Zurich Citizens News, 1958-10-22, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE FIV BLAKE (MRS. AMOS GINGERICH, Correspondent) !Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ginngemich and !flan* sip'ent Sunday at New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and family, !aeccompanliled by lefts:. Ent Oesch• and Tidy spent Sunday at De!troait. Olutf Podemon, Dashwood, spent 'Thursday with Mies. Amos Gingerilch and! Mee Wallet*. GI/1V- For The LATEST In HAIR STYLING S Cafe ,Norma's Beauty Shoppe Phone Zurich 223 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and HanoUc, accompanied by Mr. !arid Mrs. Roy E{rb and family, left on a trtiip to northern points. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ginge- rich and family spent Sunday eve, nitng with Mn and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Mark- hiari, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich., also attended the, Martin-S:tec1de wedding on Saturday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter^ Gingerich were: Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott and, Mr. and Mire. Aden Martial and daugh- ter Carol, Gowanstown; Mr. and Mrs John Smith, Markham; Miss Edith Stcdklle anid friend, Ray Marltli!n, :Hawks!villlet - Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. ;Clayrton hS+teckle were: Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle, David and Elsie; Miss, Erve. Steck1e and friend, Edwvamd! Fry, Wa4!lensttein, and Miss Cara Smith, Markham.. Sunday ,guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich were: Mr. and Ma's; Roy Bosbart and family, Neiw Hamburg; Mrs. Allan Soh- warteerntrub'er, Jacob, Jimmie and Bonnie, also of New Hamburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gngerich. Dancing this Friday Night BLUEWATER DANCELAND Musk by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA COME JOIN THE FUN FOR THE BIG HALL WEEN MASQUERADE AT BLUEWATER DANCELAHD PRIZES: BEST DRESSED LADY—$5 BEST DRESSED MAN—$5 LADIES COMIC—$5 MEN'S COMIC—$5 BEST DRESSED COUPLE --$10; BEST COMIC COUPLE—$10 Music by Desjardine Orchestra DANCING 10 - 2 A.M. An Extra Half Hour of Dancing For This Special Night ADMISSION: 75c 4-11 Club Leaders Attend Training School at Clinton Leaders representing 28 Wom- en's Institutes attended the twb day Training School for the 4-H IllomemalcCiig Club project "Tole Cereal Sheaf" in 'Clinton October 14, 145 .and Weinlghan October 16 and 17. During the two days the leaders received instruction on or- ganizing a Homemaking Club, on the rase of cereals lin the family deailly menu. At the T eminnnlg School, the ladles saw a demonst- ration on making gna!ham muffins, lice -!box ginger cookies, apple oat- meal squares and lemlonr sauce, macaroni and ch.eeste casseeoi e, oat- meal p!ora'idtge, toffee'cookies. and corn ibread. Attending the Training School. in; !Minton from this, district were: Dashwood 4-H Homernatking 'Club with Mrs. Syd Baker, leader and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz .assistant lead- er; Grand Bend 4-11 Homemaking 'Club with Mrs. Don Hendrrick, 1!ea- .der and Mrs. Ed. Ginn, assistant lteaoder; tKilppen 4-11 Homemaking Club with. Mrs. Ross. Ohtaman, lead- er and 1VLiss Donel;da Losit'ettl, as- sistant leader. Clubs will •ibe foivrned in the local conenu nitres with girls who NEWS OF DASHWOOD (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Miss Marian Raider spent the weekend itn Landon with Mr. and Mrs•. Wendell Gamble and family.. Mr. and Mrs•. Mild tion Water and ,girls, Ingertson, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip FFassoaldt Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kretzman are 12 on September 1, 1856 and have not reached their 26th birth - the. :Seven meeting are required tie complete The project. Any girls who are interested int participating in the• fall; 4-.H ! omemaking Club activities; in Huron should contact their local leader. The sehotol was carried on by Mrs. Ian M!cAllas!ter, Horne Econa- mist with the Ontario Department orf Ai grflculltture, Huron• County as- sisted by Miss Mary Lou Black, Horne Economist for Bruce Coun- ty. HENSALL COMMUNITY SALE PRICES Weatnitiing pigs, $11.20 to $13.40; chunks, $14.20 to $17.25; feeders, $18 to $217.50; sows, $71 .to $106. Holstein 'calves, $14 to $27; Dur- ham carves $30 to $46. Fat cows up to $16.90 a cwt.; stockier steers, up, to $24.60 a cwt:. 475 pigs and 200 cattle and calves sotkti. ST. JOSEPH'S—DRYSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mr. and Mas. Fred Duc!haa ane, of the Blue Water highway have returned to their home Last Fri- day ,after spending a few weeks In Windsor with their children anid other 'relatives. Mr, Due!harme reports although unemployment in the city has not yet recovered from its long drag tlh:etre does noit seem to be too much uneasiness tamontg the lab- ourers and ibusiness people. Those who want to work and are willing to take what comes along can still quite •easdty make it go. The general belief nes that in the near future contract's and other griev- ances win be adjusted to, the s!atis- fecti!on of ale lViir. and Mrs. Thomas Brock, London!, spent .the past weekend in their cottage, !enjoying the sum- mer like weather. Many others took advantage of :the fine weather to spend a few days along the Take tin their summer Thornes, and ;perhaps they were even tempted to take a !dip in the water . Mr. and Mrs. Blab Mennotrvidge, Detroit, and Gerard Geoffrey, Walikterton, spent the weekend with the tatter's mother and other members. of !the family on. the Bllue Water south. tMr. !Boy Duchaanne and family, dart, motored to Chatham on Sun- day to visit with the form er's daughter, Sister M. St. Matthew, of the Pines. Mr.. and Mrs. Nael Laporte and family, of the. Drysdale dtistriet motored to London on Sunday to elsit wutlh meembers of the family. