HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-10-01, Page 1ZURICH, ON1TARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1958
THIS OLD LA MARK, planted 50' years ago by
Michael Meidinger, still makes a very attractive entrance
to his property in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Meidinger were
married 52 years ago, on November 28, 1906, and moved
into this home in 1907. The following year he planted
this' hedge, and built a fine fence across the front of
his premises, making the cement posts himself. At 85
years of age, Mr. Meidinger is still very active, although
he has retired from his masonry trade. Once or twice a
year, as often as is necessary, he gives his hedge a
complete trimming, and keeps it looking neatas Photo)
s is seen
in this picture.
Many Local Winners at ayfield
Fair; Larger Crowd Than Last Year
Despite cloudy skies and a light
shover Of rain, the Bayfield FalJ1
Fair chew 1,500 people to their
show, a larger crowd than attend-
ed last year's event.
'Highlights of the fair were an
exceptionably large cattle show,
a good exthilbit of 4-H club act-
ivities, square dancing competition,
and school displays which more
than 1,000 exhibitors participated
A parade of 14 schools was
headed by ,the Goder&ch Pipe Bawd.
District winners at the fair in-
cluded Bert McBride, Zurich, who
wan first palace with his fine team
of horses in the wagon, or express
class and also first place in the
best matched team of homes. In
ibe ea:ttle class John Keys, Varna,
placed first with his dual-purpose
Shoehorns. Both Leonard' 1Vfenner
and Gifford Pepper won prizes in
the poultry classes.
In the school exhibits, Murray
[McBride, RJR 1, Varna, won first
prize for his relief map of Africa.
Ofihier ,local inside exthilbit winners
were Russell Gmainvger, E. A. Key-
es, (H. A. Fuss, Elmer Hayter,
Bruce Keyes and MVfrs. Herb K9.bpp.
A.t night a dance was held an
the vis: ld Tawny Hall, at which.
time lucky dhows were made. Win-
ners of the draw were Srhtitrley Nor-
man, fE-Tolmesvl'ille; Frank McFad-
den, Btatvtfieid; and Jack Scoteh-
wex, Beylfield, The door prize,
which was donated by Westlake
Furniture, Zurich, was won by Ed.
Mummery, Bayib,eld.
,Directors of the fair
the event as being a
eception. Here
For New Doctor
Oii October 8
A reception will be held in
honour of Dr. and Mrs. A. W.
Kllshsen, who have recently
moved to Zurich, in the Com-
munity Centre, on Wednesday,
October 8, at 8 p.m. Every-
one is given a special invita-
tion to attend this special
Dr. K1ahsen is• establishing
a practices here, and this, get-
together is for the purpose of
hav!in!g the people of this dist-
rict meet and know him and
his wife.
There will be entertainment
and hunch, for which a free
will offering will be taken at
,the door en entry. It is the
hope of the eanmittee in.
theme. of this reception that
. there will be a very good turn-
out. Do come; meet your new
doctor and have a pleasant
evening of good fellowship,
Zurich in Finals,
Play Latta Here
Saturday at 2.30
The first game in the bent
of three series between Latta
and. Zurich Car the all -Ontario
Intermediate "C" Title will be
played in Zurich on Saturday
afternoon at 2,30 p.m. The
second game will be payed
in Latta the .following Satur-
Latta, a town 12 miles
north of Belleville, has a
team which consists of a
gro zp of all-stars coming from
an organization called the
"South Hastings League". An
odd feature oaf thus team is
that they have a medical doc-
tor as manager, and their star
pitcher is a member of the
Ontario Provincial Po]a1ce.
To earn the right to meet
Zurich., the Latta team has
delfeated Orono, in a best of
three series. Orono won the
first game 15-5, and Latta
the next two.
The largest crowd of the
season is expected' to be on
hand to see this important
12 Pages
Members of St, Boniface Parish To
Meet; May Build Separate School
A meeting of the members of
S;t. B!anif'ace Roman Catholic
Church in Zurich will be held in
the Town Hall. on Monday, Octob-
er 6, to further discuss the idea
of !a Separate School in Zurich,
and to elect a board of trustees
for the same. Tentative plans call
for a school to be built to the west
otf the house in which Rev. Fath-
er Doyle resides. The property
has Ibebonged to the parish since
its organization close to 90 years
According to Father Doyle there
would be approximately 75 pup-
i1sl in their parish who could at-
tend this, school. If the proposed
'school is: !built, construction would
probably start as soon as possible
so it would be ready for opening
next September. At that time
there would he close to 20 children
who would be able to attend the
primary classes. The school would
consist of two classrooms, with
provisions being made for possible
expansion if the necessity arises.
The location of the proposed
school would be ideal, being sit-
ituated very 'close to the chuaich.
There is ample space to the rear
of the buildings for suitable play-
grounds for the children.
At the meeting on Monday night
the parishioners will decide whet
the future plans for their school
will be,
Bus Trip To Latta
May 1 e Possible,
See Tom Rawlings
Word has just been received
that 'the• seeryiees of • a• .bus are
ai ailrabil'e af"Ta' oirn'ifial fee. 110' make
the tin to the ball game !iii Latta
a week from this corning Saturday.
If the bus trip is arranged there
would be room for .about 20 or 25
Any'o'ne who might be interested
in going along on the trip should
contact Tom Rawlings immediate-
ly, so it can be determined whe-
ther or not a load can be made
up. The charges for the fare would
be quite reasonable.
Two Members of Community Centre
Board Resign; Should Have Manager
Whether or not the Hay Town- chairman for the past six or seven
ship Council has accepted the res-
ignation of two members of the
Community Centre Board remains
unknown, as the reeve preferred
to hold a closed meeting on the
situation last Wednesday night.
The press was asked to be exclud-
ed from the meeting by reeve V. L.
Becker half way through the dis-
Charman of the Board, Dellbert
Geiger, and secretary Feed Halb-
er'er borth resigned after the Zu-
xucl . Fail Fair, givnntg , as their:
reaisan the' 'feet 'asitia` the Fair.
Board had 'used the Conirn!uniy
Centre chairs an the main part of
the arena against the wishes of
several members of the Commun-
i{tyCentre Board. Chairman Geig-
er told the council that he had
been subject to much criticism
with the operation of the arena,
and he felt it was time for a
change for the good of the arena.
He Inas been ort the board since
the arena was built, and was
Recently Mrs. Fanny ;Bender
had resigned as, caretaker of the
building, 'and both men who hand-
ed in their resignations felt the
arena should have a manager, who
wound be in full control of the
operation •of the building.
Commenting on the manager sit-
uation, councillor Jack Corlbett
said, "Either the Arena should be
rum right or closed up." Reeve
Becker wondered if perhaps the
board heel been, lex :in not having
eiriicugh meetings to discuss veva-
'dims of the !building. He suggested
perhaps a lot of problems could
have been 'i'roned out if they had
met oftener.
It was at this point in the meet-
ing that Reeve V. L. Becker asked
that the press be excluded from
the balance of the discussions.
For this reason it is not known
whether or not the council accept-
ed the resignations.
AS TINEA TEAM of show horses as
pair owned by Bert McBride, Zurich. At t
choice entries, Bert took all the prizes. At
this team has placed below first only once,
has ever been in this istrict s s
he fall fair here, showing against five other
tending almost every fair in the country,
that time they took second. (Staff Photo)