HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-11-05, Page 1No. 43
To } nship Urges County Action On
dies Threat; Discuss Office Site
Bay Township council passed a
resolution at their meeting on
Monday requesting the Huron
County council to take immediate
action in regards to the current
outbreak of rabies in the county.
The resolution, which will be pres-
ented at the county council meet-
ing next week goes on to say that
the township council feels that
clinics should be established for
vaccination of all dogs, and that
the bounty on foxes should be in-
Carl Decker appeared before
council with a request to have a
municial drain established on his
property. The necessary applica-
tion forms were filled out.
A request from the town of Ex-
eter to forward a resolution to the
Minister of Justice requesting am-
endments be made to the Canada
Temerance Act was filed. Council
felt that such a resolution would
be of Little value.
Retaining fees of $125 for fire
protection was ordered paid to the
villages of Zurich, Dashwood and
Hensel]. A request for fire protec-
tion information from the Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests was
handed over to the village of Zu-
12 Pages
rich to be answered, The council
felt that since they do not own
the fire -fighting equipment it was
not up to them to answer the
Discussion took place at the
meeting in regards to the moving
of the township office. A report
from the engineer showed that
there was not enough land left at
the south of the hall to build an
addition, so council decided to ask
a local builder, Donald Oke, to
bring in plans for the renovation
of the Town Hall into offices.
A tile drainage loan of $600
was approved for Charles Tuckey,
and one for $3,000 was approved
for Bruce Tuckey.
The next meeting of the coun-
cil will be on Monday, December
1, at 1.30 p.m.
Many friends and relatives at-
tended the open house at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Hay last
Wednesday in honour of their 40th
wedding anniversary.
Serving tea on the occasion were
the daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Blind Campaign
Over The Top!
People of Zurich and dist-
rict are to be congratulated
for their splendid response to
the campaign for the Canad-
ian National Institute for the
Blind. The quota has now
been reached, and the amount
donated has gone to $25 above
the $300 amount expected of
this community.
It is believed that Zurich
is the first location in this
part of the country that has
gone over the top in this
drive. Chairman of the camp-
aign here is Jack Bannister,
manager of the local branch
of the Bank of Montreal.
Officials Look To Nomination Dav,
Few Men Ready To Make Decisions
With nomination day only a few
weeks away many of the present
officials have now voiced their
intentions to this newspaper.
While it is not definite, it appears
as if there may be an election in
the township.
The present deputy -reeve, Alex
Mousseau, has indicated that he
may be interested in running for
reeve if there is an election. Reeve
V. L. Becker has announced his
intentions of again asking the peo-
ple to return him to the chief
magistrate's office. According to
Mr. Becker there are a number of
Lions Club Hears Deputy -Governor,
Donate To Scouts and Springhill
District Deputy -Governor Harv-
ey Webster, Lucknow, was the
guest speaker at the regular meet-
ing of the Zurich Lions Club held
at the Dominion Hotel on Monday
night. He was introduced by zone
chairman Bob McKinIey, of the
Zurich club.
In his address to the club, gov-
ernor Webster praised the local
group for their activities, and re-
MR. AND MRS. CHESTER L. SMITH were honoured at the annual meeting of the
Huron County Publishers Association held in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, lost Sat-
urday. An engraved silver serving tray was presented to Mr. Smith in recognition of his
43 years as publisher of the Zurich Herald. J. M. Southcott, of the Exeter Times Ad-
vocate, senior member of the association, made the presentation, On the right bock is
A. Laurie Colquhoun, publisher of the Clinton News -Record and the Zurich Citizens
News, who is president of the Publishers Association. (Citizens News Photo)
marked that he was glad to see
the organization sponsor minor
sports. He told of how the Luck -
now club has 95 members, but he
feels this is too many, and a smal-
ler group can work so much more
efficiently. Mr. Webster spoke of
the convention which was held in
Chicago this past year, and also
announced that this year's con-
ventions will be held in New York
and Windsor. He urged as many
as possible to attend either or
both of these two get-togethers.
Deputy -governor Webster was
thanked by Lion Russel Grainger,
and given a small gift in remenib-
race of :his visit.