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Si'emon, St. Jlos'eiph, were Sunday •visittors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducha'ane, and a very enjoyable !time was spent recalling past tindidents. in the long Years gone Iby. Mrs.. Theresa Hartanan and son, Bob, called on the foruiier's par- ents on Sunday. Wedding Anniversary and son, Detroth, and Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Seebeck, Hanauer, spent the weekend with Mrs, Cora Ganser. Shower for Bride Sisters of Miss Barbara Beaker, ibrilde of last !Saturday, were host- esses at a !kitchen shower at the !homer of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Cousins and neighbours were present. The event/11g was spent playing atirtpllanet bunco. and contests. Mrs. (Mare Deuchert read the address and Iris assisted her sis- ter in opeenliing the gifts. Lutheran Men's Club Twenty men met at 8 pm. on October 15 at Zion Lutheran ;Church for ,the regular mteettintg of Zion's Men's• Club. The topic "Communism and :the Church!" was led by Pastor K. L, Zorn who s!tiated, "Cbmrnunism is one of the greatest evils facing rflhe Christian •Church today, and •Ohsitistiians, after ;becoming inform-, ed on its anti-scriipturial teach ings and enrol practices must not be afraid to speak out against it." 'The men planned a social even- ing for November 5, and a tour of several of the larger bushiness establishments in Kitchener on November 26. Far entertainment the men viewed a ;Ham strip entitled, "The Wheatalidge ,Christmas Seal". The evening closed with a devotional peeled centering around the theme, "0 Give Thanks Unto The Lard", Last Friday several carloads from here attended the S'itiver Wadding Anniversary of Mr. !and Mrs. Rudolph! Etue in Seaeforth. A. very enjoytablie evening was spent playing. games, after which prizes were given to the wiuuners. As is usual at. such occasions, a tasty lunch was served. Many valuable gifts were pres- ented to the celebrants, as well as !best wishes for many more Years 'of happy married life. The wletllt-vrishers returned .to their homes in the wee early hours of and Muss Laetitaa Duoharane, Lan- the morning. SAVING YOU MORE — SERVING YOU BETTER THIELS SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings Closed Wednesday Afternoons Agents for Mid -Town Cleaners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. H. THIEL ZURICH — Phone 140 Specials For Thursday Friday Saturday QUAKER KELLOGG'S TIP TOP DAVID'S QUICK OATS CORN FLAKES HOLLY PEAS Assorted Cookies Giant 16 oz. pkg. Large 20 oz. Tins 31c 3 for 49c 3 Ib. pkg. $1.00 Maxwell Hous e Coffee -1 Ib. bag - ® TSc MEATS Fruits, Vegetables Large 3 Lb. Box 38c SPECIAL FEATURE COTTAGE TOILET TiSSUE SLICED 63c BACON MAPLE LEAF (� BOLOGNA 2lbs. 69c 10 �s rolls for$1 00 MAPLE WEINERS LEAF 2 lb. $9c CHECK OUR ADV. In The London Free Press Every Thursday For Specials KADINA TEA BAGS 100 Size Box 79c GOSHEN LINE Mr. William Batten, Exeter, was guest speaker at .the Goshen Un- ited :Church on Sunday morning, He also spoke at Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kay spent Thanksgiving Manlday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys, Gay_ le, Murray and Carol, Camlachie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs!. Bruce Keys. Mr. -arid Mrs. !Robert Peck, Di- ane, Donna, Wayne, Cheryl and Brunn! sipent Sunday eat' Landes-, bora ;taikting in the Churcih Ansi- vens!ary: • Miss Marjorie Hyde spent the weekend with her friend Miss Don- na Hayter. Miss Elaine McOlinchey spent the weekend wi:lth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClinchey. Arthur McClinchey Funeral s,erviees were conducted from Bail and Mutch funeral Mame .on Monday for Arthur McClinchey. He ;had ;been (In Clinton Public Hospi:ta!1 atter suffering from a stroke last week. %VMS Goshen Women's Missionary Society met on 'Thurseday night at the home •of Mrs. Arnold keys with 24 present. Mrs. Elmer Haiv, ter presided with Mrs. Allan Arm - staving in change of the program, Mss. Russell Parrett was pianist. Tihere were 15 visits to shut -lens reported. Mrs. John Rolbinston gave the treasurer's report, stating that this year's allocation is $3'30. Mss. Robert McKinley reported for the birthday fund. Reports of the sectional meeting held thn Varna on October 9 were g °vent by Mr& Arnold Keys, and Mrs. rains Keys. Mrs. Allan Arrn- sttrong gave a. reaclnnig, "Count your Blessings", after which every- one joined tine singing the song. The meeting closed with prayer The newt meeting will' be En charge of Mrs. .Anson McKinley. To Hold Fowl Supper The Women's Association held a short meeting on Thursday eve- ning to decide ort Whether to horse the !annual bowl supper at Goshen. All were tun fervour, The guest speaker d's to be Mr. NoemIan Naming, Colinton: The supper is to be held the last Tues- day in October, with other enter- tairenent to follow. Mission Band The Mission Band of Goshen Church healed their regular meeting on Sunday mornlitig, with the new p r e se U td e! n tt, Gerald Hayter, inn charge. Joan Elliott was at the promo. Patricia Robinson read the man- Utes. Priayees were by 'Karen Me - Maw and Joan FalUnott. Marlene Keys read the Slcriipture and Bob McBride gave the can to nviorehitp. M. Klaie McBridie retard the last chapter from "Kenji' with conn- reeints by Patricia Robinson iMenabetis:. Nowa rerteiindadt of the 'ibex tops thiey aro to collect end bring to the next meeting.