HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-01, Page 6PAGE SIX
DR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS MiLLER were married
in St. Andrew's United Church, Nanaimo, B.C., on Sep-
tember 13. The bride is Doris Irene Sten, daughter of
Mrs. Hulda Westerback, Guelph, and the late Arvid Sten,
and the groom is the son of Mrs. Torrance Miller, Fergus,
and the late Mr. Miller. The couple will reside in Zurich.
Edward Deichert, Sarnia, was
a weekend visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert.
Mr. and Mrs. Tome Rawlings
were Sunday visirtars in Sarnia
with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rawlings.
Miss Meda Suremuls, Toronto,
was a weekend visitor with her
brother, Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs, Norbert Goetz,
Stratford, were Sunday visitors
with' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Deitz.
Mr. .and Mrs. W. B. Gibbons,
Woodbridge, were weekend visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Syllvanus
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin and
Bill, and Mr. William fader spent
the weekend at. their cottage in the
Parry Sound district.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and
Family, London, were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Miss Dianne Thiel, London, was
a weekend visitor With her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel,
in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller,
newlyweds, have taken up resid-
ence in the home owned by Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacKin-
non, Galt, and Mrs. Rose Russell,
Exeter, were Thursday visitors
with Mrs. M. MacKinnon.
Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith
have returned home after spending
enjoyable week's vacation at the
home of their son in Blind River.
,Mass F<ileen Smith, London, was
a weekend visitor at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adel
beant Smith.
Mrs. Leonard Erb, Mrs. Newell
Geiger and Mrs. Nanny Koehler
were to Rodney on Monday to a
District Rant'..
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finnkbeiner,
,Crediton, and Mrs. Annie Fink-
benner, Zuridh, enjoyed a pleasant
weekend visiting friends at Water -
down and St. •Cathelnnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and
daughter Kevin, Blind River, are
spending a few weeks holidays at
the haeme of the fonner's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Adellbert Srrnith.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and
sonJohn, Mrs. Manny Manson and
Mrs. Nancy :Koehler were 'visiting
With Mrs. Mary Weber at Selb-
ringvii'lle on Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho
motored to Toronto on Saturday.
They were accompanied by their
4:lauaghter, Bambara, and her soar,
who .left fz'ani Melton Airport for
theh home in Halifax.
Returns Home
Mrc. 'SylrVannls Witmer has ie-
tulrtned ihonie after• having a hee a.
olpeiratison alt 'I!tnornhntfi Hospital.
He is able to be up and around
Fishing Trip
Earl Yungib]ut, Ed Gascho, Clare
Geiger, and Art Heist left on Sat-
urday for a fishing trip to north-
ern Ontario. They plan on being
await' for three or four days.
Attend Convention
Messrs. Fred Ialberer, Jr. and
Keith Westlake; representing the
firm. of Halberer-Westia:ke Con-
crete Vaults, attended the con-
vention orf Georgian Bay District
Funeral Directors. Association held
in Paisley last Friday.
Home From Trip
Mrs. and Mrs. Ward Fritz have
returned home from a pleasant
motor trip through Eastern Cana-
da. They visited at such places
as Quebec, Prince Edward Island,
New England States and Cape
Guest Soloist
Mr. Lorne Arnacher, sin of Rev.
and Mrs. A. M. Aanacher, was the
guest soloist at the Anniversary
Services of •Chuselhurst. United
Church on Sunday.
He rendered two lovely selec-
tions, accompanied at the piano
by his another.
Trip To Montreal
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner,
Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Milifred
Merner, Dashwwoad, left on Tues-
day morning for Montreal, where
they will meet Miss Donna Marin-
er, who is arriving at that port
by boat, after having spent a year
in England.
Mail Time Changes
With Return of
Standard Time
With the change back to Stand-
ard Time the hours of dispatch
and 'arrival of the afternoon mail
at the local Past Office will
There will be no change in the
morning schediule, but the after-
noon mail will leave for Hensel
cne hour earier than before, at
3.45 instead of 4.45. The mail will
arrive back in.:Zurich at 4.45, and
will be sorted by 5 p.m.
Exeter Girl 'Will.
Represent Huron
At 4-11 Club Week
Carolyn Oke, RR. 3, Exeter, was
selected to represent the 394 4-H
Homemaking Club anennlbers at this
year's National 4-H Club Week,
November 15 to 21. As is the
case each year, eight delegates
are selected from the 4-H Abo-rioul-
tural Clubs; five 4-H Homemaking
members from Southern Ontario
and one delegate from Northern
Ontario, making a total of 14 del-
egates to represent Ontario.
Of those candidates nominated
for National Club Week, one girl
was chosen to represent Ontario's
4-H Homemaking Club memhers
at the National 4-H Club Congress
in Chicago, November 29 to Dec-
ember 5.