Lion Leroy O'Brien gave a re-
port on the recent rally held at
Arthur, which was attended by a
number of the Zurich members.
Lion Hubert Schilbe gave a re-
port on the Lions sponsored dances
which will start on Friday, Nov-
ember 14, with Desjardine orches-
tra supplying music for the seas-
on. The dances will be held every
Friday night.
A committee of Ivan Kalbfleisch,
Lloyd O'Brien, Don Oke, Jake
Haberer, Herb Turkheim, and
Morris Webb was appointed to
investigate the possibility of pur-
chasing a home in Zurich and re-
modelling it for resale.
Donations of $50 each were
made to the Springhill Disaster
Fundand the Zurich Boy Scouts.
Four members of the Parkhill
club were present at the meeting
as guests.
items of unfinished business he
would like to see cleaned up be-
fore he retires from municipal of-
fice. However, Mr. Mousseau has
made it clear that he will not
cause an election, but if there is
one he will seek the reeveship.
Two council members have both
indicated they will again seek re-
election to the council. Karl Hab-
erer and Jack Corbett, both new
men on the council last year,
have stated that they will seek re-
election. While he has not con-
firmed the report, it is the gener-
al belief that if Mr. Mousseau
runs for reeve Karl Haberer will
step up for the position of deputy-
The other member of last year's
council, William Davidson, has not
definitely made up his mind, but
says that he will know definitely
next week what his intentions are.
While it is unknown to most
people in the township, a dark
horse candidate seems to be possi-
ble for the position of councillor,
or perhaps even for the job of
reeve. More particulars on this
matter will be available as nom-
ination day draws nearer.
In the village of Zurich two of
the present trustees have definite-
ly stated that they will accept the
office for another year, Cousins
Harold and Leroy Thiel have both
given this paper their intentions
of again seeking re-election, while,.
veteran councillor Lloyd O'Brien -fix'
has not yet decided what ,he wants
to do for,the next term. All in
all, it appears as if an election
could be held in both the township
and the village.
Luther League
Rally Ixn Zurich.
The Luther League of the Strat-
ford Conference will hold its Fall
Rally in St. Peter's Lutheran Ch-
urch on Sunday, November 9.
The theme for the rally is
"Christ and Youth". Professor R.
C. Teigen, Waterloo, will speak on.
the theme.
One hundred delegates are ex-
pected to attend. The sessions will
be held in the afternoon. The even-
ing service will commence at 7.30
Publishers Honour Local Couple
At Convention In 'Dominion Hotel
At a meeting of the Huron Coun-
ty Publishers Association in Zur-
ich on Saturday, special honour
was paid to Chester L. Smith, vet •
eran publisher in the county. Pres-
entation of engraved silver serving
tray was made by J. Melvin South-
cott, of the Exeter Times -Advocate,
senior member of the association.
Since 1914 when he and his wife
moved to the village, Chester
Smith was publisher of the Zurich
Herald, until the end of December,
1957. They are continuing in the
trade to a certain extent as Mr.
Smith keeps on with his work in
job printing.
The meeting was in the Dornin•
ion Hotel in Zurich.
Barry Wenger, publisher of the
Wingham Advance -Times is the
new president of the Association,
with Cyril Snowden of the Sea
forth News, the new vice-president.
Business of the meeting was
chaired by A. Laurie Colquhoun,
publisher of the Clinton News -
Record and the Zurich Citizens
News, now past president of the
group, which includes the Goderich
Signal -Star, the Huron Expositor,
Seaforth News ' and the Blyth
Of great interest to the publish-
ers was preliminary discussion of
a project whereby the entire his-
tories of the communities they ser-
ve, as shown in the files of papers
published, could be recorded on
microfilm in a very small area
compared to the present storage
space necessary for bound copies
of the newspapers. Some of the
weeklies in the county are about
100 years old, and files of all issues
have been kept.
The thought was that possibly
the County Historical Committee
would have funds available with
which they would like to purchase
copies of such microfilmed records,
It was thought also that local lib-
raries might be interested in pur-
chasing copies.
At the meeting it was decided
that the Zurich Citizens News
should become a member of the
Huron County Rublishera Associa-