HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-05, Page 3WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1958 Young People Take Service At St. Peter's Church On Sunday evening, November 2, Youth Sunday was observed by St. Peter's Luther League in which they took over the evening service. The congregation was in- vited to attend the Youth Sunday program prepared by the Luther League. The program opened with the singing of the hymn "0 Saviour, When In Zuric GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights Precious Saviour". Sharon Lawrence then read a poem entitled "Jesus Christ and We", which was followed by a prayer given by Louis Willert. The Scripture reading was given by Eleanor Prang. A sound film "Salt of the Earth" was shown following the singing of the hymn. It was the story of a layman's experience in stewardship and evangelism. A miner who had never taken God seriously inadvertently causes a fellow miner to be seriously in- jured. The man changed his out- look and, through the local past- or and church, found the mean- ing of Christian life stewardship. After the film an offering was taken to help defray the expens- es for the program. Marion Fleischauer then led the congregation in guided prayer thoughts, the Lord's Prayer and the benediction by pastor Winter DESIGNED FOR PLEASURE! YOU WILL THOROUGHLY ENJOY OUR FamovsFRIED CHICKEN Dinner SERVED IN CLEAN, MODERN SURROUNDINGS WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4°00 t,,, 7.30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tues. Evening Dominion Hotel ZURICH — PHONE.70 "YOU ARE A STRANGER BUT ONCE" ,.. yam+• OUTSTANDING 1E EVE .:'::i::! �`. VALUES IN MENS APPAf&L., ' •,.e'?: max` ' .. ..ti JUST ARRIVED ! ! CORDUROY DRESS SHIRTS {;� �<:- ONLY $3.49 EACH NEW SHIPMENT FANCY SPORT SHIRTS ..>> $3.95 t $7.95 NEW ! ! RANGE RIDER LINED JEANS — Metalic Color ONLY S"/ pair BOYS LINED JACKETS Waterproof Fabric Sizes 10 - 14 $5.5 MEN'S LINED SMOCKS . $6.95 Up EXTRA MEN'S Heavy Gascho SPECIAL - B. & F. KHAKI WORK COAT with Insulation ONLY tlf.95 �! Bros. Zurich — Phone 59 "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" ZURICH mazer* NEWS a PAGE THREE Grannie Turkheim's Recipe Box Thank you "Rural Homemaker" for the very fine letter to the ed- itor in last week's paper; it is a lot of encouragment to read re- marks like yours in regards to "Needlepoint" and the "Recipe Box" in our little paper. However, dear "Homemaker", we would like to ask a favour of you, please do send us some of your favourite recipes, remember others would like some of your "specials". Drop Cookies % cup butter and margarine 1 cup brown sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon soda disolved in 3 tablespoons boiling water 1 cup coconut 1/2 cup dates (chopped) 1/2 cup walnuts �/2 teaspoon cinnamon '/2 teaspoon cloves 2% cups flour (I use all pur- pose) 1 teaspoon baking powder Drop by small teaspoon on greased cookie sheet and bake in moderate oven. Fruit Hermits % cup each of butter and shortening, add % cup of brown sugar and cream well 2 well beaten eggs Sift together the following: 11/2 cups (all purpose) flour 'A teaspoon each of ginger, cloves and salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Add all of this to creamed mix- ture and last put in 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 4 table- spoons boiling water. Now for the fruit which has been lightly dredged with some of the. flour: New Estate Tax Act Will Apply - To All 1. � Deaths After 1958 The Estate Tax Act passed at the last session of Parliament will come into force on January 1st, 1959. This Act will apply to the estates of all persons who die after December 31st, 1958 while the Dominion Succession Duty Act will apply to the estates of persons who die between June 14th, 1941 and December 31st, 1958. The coming into force of the new Act will no doubt cause many to wonder whether their wills should be changed to conform to the new method of taxation. Al- though under the new Act, tax will be levied against estates (in contrast to which, succession dut- ies are levied against beneficiar- ies), it should be remembered that nearly all existing wills re- lieve the beneficiaries from the payment of duties so that the duties are, in fact, paid out of the general estate just as estate tax will be paid out of the gener- al estate unless otherwise provid- ed in the will. There will of course be certain exceptions to the rule where the testator, for good reasons, will want certain or all beneficiaries to bear their own proportion of the estate tax. In such cases, of course, the wills of such persons should be revised to coincide with their wishes. O Letter to the Editor Praises Hotel Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. Gentlemen: We spent the last weekend in your fair city staying at the Dom- inion Hotel, attending the raffle at Hensall on Sunday night, church at Zurich on Sunday, and meals at the Dominion Hotel. The meals were grand, served in such a nice room, and in such a nice way that we feel we surely want to come back again. Wouldyou please mail me this week's issue of your good paper. and oblige. Truly yours, PAUL "JERRY" NIEHAUS, 209 Jefferson St., Chelsea, Michigan, Counter Check Books on Sale at Citizens News % cup raisins or currants 1/4 cup each of mixed peel, glazed cherries and slivered blanched almonds or wal- nuts. Stir fruit mixture lightly into batter and drop from a teaspoon on a greased baking sheet, plac- ing them far enough apart. Bake in about 375° oven. We will try to keep our recipe box as a weekly item in the paper during the winter months, but please—we need help. Send in your favourite recipes, other people would like to share them with you. �e-o+®-m-v-�v-a-®-m-o-•e-m-�-®-�o-'�-a�®-o-�-�-m-4-a-o-r.. BAZAAR ST. PETER'S -- ST. JOSEPH Binewe der Highway SATURDAY (Evening)® V 1 BLANKETS — DOLLS Clowns — Poodles — Bears — Monkeys Pandas HOOPLA — FISH -POND HANDICRAFT COME AND ENJOY THE GAMES Refreshments Will Be Served 1 43-44 • b MADE FROM YOUR FAVORITE PHOTO ORDER NOW TO BE SURE OF DELIVERY A NEGATIVE IS ALL WE NEED ZURICH VARIETY STORE 1 MOTHER HUBBA D Went to the cupboard, For buns that are tender and b rown— She buys them that way From our bakery each day, Says she: "They're the best in town!" Fresh CHELSEA BUNS Everyone "goes" for these Tasty Buns at every meal time. Take home a dozen today. ONLY 35c DOZEN Give Yourself o Taste Treat Today! TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 ZURICH