HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-15, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS GOSHEN NORTH 'Suffers Injuries O'aiareauc•e Parke, a fiantler on the Goshen Lure, lost the end of his flinger last week while- workiing with the manure loader, He was attended by Dr. A. W. Klahsen, Zurich.. G'e eta lld Hayter celebrated his 1.11!bh birthday on Friday tivliith Bib MacBride and Wayne Peck as guests. SS No. 3 Stanley had a new Proof put on their school over the wfeekebd•. The Hayter homestead on the Goshen Line has :been sold to Mr. and Mrs, Jac lcHaineton, of near London. They are expected to move in this week. Young- People's The YlP`U off Goshen and Varna held a social in Varna on Monday evening. Rally Day Sunday was Rally Day at Go- shen Church, Abi!ghilliglvt of the service was the Junior Choir. Mrs. Orval [Boyson spent four days With her daughter and son - lin -law, Mr.. and Mrs. Clare Mc- Brthde, alga there for the weelkeind were Mr. and Mrs, Don James, Lomrdon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allan, Ham- iliton', were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parke. Cold Winter Days Are On The Way Equip yourselves now with Footwear for Cold and Sloppy Weather. MEN: See Our Thermo -Boots. ESCH SHOE STORE - Phone 130J LITTLE MISS MUFFED' Sat on a tuffet Ignoring her curds and whey, She was eating instead— Our quality bread Baked fresh in our oven today! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! ONLY CHOP SUEY LOAF . • iic Give Yourself a Taste Treat Today! TASTY -NU BAKERY Zurich — Phone 'I00 PAGE FIVE WEDDING Buelio :tz—Recker Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood was; decorated with fern and white'and yellow chrysanthemums and altar eanddes on October 11 ,for the afternoons wedding of Barrlb- ana Anne, daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. Becker, Dash- wood, to Leslie malard Bucholtz, Kitchener,• son of Mrs. Annie Bnicholltz, Pembroke, and the late Wsaliam Buahoii z. The Rev. Kenneth L. Zorn of- ficiated. Given Ln marriage 'by her fath- er, the bride wore floor -length. peau de sole .s:tyl!eid on prinicess lines, with; unlpressed pleats and a cha'pea train. The saibrina neck- line went into a "V" et the back, with neckline appliqued with gui- pure lace, and long lilyipaint sleev- es. A wreath of elhliflfon leaves, trimmed with orange tblossioms, held a silk illusion circular finger- tip length, hand -rolled; veli, and she cararied yellow roses and ivy. Mrs. Howard Dattars, 'Dashwood, was matron df honor for her 'sister, and wore baaaerina-length cocoa spice velvet in classic design with scoop• neckline and back "V", shirred !sleeves and :cummerbund of velvet, bouffant skirt with soft- dly 'pleated waist, and she canrried white Shasta 'mums ,with yeliOlw centres, and ivy.. Miss Iris Becker, Dashwood, was junior bridesmaid, dressed identically to the matron of hon- our. Lauri Kangas, Wellland, was groomsman, and ushers. were John Merger, Toronto, and Mervyn Lahti', Kitchener. Mrs. Edward Webb, Dashwood, WSWS and Ladies Aid of Emmanuel Church Hold Interesting Meeting The WS'WS and Ladies' Aird o!f Emmanuel E.U.B. Church met on Tuesday, October 9 with Mrs, Osc- ar Gre'b alerting as chair ladty. Affter the singing of the hymn, "Keep on Praying", Mrs. Harvey Cl'raniniius Weald the poem "A Breath of Prayer" and led in sprayer. M. Bryce Mack read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. Harold Rader end Miss; Catherine Raider sang the duet, "Eventide". The Thank - offering was received The offer- ing this year is for all of our mission fields. A. playlet was, presented, entitled, ' Friendlsl hilp Erases Prejudice". iMirs•. Harvey Clausiniss described the work at the Red Bird Ken - sister of the bride. was organist, and ,accompanied Geoffrey Lund- Tei,gen, whe sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Lave". For the secelption whteh followed in the church parlours, the beti'de's mother received in 'sapphire blue brocade crape sheath;, with cowl neckline, and a corsage of pink roses and white feathered carna- tions. The groom's mother wore a silk brocade sheath in imperial binie. Deconations of yellow and brown 'rums and marigolds made a lovelly setting. For towelling the (bride donned a wino ii crepe • dress of 'geranium red in blouson style with frame neckline; a beige cashmere coat with beige. and 'brown accessories and! a