Zurich Citizens News, 1958-10-15, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1958 ZURICH Ctizens NEWS PAGE THREE District Women's Institutes Zurich WI. The Women's Institute meet in, the 'flown Hall on Tuesday, Oct - Ober 7 at 8 o'clock. Mrs, Harold Thiel was appointed secretary to finish the ,teman, of Mrs. 2V1 enno Oeseh, 1Seealforth Womenfs Institute ex- tended an inMtation to the local Women's Institute to attend their meetFng oin Tuesday; Oetober 14, at 8.30 p.m., and to proviidte one mnunnber. Ani invitation was received far all members to attend the, Fall Rally at Coven P'resbp'ttenrian Church in Exeter on Wednesday, November 5. A letter was read requesting For The LATEST in HAIR STYLINGS Call Norma's Beauty Shoppe Phone Zurich 223 WE SPECIALIZE IN assistance in the Mius'eullar Dyst- rophy campaien for funds which will be held! ,;n the near future. :Delegates- to !attend the WI con- vent7ion in London on October 21 are Mee. Harold Thiel and Mrs. Jack. Bannister. The !guesit speaker for the even- ing was 1VDr. Ed. Wheeler, field secretary for the Canadian Na- tional Institute tor the. Blind. He gave an unteresbinig and informa- 'dive address on the work d:ane by this. Institution. Mr. Wheeler said there are four kinds of blind - nese, ' those who have. iborderlinte vision guiding vidian; light recep- tion and the large letters. Blindness can be caused by !accidents, ignorance, disease and neglect which includes, malnutri- tion, dlialbettus, cataracts, and the ,saying' "it's tao expensive". He uatged parents to supervise their chirnadtren when using scissors, haws and anrows and BB !guns. There are 61 blind persons in Huron County. He described the Many services !hart are available dor the 'blind people. The WI donated $5 to .the ONIB. A reading, "Thanksgiving by Tlvanksllivfing" was presented by Mfrs. Newel Geiger. Mrs. Amacher sang a solo, Count Your Many Blessings" to accompany the read- ing. Arlene Masse sang two solos, "It's Been a Blue, Blue Day" and "Bye, Bye Love". care M'ass'e sang two songs, "Four Walls:" and "My Shoes Keep 'Coming Back to Me" and accompanied hnmsellf on the !guitar. Mrs. Elroy Desijardine SUNDAY DINNERS 4.00 to 730 p.m. 11111111M1110 11•1110.1a ISIMMI.9230 11.1140011 !MONO Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Area Stranger But Once and Mrs. Clare •McBride gave sev- eral musical nuanbers. The meet- ing came to a close, and a lovely lunch was served by the com- mittee. Hensall WI Ian McArillrister spoke albonut agriculture and Canadl:ani indust- ries at a meeting of Hensall Wo- men's Institute. He also showed pictures !albout farming to illus- trate, his talk. 'Mrs. Robert Eagle coanrnend;e'd on the motto, "It is fine to pay for a coop, but keep on hoeing." Roll call was answered by naming an industry in Huron County and Its. location. Plans' were outlined for a hue. tkrip to .Ford Museum and Green- field Village, .and arrangements made for a turkey banquet on "Family Night". Miss M. Ellis gave a reading and Mf:ss Greta Lammnie conduct- ed a sing=song. Mrs. Carl Payne presided for the, bazszness meeting and Mrs. Wesley Richardson for the program, Hostesses were Mrs. Edward Norminton and Mrs. R. J. Cam- eron; program conveners, Mrs. Walker !Carlisle and Mrs. Westley Rielhardson. Dashwood WI G. R. HARDMAN CHRONIC FOOT TROUBLE? VISIT Miracle ROOT — A/O. Have You Been Told do believe thateyou're the trouble foot veryone beyond help? George R. Hardman would like to talk to. Come next Monday; discuss our foot Problems with Mr. Hardman. Have him explain what MIRACLE FOOT AID has done for others with similar ills; and show YOU what it will do for YOU. of you want welcome. relief from foot !pain; if you Wantto walk better; work better; and have a happier life; see Mr. Hardman and MIRACLE FOOT AID. .And remember that many other body ills, such as pains in leg, knee and back, may be associated with a foot condition. Lutheran Ladies Give Gifts To CNIB and Rally Mrs. Howard Klapp acted as chair lady for the October meeting of the Lutheran Ladies A'i'd. She opened the meeting with the singing of "Saviour r Dike a S:hep- heed Lead Us" and "Jesus Saviour Pill'ot Me", foillowedi by the read- ing of Psalm 67. Pastor Winter gave a shoat talk on the liife history of a great Coc- pos:er•, Philipp Nic'bai, who com- posed the two lovely hymns "How Brightly Beams The [Morning" and "Wake:, Awake for Night is Flpy- ing" after which he lead in pray- er. The :president, Mrs:. Finkbeiner took the chla>ir for the business session. It was decided to send a dbriataoin to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. A