TOWNSHIP OF HAY VOTERS' LIST w This List was first posted up in the Clerk's Office, at Zurich, Ontario, on the 30th Day of October, 1958 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1958, Municipality of the Township of Hay County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Zurich, Ontario, on the 30th day of October, 1958, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipally at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal bein gthe 12th clay of November, 1958. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Township of Hay. Dated at Zurich, Ont., this 30th day of October, 1958. 43-44-b all proceeds earmarked for the swimming pool fund. Several others money -raising events are in the planning stage by various organi- zations in town and the rural dist- rict. LARGE FAMILY (Exeter Times -Advocate) George Alien, 79 -year-old Kirk - ton farmer, had to stay up all night to look after his big crop of pigs last week. One sow gave birth to 20 living pigs in one hour 'Sixteen of the litter are still liv- ing, Since the mother only had 14 places set to eat, Mr. Allen had to keep changing the pigs to en- sure that all of them got a square 'meal. Six months ago, Mr. Allen reports, the sow had 19 pigs and raised 14. Some years ago, the Kirkton farmer had three sows farrow the same night in Feb- ruary. GODERICH LIONS MEET (Goderich Signal Star) Methods employed in sinking the shaft at the Rock Salt Mine were graphically described by J. G. S. Hyncl, engineer in charge, when the Lions Club held their meeting at the Bedford Hotel last Friday evening. It was past president's night and after president Bill Lumby opened the meeting the chair was turned over to George Parsons, a past president. Tail twisters were two past presidents, Guy Emerson and Jim Kinkead. Another past president, Glen Gar- diner, read the minutes. Past president Andy Boutilier introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mr. Hynd. A past president's pin was pre- sented to immediate past presi- dent, Glen Gardiner, by past presi- dent Frank Hibbert. Two solos were sung by Miss Dianne Mc- Connell, who also led in a sing song. International counsellor Nel- son Hill formally inducted two new members into the club—Bob Hays and Garnet Mathieson. HENSALL BINGO WINNERS Winners at the bingo on Satur- day night sponsored by the Legion, were Margaret Woodburn, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. N. Baird, Mrs. W. Doupe, Gordon Oke, Mrs. Deitz, Mrs. Meindinger, Mrs. George Boa, Mrs. N. Fleischauer, Mrs. H. Bak- er, Mrs. Smith, Donald Wilkinson, Mrs. Wes Venner, Miss O'Kee, William Webster. FLOOR COVERIGS CONGOLEUMS, MARBOLEUM, INLAID LINOLEUM, FLOOR TILES, RUGS, STAIR CARPET A PRICE AND STYLE FOR EVERY BUDGET BE CONFIDENT VVITH KROEHLER SMARTEST '59 GROUP Best buys, certified quality, style, comfort SMARTEST '9 BEDROOM Bookcase Bed, Double dresser anc mirror, chest, night table SEE US FOR BEST POSSIBLE PRICES WESTLAKE FURNITURr ZURICH — PHONE 89W "ALL THE LATEST IN MODERN HOME FURNISHINGS" v Couple Honoured. 25th Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Deichert, Zurich, were pleasantly surprised at their home last Friday even- ing when their brothers and sist- ers gathered to honour them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Suitable gifts were presented to the bride and groom of 25 years ago, and an address was read to them, Mr. and Mrs. Deichert bona thanked the group for remember- ing them on their anniversary, and for the lovely gifts, The evening was spent in play- ing games, after which a delicious lunch was served. Remembrance Day VICE REMEMBRANCE DAY, TUESD.Y, NOVEMBER 11, 1958 Has been declared a Holiday in the Township of Hay, by a motion duly passed by the Counci'. It is hoped that the occasion will be fittingly ob- served by all residents in remembrance of those persons who made the supreme sacrifice during the post Wars. The Reeve and Council of the Township Township of Hay. 43-b SEYOUG THIELS SAVING BETTER MORE SPECIALS ® Thursday Friday ® Saturday Clarks Aylmer Pork & Rears Tomato Catsup SAVE 7c SAVE 5c 2 20 oz hr's 31c 2 ,R Miles 33c Golden Dew Tempi Margarine Dog Food 4 lbs. 98c 6 tins 49c Fresh Cooked Cottage Cheese ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Cottage McCormick Toilet Tissue Sodas SaZn or 6 rolls, Only 39c 1 Ib. pkg. 32c -MEATS- Maple Leaf WEINERS 2 lbs. for - - - - 85c Maple Leaf BOLOGNA, 2 lbs., for - - - - 65c PICNIC HAMS, 5-6 average - - - 45c lb.. FRUITS—VEGETABLES APPLES - Spies, Kings, McIntosh No. d 1 59C Ba6 quskeartt Grade CHECK OUR ADV. IN THE LONDON FREE PRESS on THURSDAYS for WEEKEND SPECIALS AGENTS FOR MID -TOWN CLEANERS Monday -- Thursday -- Saturday Phone 140 C. H. THIEL .ZIuri,cl