HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-15, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ZURICH Citizens NEWS THEY'RE MY BOYS, says Ivan Kalbfleisch, ball club, after the game in Latta last Saturday Left to right are, Bob White, who pitched what Kalbfleisch, and Tom Rawlings, manager of the honorary president of the Zurich Lumberlings when the boys won the Ontario championship. was probably the best game(Citizens of carer,News Ivan team. C::•:n;;;.t�`:'ok w.., rii';i 3ro).: •tar` . 3ti>:. .• . "<:+•::;:: PPOe :,,s>::ntasp r.<.:::mr> <: ,y:n:.;:::::.;;>: LOYAL FANS who accompanied the ball team to Latta are' this foursome, left to right, William O'Brien, Miss Olive O'Brien, Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien and Lloyd O'Brien. "Why shouldn't 1 come to the game," said Mr. O'Brien, "after all, I have two grandsons on the team." Mr. O'Brien Sr., is probably one of the oldest baseball fans in this part of the country, and very rarely ever misses a game at home or away. And so the O'Briens all came home happy with their favourites having won the championship. (Citizens News Photo) Manager 17ommm Rawlings Responsible For Zurich's Second Championship (Continued from Page Eleven) game of the series. in Sarnia his home town, and This year Torn has guided his Ttilllsonburig. team right. ,through to the OBA The.first year he managed the Intemmedl'ate "C" title, a classl- tclub, Tom had Zurich beating out fitc•aition in which towns of up to Dashwood in the playoffs, a feat 3,000 population can compete. that had never before been aeconn- There is no dolulbt the job of tpliis+hed. They iddd, however, even- manager of a ball team is a Wally lose out to Moore Centre thankless ,one, and had it not in the finals of the OrBA.. been for Tom's keen interest in the The next year' was the big one gaarne he probably would have garv- rforr Tom. He guided the team right en up by now. Nobody realizes thronilgh' to the finals, and a victory what a manager must go through in tthe Ontario Indenmediate "D" rn arranging games, finding suit- clasrsf1icathon. In: doing this they alble talent, keeping all the play - eliminated both Moore ncentre and errs in hens noisy and dozens of tLds4e. ' o t her preblerns which arise • Last year Tam again Mustered throughout a season:. up a crack hail' team. Once more To the man who has so capably they advanced Unto the OBA finals, handled ' the Zurich ?ball team first against Ooualtright, and then throughout tihe larst four years Wlalainighiaan. In a heart -breaking this ,newspaper wdahes to say serines thley lost out to the team " CONGRATULATIONS ", • a n d', groin the south in the .seventh Keep the Ibali! raft". WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 Zurich Wins Ontario Baseball Title, Shutout Latta $-0, 'Play Errorless Game: (Continued from page One) were without the services of sever- al of their regulars, every player was brilliant in the victory. Loose Ends The Zurich fans were scarce at the game. The only ones at- tending were William O'Brien, Miss Olive O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O' ries, Mrs. Tom Rawl - Inge, M. 'Gerald Bell, Mrs. Bill YunIgblut, Ivan KaIDbifleis!ch and Gurdon Surer+us. Three of the .four carloadlss transporting the team Lett or Friday night. Some stayed in Toronto ,overniight and some near Pont Hope. The other car, that of manager Tom Rawl- ings., delft at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. All of the team tan ' those eccoanpanthyng far as Oshawa on Saturday night, •and rennained' there until Sunday morning. It rained heavily around the Bellleilie district on Saturday morning, and it looked certain that the game would be called off. However, after dinner the weath- er ,cleared and the game went on as scheduled. The game was pl'alyed at Plainfield, witch. is actually combined with. Latta; only a farm separates the two