Zurich Citizens News, 1958-10-29, Page 9WEDNESDAY, A;Y, O+CTOBEYt29, 1956 Latest Figures On Unemployment Show a Decrease The number of persons with jobs was estimated to be 5,888,000 at September 20, 1958, 137,000 fewer than a month earlier. This decline JRJICR atizens NEWS was largely seasonal. The end of the vacation period and the com- pletion of harvesting and some good -processing operations result- ed in the lay-off of students and other short-term workers, many of whom dropped out of the labour market. Withdrawals from the labour PAGE NEN* force between August and Septem- ber exceeded the decline in the number of persons with jobs, so that the number of persons with- out jobs and seeking work drop- ped by 10,000 to 271,000. In addi- tion, ithe number of persons an temporary gay -off :dropped from 37,000 to 14,000. The labour force tota0tled 6,159,000 in the week end- ed ,Setember 20, 1958 as compared with 6,306,000 one month earlier. Applications for employment at National Employment Service of- fices across Canada totalled 327,-. 112 on September 18, a decline of 30,575 from the August 21 figure of 357,687. You get loads.. ••®®•®•®••••••• fit•06 0666)®a&®••••••••••• and ads. Y 060064)00•64006900601106906 66 00 60•41)0609004) and loads of hot water with an ELECTRIC WATER HEATER And an electric water heater is so efficient, it costs only a few cents a day to operate. With the proper size and heating capacity you can depend on plenty of hot water for all your household needs. An electric water heater is safe, clean, and economical It's the modern choice of families who "live better electrically"® ity does so muck ...costs so little Hensall C of C To "Get Out the Vote" 'Village Election (By our Hensel) correspondent) The dinner meeting of the Hen - sal]. Chamber of Commerce was held in the Legion Hall:last Wed- nesday evening. President Charles Fiford took the chair for the meeting and welcomed the mem- bers and guests, pointing out the several uses of the Chamber of Commerce. William Brown reported on the Civil Defence with more particu- lars to be given at a later date. A film, compliments of Shell OP Company was shown. The coming local elections were discussed and it was decided to set up a committee to see that ev- eryone in the village will be phon- ed with the slogan " Get Out and Vote." It was decided that some- time before Spring the Chamber will set up a Labor Bank when certain people will be called upon to donate several hours of their time to help beautify the town. Those who put in the most hours by the end of the year would be entitled to some sort of recognition. A motion was passed that Jack Drysdale be given some recognition for the donation of the building on the bowling green which he donated some years ago to the Chamber of Commerce, and which was recently sold. Legion Ladies Auxiliary catered for the banquet. a $50 Shares in CIA Life Insurance Co. Now Available (By J. Carl Hemingway) At the regular monthly meet- ing of Huron County Federation of Agriculture, October 23, Bill Duncan of the Co -Operator's In- surance Association, outlined the selling of shares • in the new C.Y.A. Life Insurance Co. now being or- ganized. Huron County has been allotted 105 shares of $50 each with a limit of five shares to any one person. Mr. Duncan stated that the addition of Life to the Co -Operators Insurance family will provide greater stability to the organization. After some discussion it was agreed that the County Federation would supply the Rural Co-Oper. ator to all farmers in the county. This farm paper carries reports of the activities of your organization and the current : developments in the farming industry which is of vital concern to the present day farmer. In addition to Warren Zurbrigg, county member to the O..F.A, Win- ston Shapton, president; Gordon Greig, second vice-president, and Mrs. Alex McGregor, lady director were elected voting delegates to the O.F.A. annual in Toronto. The Junior Farmers of the county will be asked to appoint a delegate to the O.F.A. Annual at the expense of the County Feder- ation. Any farmer is welcome to attend and take part in the discus- sions. The dates are November 10, 11, and 12, at the Royal York. A resolution introduced by God- erich Township was approved for presentation to County Council Resolved that the members of the County Council come to agree- ment throughout the county on the beginning and ending date for daylight saving time. It was also agreed that this resolution be pres- ented to the O.F.A. for Provincial action. A second resolution was pre- sented from the floor to the af- fect that farm producers should be represented on Government Com- missions where agriculture was in- volved namely: in land acquisition through the Ontario Hydro Com- mission, the Ontario Fuel Board, and the Department of Highways. The meeting urged all Federa- tion Directors to take a very active part in organizing all possible TV Farm Forums for the coming seas- on.