HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-29, Page 10PAGE TEN WNW Most Tractor Plows Not Adjusted Properly; Three Changes to Make Nine out of ten tractor plows are adjusted improperly. That's what a survey made some time ago in Ontario showed. Basically, there are three ad- justments which can be made to a plow, states Don Clark, Depart- ment of Engineering Science, On- tario Agricultural College. These are the heel clearance, the land - side pressure, and the coulter. Heel clearance is the measure- ment between the bottom of the landside and the bottom of the furrow. If the landside does not have a replaceable heel casting, the clearance when measured on a hard surface, should be one-quar- ter of an inch for hard, dry soils, and up to half an inch for soft, moist soils. If the landside does have a replaceable heel casting, the casting should leave a slight mark at the bottom of the furrow when plowing. The landside pressure adjust- ment when adjusted properly on three -wheeled plows reduced the draft by causing some of the side thrust of the plow to be carried on the rear wheel instead of be- ing carried on the landside of the plow bottom. On two -wheeled plows, as well as on mounted plows, there is usually no special 0 Farm. Forums Talk adjustment for landside pressure; the horizontal hitch of the plow to the tractor or the design of the bracket that attaches the rolling landside to the plow beam usually controls the landside pressure. On three -wheeled plows the landside pressure is checked by laying a straight edge against the point of the share and against the rear wheel. Then the distance from the rear of the landside to the straight edge is measured. The measurement should be between a quarter and three-eighths of an inch. The coulter adjustment is im- portant. The adjustment of any rolling coulter is affected by the condition of the soil to be plow- ed and the sharpness of the coul- ter itself. The coulter can be ad- justed three ways: • The first adjustment is the depth of cut. The general ' setting is one and a half to two inches clearance between the point of the share and the cutting edge of the coulter blade. If the soil is ver -y hard or the coulter dull, it will be necessary to increase this clearance so that the plow will not "ride" on the coulter and thus not allow the plow to Of Many Topics, Future in Farms Do you ever worry about the fact that your freedom as a citi- zen seems to be slipping away from you? Have you wondered what will happen to farming when the packing companies and feed mills take over ? If they take ov- er! Is a lack of credit to run your farm stopping you from doing the things that you'd like to do? Could farmers borrow a leaf from the book of labour unions and use stronger organizations as a means to more freedom? These are just random questions picked from the list which spark- ed the 1958-59 National Farm For- um topics. They represent ques- tions asked of farm people, and by farm people, over the years And they hit on some of the most crucial problems of farmers to- day. Take the subject "Vertical Inte- gration," for instance. In the Unit- ed States, where its growth has been charted, whole counties and even States, have gone into con- tract production, while the little farmer's living has dwindled. Men who got into the integration early, as far back as 1937, now control millions of broilers, thousands of hogs, and literally hundreds of thousands of laying hens. What does this mean for Cana- dian agriculture? Well, during January, every Monday evening, at 8:30, National Farm Forum will try to find out. Then, very shortly . . : on Nov- vember 3, the subject will be "Freedom." Can we have person- al freedom today? Or should it be replaced with a stronger, more useful kind . . freedom through an organization? That program is also at 8:30 and it will feature some thought-provoking panelists. And on the 17th of November, Farm Forum invades the show - ring. What has it done for agri- culture? What will performance testing do to the show -rings? Is show livestock out of date? h ill . %tle coo* FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call LORNE E. HAY Looter Service—Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Helical) ZURICH Citizens NEW$ penetrate to the domed depth. The second adjustment is the position of the coulter on the plow beam. The usual position is to have the bearing of the coulter directly above the point of the share. The third adjustment concerns the clearance between the coul- ter and the landside. The easi- est way to set the coulter to the land is to hold a board which is three-eighths to three-quarters of an inch thick, on edge against the position of the coulter on the landside and extending forward beyond the point of the share. Then the coulter shank should be adjusted until the coulter is paral- lel to the board. These basic adjustments should be made before the plow is taken into the field. Then these adjust ments can be modified in the field to suit various soil conditions. Hitch adjustments can easily be made in the field. The instruction book obtained with the plow should be followed closely. 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