HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-01, Page 3WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE THREE Seven Baptisms At Hensa1:1• L nited Church (By ow Hensall Correspondent) Seven Ibabies' received the rites off baptism at the Rally Day ser- vices at Hensa11 United Church this past Sunday morning. The ch- ildren were: Gail Elizarbeth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roes Junks; Ida Ann', daughter of M.r. and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell; Karen Anne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Jr.; Jamie Kylie, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cardwell; Judith Eflizatbeth, daughter of Mr. and Mris. wit tam Mickle; Valeria Jane,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jin Clark, and Douglas Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beide. The theme of the rally was, "My Father's World", and the Rev. Charles- Daniel was in charge of the services, assisted by, Charles Mtckle and Kathy Scare. The choir rendered special music. OL . WEEKEND D SPECIAL: Delicious Orange C ke ottiv Zurich — Phone 100 .n. .„n. .a. .m,. a a. ,.a. .m. AR..n. 1411/72 Bei.erling'aStephen The wedding in which Dorothy Anna a3eierling, daughter. of Mr. and •Mrs.. William Belerling, RiR 1, ;Dashwao,d, became the bride of Douglas Charles Stephen, son ,Of Mr, and Mrs. William Stephen, RR 1, Woodham was solemnized in Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood, by Rev. Kenneth L. Zorn an Saturday, September 20 at 3 p.m. The bride chose for her wed- ding a 'ballerina -length gown of white lace over satin featuring a bouffant skirt with inserts of nylon net with ruffles, lily point sleeves and peter pan collar trim- med with .pearls and irridescent sequins. A tiara of seed pearls and beads held her finger-tip veil. She carried dark pink roses, white pinocchia 'mums and white stream- ers. Her .only attendant was Miss Greta Stephen, Exeter, sister of the groom, who were pink em- bossed rayon bengaline with mat- ching pink headdress trimmed with rhinestones. She carried a bouquet of white and blue 'mums. Ray Be•ierling, Dashwood, was groomsman. Following a honeymoon spent at Niagara Falls ,the couple will make their home an the groom's farm at RR 1, Woodhann. 0 - ensal1 Kiusmen fTo Sponsor Inor Hockey -NOTICE During the Fall and Winter Months our Barber Shops will be Closed en TUESDAY Eve ;,ine s We WW Still Remain ©pen ,gin THURSDAY and SATUR AY N:ejht.s THANK YOU! Harold Johnston Earl Oesch 1 eteher is Cheese Festival Month, Ca adians Urged To Eat More Cheese The October Cheese Festival will again this year focus atten- tion of the nation's . housewives on the high food value of cheer:'. Durir-ug the centuries since Ghee e was discovered, its reputations and use as a food has increased. In Canada the per capita consump- tion of chese had risen to 6.6 pounds by the end of 1957. One of the reasons for the in- creasing popularity of cheose in Canada is the fact that more than forty types are no«• being made and sod in Canada. The influx of new Canadians in recent years and their taste for their native (By our flensall Correspondent) The Hensali Kinsmen will again sponsor minor hockey this winter, it was decided at their dinner meeting held last. Thursday night. Plans were finalized for their a ,�.k, .,,` annual Kinsmen dance and Smcr- SAVING YOU MORE — SERVING YOU BETTER SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings Closed Wednesday Afternoons S edels !or Heinz Tomah Ketchup 11 oz. bottle 20c r Aylmer i M+P rl �j r' i 2 LARGE TINS 37c 29c Crown Coda. 2 Lb, Thi cheese and cheese dishes, and the ;crowing publicity given foreign dishes of all kinds, has created the for manufacturing many foreign -type cheeses in this country. Aside from ,the, good taste characteristics of our mawcheeses, modern nutritionists know a great many reasons why chase is important in the diet. First i. an foremost ii the most highly concentrated of protein , Ts and one of the most easily dt rested. In fact, experiments laat e shown that from 90 to 99 percent of alit. cheese is digested. Cheese, there- fore, is considered to be among the best protein foods for youngchildren.. Mille proteins, fat, the fat soluble vitamins and milk minerals are the nutrients that makes cheese so valuable in triter daily diet, One of the interesting facts about cheese is that a great deal of it can be eaten by an in- dividual in a day without tiring or jading the appetite. gasbord. A donation was also made to the Canadian National In- stitute for the Blind. Various com- mittee chairmen gave reports for their plans during the coming sea- son. Jack Hamilton, a former memb- er of the Blenheim club, was ex- tended a welcome to the meeting. Special guests were Bill Coleman,Kwp1 n, and Dick Quante and Ward Kraft, both of Exeter. Agents for ( id -Town id—TownCleaners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. HI. THIEL ZIJR1C4 .m Phone 140 A u dn Johnson Hard Gloss it1.4 Glo Coat Lge. Qt, Tin $1.09 3 lbs. mr 69c Ex ra Spec'al Th's 'a ee end- ARG NE- Golden Dei or Ge id's t!► E , T S Frits, Ve etab es MIXED COOKIES 2 ib. bag 69c Bone -h PICNIC frIAMS Ib. 49c, Maple Leat WEINERS lb. 49c Special on: BARBECUE CHIME ALWAYS FRESH Check our Adv. Every Thursday in the London Free Press. Cheery Morn C FFEE 1 lb. bag 73c Bead y To Eat $119 each Fresh Cooked Cheese and Cottage Cheese Weekly LINOWIMMENNIMMIMONEMONIONMINNIMMINNIONNOMINOVIMIMINIMINIMMINNINIMINNIMINIMINIMINIUNOMENOMMIr The October Cheese Festiva• which is a national event sponsored. by Dairy Farmers of Canada in co-operation with members of the National Dairy Council, can claim some credit for the increased con sumption of cheese in Canada.. Experience duaiaig. the Beat 8 or 9 years has shown that consumption rises sharply in October and then sinks slowly over the next 4 mon- ths and stabilizes at a level high- er than that of the previous year. For instance, the per capita con- sumption of cheese in 1956 was .2 of a pound below the 1957 level. Dairy officials are hopeful that with the wide range of excellent cheeses which Canada provides, that the per capita consumption will maintain its steady increase in 1958. Badminton Cha t ii Anima! Meeting Next Tuesday; The annual meting of the Zu- rich Badminton Club will be held in the Community nunity Centre on 'Tues day. O'tobcr 7, ai 8.24 p.m. As th t.S 11 for playing bad- minton is again here, all persons interested ate urged to attend this meetiicg. A special invitation is extended to all high school stu- dents, who have played previously, or are Interested in learning the game. President of the organization is Mrs, Doug O'Brien, and ,the sec.. rotary is Miss Joyce Fisher. For The LATEST in HAIR STYLINGS Call Norma's Beauty Shoppe Phone Zurich 223