mission gift was given to the Ladies Aid Rally which was held in • Ayton on, Wednesday, October 8. Two car loads of 'Ladies (morn the organ- ization attended the ray. The vieitinig eomrnittee reported making 14 calls to the suck and shut -Ins. The secretary, M•rs. Ed. Deters read several 'Thank You" notes. The meeting closed with the praying of the Lord's Prayer, and benediction by the pastor. The committee in ehamge served a tasty kindle to the 35 ladies and the pastor. The regular meeting of the Dashwood Woments: Institute was held last Tuesday with the vice- president, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, presiding. Mrs. Mihfred Merner and Mrs. Charles Snell were ap- pointed delegates to the Landon Area convention,. Mrs. Haroild (Rad- er and Mrs. John Rader were ap- pcl'rted a committee to obtain a musical number for the tall rally in Exeter. $5 was voted: for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Mrs. Sydney Baker and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz- were ap- pointed leaders for the 4-H Club, "The Cereal. Shell'". The eduction group, with Mrs. Harold Kellerman as convener, was in charge of the !program. The vola .call "Reason why women should serve on school. !boards" proved interesting. Mrs. Ernest Koehler commented on the motto "A sharp tongue is the only 'edged tool? .that grows keetner with con- stant use." A display of ,.autumn vegetables and fruit was very beautiful. Mrs. Latta Taylor also displayed work books from Grades 3, 4 and 5. Mrs. Jack Robichaud, Grand Bend, was guest speaker and showed pictures of countries over- seas taken when she and her hus- band, who. is in the Canadian Army, were stationed 1n Germany. Mrs. Kellerman conducted a whistling contest and Mrs. Elvin Rader conducted a silent auction, which realized over $9 fcharge 'treasury. The group an served lunch and the meeting clos- ed with "The Queen." At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH — Phone ,I 30-J MONDAY„ OCTOBER 20 10 a.m. — 8 p.m. Zurich Lutheran Ladies Attend District Rally Two ear leads. of ladies from Zurich, Lutheran Church attended the ninth tannuai ,rally of the Lad- ies .Aid Society of the Stratford and Hanover Districts of the Can- ada Synod, which was held on Wednesday, October 8, in Triality iEvanlgeliical Lutheran C h u r c h, A•yttbn. Words of welcome were given by Mrs:. John Becker, presidentt of the Ayton: society; Eno Seim, vice-president of the church coon- cel and Cecil' Ellis., reeve of the Township of Normandy. The theme of the rally being "Let Your Lamps. Be Bright" was given through, "Demotion to His Word", by Mrs. Douglas, Niekle, Wiar'ton, Through "Obedience to His Will:" by Mrs. Laurence Koch, Gopwanstavwn. Through, "Reliance on His Grace", by the Aylmer sac- . iety. The mission gifts were given too Christ Lutheran Mission Congrre- ggation in Peterborough; their pastor baling Rev. Herbent Gaist- meier. The Rev, G. F. Oelsner, Elm- wood, gave the closing devotions. Supper was s'eeved in the base- ment of the, church. The Vlesper services were held at 7.30 p.m. with Rev. Gerhardt Becker, Ohestley, as guest speaker. $208 Already hi For ,CNIB Drive Jack Bannister, chairman off the local earcnlpaiign, for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, reports that $208 has been donated to the cause so far. The objective is $300 for Zurich and district. According to Mr. Bannister only about 50 percent of the people to whom the appeal was made have responded. If the rest would give a donla'ti'.on of a small amount it would be quite easy for the cam- paign to go over the top. If the quota could be reached. this year, it would murk the first time in history that Zurich and district reached its goal. EVENTIDE A N D ROCK of AGES MEMORIALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRIDE and SON EXETER Phone 41 Clinton Seaforth HIW 2-6606 573 Everybody Reads The Want Ads COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING USED CARS DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY Phone 38 Zurich PAINT YOUR A L L S WITH T H E FASHIO LE SOFT COLORS OF SUPER >' 4,1011%-. • • AND BORROW THE NEW Color Hnrmony Book FOR THE CORRECT COLOR COMBINATIONS This valuable, easy-to-use book helps make the choos- ing of correct color combi- nations easy. Now, find perfect ways to harmonize wall colors with your fur- nishings. Completely differ- ent from any other system. Yes, we'll lend you o copy of the Color Harmony Guide—free! See your LOCAL "SUPER KEM" DEALER Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware PHONE 63 ZURICH it t