HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-01, Page 5WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS BLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS (Mrs. Russel Grainger, Correspondent) We care sorry to report that a patrient inn Victoria Hospital, M. William $parks, Seatfoartlh, London.. ffaumerlky of the Bronson Line, is Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Lon - ALWAYS . APPROPRIATE .APP'RECIATED! We Make Up Beautiful Floral Tributes for Weddings — Corsages — Funerals — Special Occasions and Gifts NETS'S FLOWER SHOP AT THE OESCH SHOE STORE Phone 130J or W don, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penthale and also at- tended the Hayfield F.anr, Mr. and Mrs, Beat Dunn, Jr., called on Mrs William Sparks, who its a patient in Viktoria. Hos- pital, London, on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Snowden has re- turned to her hoarse atter spending the past ten days at the home of her dawgbter and son -in -Mw, Mr. and Mrs. John Keys. Mrs. Jennie, Downie has retuiin- ed to Stmathxoy after spending a week With Mr. end Mrs. Russell 'Grainger a inlger anrd family. Mins Lynrnda Sootchmer spent the weekend with Misses Helen and Phyllis Grainger. Fair a Success Bayfield Flail Fair is over once more and a good attendance is re- ported. The School Fair Section was well attended and over 1,200 entries were ,placed in the arena on Wednesday morning by teach- ers and pnipils of 14 schools from Stanley and Goderich townships. The shield for the most points per pupil was won by SS 4 West Stan- ley, tanley, with SS 5 Godemiich Township (Porter's Hill), pledi'nIg second; SS 9 Goder eh Township, third; SS 5 Stanley, fourth and SS 1 Stanley, fifth. CLEARING OUT SALE OF ALL MATTRESSES From OCTOBER 4 to OCTOBER 11 inclusive WE NEED THE ROOM, SO WE ARE SACRIFICING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MATTRESSES, ETC. SEALY Special 4 FOOT CONTINENTAL UNITS With Legs Roreg. $125 $79 F SEALY Special DeLuxe CONTINENTAL UNIT With Latex Fibre Reg, $145 For Complete With Legs EXTRA SPECIAL SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES Reg. $25.95 for $17.50 REAL BUY ATTRESSES — with A.C.A. Ticking Reg. $28.00 for Only $21.00 FELT MATTRESSES Rego $16.95 FOR ONLY ¶11.95 PAGE FIVE Bucharme— Druillard St. John Vaanney Church., Riv- erside, was the setting for the wedding of Miss Bernadette Drulil'- liand and Lea Ducharme, Windsor. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Drualliard, Wand- sor and the groom's: parents, are Mr. :and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, Biayi1 elid. Miss Anne Ducharme, sister of the groom, Miss Janet Druiil ar d, and Miss Elaine Druilliard, sisters of the bride acted as bridesmaids and the junior attendants were .Carol Ducharane and Joan Druil!- dlard. The groom was attended by his youngest (brother, Peter Ducharme and cousin AnthonyrDnacherane and the briide's brother Stanley Druil- lard, Louis Ducharme anted as usher. Following the ceremony a din- ner for about fifty iinmedi,ate rel- atives was held at The Rendez- Vous Tavern. .Following this the young couple left for Montreal and Quebec and on their return will live in Wind- sor. BEDDING INNERSPRING OR FOAM FAMPLIS NAME BRANDS FLOOR SAMPLES Extra Special SPRING -FILLED ATTRESSES All Sizes SEALY, MARSHALL, SIMMONS Reg. Price $59.50 Sacrificing at 1/2 PRICE 4 Foot ELITE UNIT Complete Reg. $69 for $49 3/3 Single Bed UNITS Reg. $59 for $42 Sealy Special -Smooth Top Mattress Reg. $59.50 for Only $35.00 WHEN THIS SPECIAL IS OVER THERE WILL BE NO MORE AT THIS PRICE STEEL REDS se' nny Si & each EXTRA SPECIAL - 1 ONLY - 3 -Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite DOUBLE DRESSER, BOOKCASE HEAD, NO -MAR TOP Complete with Spring and Mattress Reg. $229 For Only $149 YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT BUNK RED Red Maple Finish. Complete with lad- ders, springs and spring -filled mot - tress. Reg. $110 for . Only $68.95 SPECIAL UNIT STEEL BEH SPRING -FILLED MATTRESS and SPRING. All Sizes -- Complete -- Only $49.00 SPECIAL. UNIT STEEL BED, SPRING -FILLED MATTRESS rid SPRING 36" Size — Complete — Only $39.00 Westlake Furniture ZURICH PHONE 89W or 89J HI]LLSGREEN (Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chapman visited Sunday with Mr, and Mins. Anson Colerrlan. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake visit- ed on Sunday with. Mr, and iV.t'rs. ,Chamlres Reid and family. 1Vflr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and tardily, Wallaceburg, spent the weekend art their farm. Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Boyce and family, Clinton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Tiheima Workman and Leroy. Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held . on Sunday, Sekptemlb:er 28, at Var- na Unirted' •Church. Guest speakers were Rev. Sidney Davison, Brace - at the morning service and Rev. J. A. McKim B.A. Wesley - Willie United Church, Clinton, at the evening service. Mrs; A. Willis, guest organist, assisted the choir, along with guest soloist Mx, Donald MacDonald, who sang at the morning seri-vice and Mrs. D. Andrews and Mrs. ,Holland of Wesley -Willis, who sang at the evening service. It was the church's 50th anavieersary. Meet In Varna The sectional meeting of the centre section, Huron Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Society, will be held at Verna on Thursday, Octolber 9. There will be two sess- siion , 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 pen. The Varna Woman's Association are catering for the dinner o. Join Farm. Forum Urges Fieldman (By J. Carl Hemingway) Last year 'OKNX scored another &lest in TV (broadcasting when at teievized :Farm Forum for the first time. This was for only six programs but it roused enough interest that this year Farms For- um will be telavized by ORNX for the whole season. If listeners find it worth while. the CBC has promised to televize Faern Forums. on a National network next year. This is a real challenge to the rural communities within the range of 'OKiNX-TV. You are the rpegple who have the opportunity elf showing that rural people are interested in the welfare of the farm home. You will have the opportunity of sihowing Canada thet you can discuss your pro- blems and arrive at sensible solu- tions. You have done this before. When :tanners were unable to get the type .of car insurance at the price they were able to pay it was through the suggestions of farm forums in this area that Co-oper- ators Insurance Association was formed. FOIA now protects some 10,000 car owners in the CKNX area alone and is now the fourth largest in Ontario. This must have been a worthwhile idea. 11Rarnnion Farm Forum .group im Grey County are responsible for the Brucellosis Control Act now in effect in Ontario. More than half of the local Co-operatives originated from the efforts of Farm Foruan groups. There is stall many things to be done to keep farmers in this in- creasingly complicated business of rprovidiog food for the nation. The answers of our problems can be found if all of us get together and discuss our difficulties. We would bike to see someone in every school section twite as many of his neighbours as poss- ible to his: home Tuesday, Nov- ember 4 at 9.30 p.ni, to see and discuss "What Price Freedom?" Just haw much do you want your government to do for you and how much are you willing to do for younse'lf. Democracy disappears when individuals are unM'illing to do things for themselves. If you attend Fenn Foruan you wiull de- dide where the control will be; if you don't the control will be by someone else. A meeting of all those interested en: holding a Fastin: Forum willl by held for the tlowanshiss of Morris,, Grey, Tunnibeury and Howick Wrouceter Coariaxvunity Hall, Sept- ember 10 at eight o'clock,. Mat- erial for the first program waiihi be given out and procedure will be shown. Another meeting for the snare westerly townships in the -CKINX coverage will be he]id in Alulbuon an October 9 at eight, ti a the Orange Hall. Come to which- ever hiffelver plaice is most convenient. We hear a greet deal ebourt the opposlittaan to farm organizations, rnauketing plans and neg+otaia't> boards. The most dankgea'ous olZ- ipoeent to any of these is inciif• thereneet Dot lit ,mss eaierny ruu4 !the ops misty that :is ,owes in Ow eat months.