plaices. Latta itself is' only a cor- ner store, The Latta tears is made -up of the stars of a rugal league in that district. An in'tti ag thing (money-wdse•) happened t Oshawa, where the team d'eoided to spend Saturday night. When the manager of the hotel, Genosha, found out the whole group was a ball: team and that they had just won the Ontario champi'on- shiip, he decided to supply the rooms for half their rebgellar rate. The gesture was greatly appreciat•-. ed. Prlayersi missing the tnyiip were:. Arnie Meyer, Ben Gignac, Juan;. Ruttl+e and George Parker. The• victory was the second in three years for the bat ihoy of the Zu- rich, Luanbenklings, Earl: Wagner.. As usual, Etarllie wass aught on the job in ODatta, and enjoyed the outinlg, es much as anyone. ZURICH IUIHE Doug O.'Brien>, 2h 4 2 2 0 Thea•nider, as 4 .1 1 0' rif ' 5 0 0 0' 5 2 1 0 4 is 1 0. 4 2 3 0 4 0 2 0• 3 0 00 jour, Yunrgblut, 3h Rawlings, c ........... Don O'Brien, 143 • Beil, If Rennie, rtf Hesse, rf ............................0 0 0 0 White, p 4 0 1 0 TOTALS --37 8 1'1 0' LATTA ABR H E Forsythe, ss 3 0 1 2' Petrie, of 3 0 0 0 Glaas+, of 1 0 0 0 Little, lIf 3 0. 0 0 Baker, If 41 0 0 0 0 0 Wright, rf Buskard, c 4 0 2 0' Brannen, ph 1 0 0 0 Stewart, 30) 2 0 0 0' Gow, ph 1 0 0 0 33 0 0 0' 1 0 0 0' 3 0 0 0. 1 0 0 Cr 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Ray, 11b ........ ... Sullivan, ph Parks 2b Olwver, p .... Hanley, ip Reid, p ZZURIiCf i LA.TTA TOTALS -33 0 4 2 It, H E 010 201 211-8 11 0 000 000 000-0 4 2 450 Ci i,izens Give Hearty Welcome To Dry W. A. Klahsen. and His Family of .Commerce: Earl. Weido, Earl' Zimmer, Bill Siebert, Charles Th+iel+, Gordon Block, Karl Haberer and Milton Oesch, provided the gathering with a short comedy act, wh):eh brought plenty Of laughter from everyone present. At the close of the program the members ,of the Chamber served do -nuts and coffee. 0 (Continued from page one) doe or success en behalf of his organ>:ziatiain. He told of how a ctub such as ;the Lions is always interested in Health and Welfare work in a community, and much of the +Gundy they raised is used in this. manner. Mrs. Leonard Erb, president of the Women's Institute, represent- ed the ladies of the community, and extended a special welcome to Mrs. Klahsen In the community. The last speaker on the program was Milton Oesch, president of the Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce. In introducing Dr. Klahsen to the crowd, Mr. Desch said he was very happy that the doctor had seen fit to choose Zu- rich us the place to start his practice. In thanking the crowd for the reception they saw fit to. hold for him, Dir. Killahsen said, "We al- ready feel like friends of every- oee in the community. I don't think there :is any place else where the p•eopde will try and wel- come a newcomer the way Zurich does." Seven members of the Chamber HURON COUNTY' FARMING REPORT (By B. H. Miles agricultural representative for Huron County$) "Bean harvest and silo filling are almost completed: Sugar beet harvest is in full swung, Fall .plowing rs progressing favoaLrablry. >- HURON COUNTY MAN GETS $1.41.50 FOR SOWS At the Zone 2 Yorkshire Breed - res Association sane held in Walk- erton early this month, the aver- age price for 13 boars was $1518; for 24 sows, $135. Highest priced sows were con- signed by William. Turnbull, Brus- sels, and Mean'in Oargiss, Gowans - town, for $147.50 each. The Zone in which the sale was held includes -- Bruce, Huron, Grey, Perth and' North Wellington oountdes, WIN THIS -� PIONEER CHAIN SAW rov • This "Proven Quality" dependable Pioneer RA Chain Saw can be yours absolutely free! Simply come in now for your free contest entry blank and enter our easy contest. .Ask for a demonstration of this easy-to-use chain saw designed specifically for the Canadian wood -cutting industry and priced at : only $199.50. R.+'.DER & MITTELHOLTZ, Zurich, Ont. 10% Down Easy Terms