HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-09-10, Page 5WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS BLIJEWAT]ER BAYFILLD Attend Anniversary Dinner guests with Mir, and Mas. Josiah Geiger on the ac- cession of their 50th wedding an- niversary included: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake; Mr. and llVI'rs.. E, A. Westlake; Mr. and Mrs, Aitf Scatchmuer, :Sr., and Mrs, M. Geiger, all of Bayfield. Mrs. ,Acorn Dean has returned 1x her home in Stratford after ,spending the past week with lMrs.. Nelson Tiernan, Cedar Grove, Bay- field. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Huudie and Johnny, Bayiiliel'd, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Thomas Snowd- en and also 'called on Miss Rose Snowden. goo porr0 On our venture into the florist business, we solicit your patronage when it comes to cut flower arrangements for weddings, funerals, etc. We also have a good stock on hand at all times off potted mums in various colours and On various sizes. How about one for her birth- day? SEE THEM AT THE SHOE STORE WINDOW NEWS FLOWER SHOP At the Oesch Shoe Store Phone 130J or 130W PAGE FIV WSWS and Ladies' Aid of Emmanuel Church Business and Program Meeting The W.S.W,S. and Ladies' Aid met at Emmanuel E.U.B. Ch.urclh. on Thursday night, with Mrs. J. W, 11/Lerner .acting as chairiady. ,Af- ter the singing of the hymn, "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord", Miss Jane Lamont read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Orville Witmer read an article about the triumph of the church. The hymn, "0 Where Are Kings and :Empires Now", was sung, and .Mrs.. A, M. Amacah- er led in prayer. Richard Stade, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Harald Stade, sang the solo, "My Task". Mrs. L. W. Ilatfman introduced the topic of the evening. She saikl• that the church must reach peop- les' hearts if it is to be effective,. We are not practising Christian stewardship. We pay taxes to pay vast military esttaibliishments. We forget our obligation to our Lard. Our Manual of Spiritual Living should be a .challenge to us, The Church moves: forward as I read my Bible. What a privilege for service. I have a Christ to share. May we all make th]S promise, "I will read my Bible. daily". The church moves forward as I pray. Jesus, needed to be alone to pray. How mulch more do we? Can your prayer partners in the .mission field depend on you to pray (for them.? Mrs. Allan Geseho said that the church moves forward as I practise stewardship. We are a part of His miracle. Stewardship is ,concerned with what we are. Our talents are His. Entering into the convent of stewardship is only the tbegimniing. Is the church moving forward as I give thanks? Mrs. Orville Witmer dealt with this part of the subject. Paul says that we are to rejoice always. I will give FANTASTIC BEDROOM BUY! Bookcase bed, Double dressers and DROP IN AND SEE IRIS SPECIAL \/ AWE_ IAEST MIGHT TABtE :_•`: Cl E.S hen$Ii YrSi i`.? QUALITY STYLE COMFORT Tp AO! MPOa 59 BEDROOM SUITE Here's your golden opportunity to bring thrilling new beauty into your bedroom—at a price that says "Buy Now"! Famous lKroehler "Perznanized" construction for lasting beauty! Your ch6ice of either "Saddle Willa' QS "Poore Walnut" Wakes. YOU CAN BE CONFIDENT OF QUALITY, STYLE AND COMFORT WHEN YOU SEE THIS SEAL! LOOK FOR IT! e 0 0 m A W 1111111111;1111,' .1.11111111 Panel bed .,rr�►. 110 altifill1M10,441 lE 111! 84dr. Chest Triple dresser WESTLAKE FURNITURE thanks by the proper use of my Thank Offering box. The church demands my loyalty, After the presentation of We subject, tRi;chard Stade sang an- other Sola, entitled, "Angels, Ever Bright and Fair". The membership committee re - ,parted that 56 letters had been sent out to members asking thea to ;bring somneone with them to the meeting, The president, Mrs. Dellbert Geiger, took charge of the meet- ing, Mrs. Newell Geiger led in prayer, The .Secretary, Mrs. Har- old Rader, read the minutes of the 'last meeting. Miss Olive O'- Brien gave the report of the Lad- ies' .Aid treasurer. Mrs. Leonard Erb presented her report as treas- urer of the W.S.W.S. Next month the Thank Ofrfering bones are to be returned. Mrs. M. Brown gave the report of the parsonage c nittee. Mrs. K. M. Breakey re- ported for the service committee, During the month 45 sick visits were made, 106 get well: cards were sent, 24 treats and 39 bou- quets. Letters of thanks were read from Mrs. Chris Hoist, Mrs. T. Meyer and the George Bull- ock family. After the business meeting, a fellowship hlour was spent, wad munch was served fby the commit- tee tee in charge. The members of this committee are Mrs. Athan Gascho, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, Mas. Orville Witmer, Mrs. Blake Horn- er, Mrs. J. W. Merrier and Miss Jane Lamont. 0 HILLSGREEN (Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Correspondent) Honor Newlyweds On Frli;day evening last, friends and neighbours of Shirley and Ian MacAllister, newlyweds, gatherer, at their home to honor them Ciic their recent marriage. The even- ing vening started with lots of noise in the form of a shiveree. The young couple were present- ed With two lovely step end tables. The address was read by Ross Richards.en. Six games of pro- gressive euchre were then enjoyed. The winners being; ladies, Mrs Leonard Erb and Mrs. Keith Love, ;gentlemen, Charles Robinson and. Glenn Gaff. After the euchre, lunch was served. School Opens Parr Line school, SS No. 3, Hadi opened for another year. Mrs, Margaret Deichert is the teacher. There were Six new pupils joined: the school. They were Wesley Dig- nan, Gerald Willert, Brian FieUds, Ray Weido, Marlene Coleman and Kenneth Coleman. Reception A reception is being held Tot: Walton on Friday evening, Sept- emlber 12, for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether (nee Margery Webstexli.. Everyone is welcome. The community was shocked on hearing of the sudden passing of Mrs. Ross Riley (nee Grace For- rest). Sympathy is extended to her husband and to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forest and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love spent a few days last week at the Can- adian National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Goff spent last weekend at the home of Jim McAllister, Mrs, Goffs' father. George Coleman spent Labour Day ;weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cole- man. SHARE THE WEALTH' BINGO Legion Hall,, Henscall Sat. Sept. 13 4 pin. 14 reg. games -10c 'pt card Jackpot --.$75 In 52 soles Sponsored by 1-iensal1 :ogee