corsage of white gardenias. The younig couple will alive in Kit- chener. DEAR MOM: These new Drytex Panties are extra good value 'cause they fit better and last long- er than other baby pants. Please get me two pair, so I'll always be comfy and clean. —YOUR BABY. P.S.: They're Sanitized too, for lasting freshness. NEW — SANITIZED "DRYTEX!' BABY PANTS WITH A MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE Slip-ons 69c — Toddler 79c --- Snap -on 89c "TRY A PAIR FOR LONGER WEAR" ZURICH VARIETY ST, E fl SAVING YOU MORE -- SERVING YOU BETTER THIELS SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings Closed Wednesday Afternoons Agents for Mid-TAwn Clearers Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. H. THIEL ZURICH — Phone 140 Specials For Thursday Friday Saturday SWIFT'S Prem Luncheon Meat 12 oz. fin — 43c SWIFT'S Premium Cooked Ham 11/2 lb. tin — $1.45 PILLSBURY Chocolate Cake Mix 2 pkgs., 63c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 2 tins for 24c Feature Special 1010 NW NW Mt TIP TOP PEAS m-1 5 oz. • 5M 9 for $1.00 KLEENEX Large 400 Size 35c ' pkg. MEATS PEA-MEALED COTTAGE ROLL 1/25 lb. 59c Ready -To -Serve PICNICS lb. 49c Fruits - Vegetables BANANAS Only 3 lbs, for 29c SWIFT'S �p GOLDEN DEW MARGIENE 2 for 49c osommorimesesoloommoossesomenosansommiumeemoissinine lucky avlbutali•n Mission. There are three elermentarry schools, end eight pearling places. There is a. demonstration farm, showing an improvement on the land. She laid a ;package of seeds: beside the cross as a token of her dedication Mrs. Harold Rader described the work in Japan•. There is a strived for deaf children, in Japan.. Some of the girls win scholar- ships to attend the colleges in the United States. Miss Jean Keller- man, Kitchener, is one of the missionaries. there. The great need ds for 'Christian education in Jap - ram. She placed a text book begs& the cross as her dedication. Miss Ethel G+abell represented Perto Rico, whiich is a comnnon- wealth; of the United States. She pieced Christian literature beside the cross as her dedication. Mrs. Bryne Mack represented the Philippines. The United Church of ;Christ is a young vigorous church. They have 15 missionaries in the ;country. Mrs,. Jratek Mo011inchey spoke for the Mission inn Sli.erre Leene, Afri- ca. Atfrica is a very large contin- enit. Doctors are needed. She plac- ed a hypodermic needle beside the crass. Mise'Catherine Rader said she would place her (fife beside the crosts. Mrs. L. Taylor, Dashwood, gave a 'very interesting account of her trip to Hawaii. "The plane covers the distance ;of 2,410 miles from San Francisco to Hawraii in 91,4 hours. There is an immense air pont. They greet you with flowers, an ,yiour 'arrival. The sun shines all the time. There are no insects lien Hawaii. "The hotels are beautiful. The people arra friendly and polite. There is allways a :scent of flow- ems in the air. There are many churches in Hawaii, almost of ;every faith. "At Pearl Harbour„ their cam- eras were taken away from them. 1,102 men are entombed in one ship. there. When they left Hawaii all the lights were on, and it made a beautiful sight" Mrs. iMi lton Oesah sang the selection, "I Don't Know About Tonorrow". The president, Mrs. Delbert Geiger took charge of the ibasaness. Mrs. E Hey led in pray- er. r'ser. Mrs. Ward Peitz read the min- utes of the last meeting. Miss Olive O'Brien garve the report of the Ladies' And Treasurer. Mrs. A. M. Amacher gave the report orf the Spiritual Life Committee. Mrs. J. W. Merner reported as secret- ary of Christian Social Relations. It was decided to donate $10 to the CNIB fund. Mrs. Milton Oesch reported that the E.Y.F. would be going to Seba'dnig i:lle on Friday for the Fall Rally. Mrs. Allan Gescho reported for the Member- ship, Committee. Mrs. K. M. Brea - key stated that during the nnanth of September there were 39 slick visits, 79 cards, 22 'treats, and 24 bouquets. Mrs. A. M. Amacher, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman and Mrs. Peaxil Melnik were appointed a. committee to examine the choir gowns. Members of the committees in charge were Mrs. O. Greby. Mrs. H. Rader, Mrs. J. Gaschow Mrs. B, Madk, Mrs. Harvey Clause i us and Miss Pearl Wurtz. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE PRESENTS Modern & Old - Time DANCING Saturday, Oct. 18 Music Supplied Sy KEN HARTMAN And His MELODY MIXERS Sponsored by the Arena Board 4i