Last year Bert Pepper RR 3,
Seaforth, reresented Ontario's 4-
H Agricultural Clubs at Chicago.
Carolyn was chosen on the basis
of her 4-H Homemaking Club
work. She is 18 years old, the-
heoldest of five children of Mr. and
Mrs. Larne Oke, who farm. one
and a quarter miles east and one
mile north of Exeter in Usborne
Township. Carolyn is a Grade 13
pnalplil at the South Huron District
Higih School and works with her
parents during the summer. She
has an outstanding record in her
eight 4-H Homemaking Club pro-
jects, which she has completed.
She has shown exceptional inter-
est and has submitted excellent
work showing cant:Tiled improve-
ment throughout her eight pro-
jects. This year Carolyn was one
of six delegates attending the 4-
H Homemaking Club Girls Con-
ference in Guelph. Her club lead-
ers in tihe past project "The Club
Girl Stands On Guard" were Mrs.
Alvin Moir land Mrs. Hugh Love
of the Hurondale Women's Inst-
As well 'Carolyn has been a
member df the South Huron Sugar
BeetClub far two years and had
the first place sugar beets at their
Achievement Day at the Exeter
Fal Fair this year.
L. A. Meeting
The Ladles Auxiliary to the
Scouts and Cubs met et the home
of Mrs. Jack Bannister last Thurs-
day night. The ladies decided they
would hold a Father and: Son ban-
quet somet3n.e in the near future,
depending on a suitable date,
At the request .of Cub Master
Doug O'Brien, the auxiliary plans
on trying to find a new leader for
the Culbs, Mrs. Harald Stade is
president of the group and Mrs.
Earl Weida is secretary.
Attend Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier,
and Rose ,Marie, and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Huliibert and Aliienn, motored
to Windsor last Friday. The Gren:-
ters crossed to Detroit, were they
attended the wedding of Mr. Ken
Zadrinsloi to Muss Lucille' Quenne-
• • The bride is one of the ,triplet
daughters tot Mr. rand Mrs, Law-
awrence Quennev;ille, Detroit, and
.granddaughter of the nate Mr. and
Mrs. William Granter, Zurich.
The sisters, Labra and Loue1lia,
were the bride's attendants.
First Wolf Cubs
Start New Term
To -night at 7 p.m.
The first meeting of the new
term for the First Zurich Wolf
Cubs will be held in the Town Hall
tonight at 7 p.m. sharp.
A11 boys (between the ages of
eight 'and 111/2 years are invited
to come out and attend the Oub
meetings this year. Leader of the
group is Doug O'Brien.
Women's Institute
Will Meet Next
Tuesday in. Hall
The Women's Institute will meet
on Tuesday, October 7 at 8 p.m.
in the Township Hall,
Mr. Ed. Wheeler, field secret-
ary of the Canadian National Inv
stitute for the Blind will be the
guest speaker.
Alli meimibers are requested ba
be present. Guests are cordiality'
Zurich, has been winning
many prizes at local fall
fairs with his choice fowl.
He is shown here with two
of his white ducks which
brought him first 'prize at
the Bayfield fair.
(Staff Photo)
ried in St. Peter's R.C. Church, St. Joseph, on Saturday,
September 27. The bride is Marie Ange, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte, Zurich, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Denomme, Zurich. The couple
will live in Kitchener. (Staff Photo)
Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist
Wednesday, October 1-
8.30 p.m: W.S.W.S. Prayer
Service. All Welcome.
Sunday, October 5-
10.00 a.m.—World-Wide Com-
munion Day Service.
11.00 a.m.—Sunday School Rally
Day and Promotion Day.
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service.
Tuesday, October 7—
E.Y.F. Service.
Sentence Sermon: "Exercise your
love for others to keep it
A Hearty Welcome Awaits You
At These Services
Rid Your Attic
Of "Don't Wants"
Run An Adiet
Wednesday, October 1-
8.00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship
at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Erb.
Sunday, October 5—
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service
and Preparatory Service
8.00 p.m.—Bible Meeting
Everyone is Welcome
Rev. O. Winter. Pastor
Mrs. J. Turlt$eim, A.,T.C.M.,
Sunday Services
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service.
11.15 a.m.—Bible Class and Sun.
day School (all ages).
In the name of our Master we bid
you a cordial welcome to this
house of God, its worship,
its comfort and its
A Personal Problem
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?"
(Heb. 2: 31
Great because of its -
1. Author—The Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Sufficiency—which meets every need.
3. Universality—for everyone.
Behold, now is the accepted time, behoid now is the day
of salvation, 2 Cor. 62.
Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee