Zurich Citizens News, 1958-09-03, Page 2PAGE TWO nos- ZURICH ediria NEWS Published every Wednesday Morning at Zurich, Ontario, the for thepPolice• Village of Zurich, Hay Township, art of Stanley Township, in Huron County. Printed by Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office B. Department,MTUOttawa A. L. CO fisher Business Manager M Publisher Subscription Rates: $2.50 per yearciooadvance,5 in nts. Canada; $3.50 3, 0 in United States and Foreign; Zurich Citizens News, Box 149, payable to Business Manager, Zurich, Ontario, or to district correspondents. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 SHOP AT HOME? QUITE OFTEN it is brought to our attention that only about half of the people in Zurich shopat uat thee. T ewest situation elsewhere to do their buying. No occurs in many other small villages like Zurich. In small towns such as ours, the amount of business to be had by local merchants is limited, therefore they need all the business that local people can give them. When donations are needed for any cause, it is your local give.mercharaL who is called upon to He churches, and he helps to keep a smallpla place such as thiscal on the map. While we quite agree that some items are hard to buy at home, we also feel that if we don't support our local merchant he cannot afford to modernize and expand his store to suit all our needs. If it were not for the local merchant, through his medium of advertising, we would not have a weekly newspaper in Zurich right now. Let's all give this a bit of thought, and boost Zurich by shopping at home. Other places the size of Zurich have tripled in size during the past prosperous years, so why can't ge do the same for this town. THE POLICE SITUATION (Goderich signal -Star) THE GODERICH Police Commission is to be commended for "taking the bull by the horns" and asking for the resignation of Police Chief Hall on the basis of information presented to the Commission last Friday. We are confident that the move meets with the approval of more than 90 per cent of citizens acquainted with the situation. Since this editorial was written Monday evening for the editorial page which goes to press every week on Wednesday morning, it is not known at time of writing what will take place at the Police Commission meeting Wednesday afternoon. If that meeting is concluded in time Wednesday afternoon the results should be on our front Wedne clay with theis lly press run set up and ready to go by 5 p. being made Thursday morning. The Police Chief has until 3 p.m., Wednesday to hand in his resignation, as requested by the Commission. If this is not done, then the Commission will undoubtedly lay formal charges against him under the Police Act. The hearing of those charges takes place a few days later. The Police Chief is entitled to have counsel support his case as, indeed, is the Commission also. It will be the first real test for the Police Commission since it assumed office at the beginning of this year. We have every assurance that the Commission will deal with the matter in a manner that will take into consideration the welfare of this town and its citizens. On October 4, 1957, the Goderich Town Council, with the exception of the ten Mayor John Graham, went on record as passing a vote of confidence in the Goderich Police Force. Maybe it was justifiable at the time, but many people found the vote difficult to comprehend. One of the council even went so far as to say it was "The best police protection that Goderich has enjoyed in quite some time." It could be that even those who supported the vote of confidence didn't genuinely be- lieve in it but that the purpose of it was for a certain other angle entirely. There is a very considerable amount of interest being taken by the public in the present police situation. There are many who feel—and who have said so—that what the Police Commis- sion is now doing should have been done several years ago by those who were in a position to do it. It would have saved many a headache in the interim. It is unfortunate that Goderich has received such widespread, unfavorable publicity over its police situation but it would appear that the time is at hand when proper steps are being taken to clean things up. ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 SUGAR and SPICE (By W, (Bill) Who wouldn't be a school teach- er during the first week in Sept- ember? Those long, boring, mono- tonous two months of holidays are finally ended, thank goodness. And there you are, ;as delighted as Dan- iel •in the lion's den, Mace to face with 30 or 40 miniature monsters who are just busting with health and heliery, and are all ready, willing and able to turn you into ane big, quivering twitch in a mat- ter of weeks. * * * Who wouldn't be a farmer when September rolls around? Cattle so fat they can scarcely walk. Golden grain up to your navel. Nothing to do but jog around to fall fairs. Not a worry in the world. Except that the bottom might fall out of the cattle mark- et the day before you ship. Or a hailstorm will arrive. the day be- fore the combine does. :a :k * Who wouldn't be a weekly edit- or as September dawns anew? Just back from the annual con- vention, where you wined and dined and whined with the best WHEN IN LON,aw=•ON—drop into A` JERSEN'S Restauraiit 912 OXFORD STREET (East of Adelaide) TABLE and LUNCHES 11111 and'> .. Full Course ,kt%' I COUNTER MEALS � SERVICE =� �' FISH AND CHIPS OUR SPECIALTY Air Conditioned—Always First with the Bost PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE AT REAR OF RESTAU RANT B: T. Smiley) of them. Feeling like a skeleton and confronted by a mass of ed- itorials, a column and six ab.tuar- ies to write, rather surprsed that your own isn't among them.. * Name ane lady who wouldn't he a mother in the first seven days in good old Septernlber. Gone are the dreary days of suananer, when there was nothing to do but lie around in the back yard, trying to get your bosom tanned. Arrived' are the gladsome days when life begins, not at 40, but at 7.30 a.m., and the hours, instead of dragging, are filled with happy little domes- tic tasks right through until you careen into. bed at midnight. ,u * * Yes, indeed, that first week in Septemlber can be pretty rugged. But it has its sunny side. For one thing, there's the certainty that winter Will soon be here, and your relatives don't come to see you in the winter. * * k Tlhen, there's the knowledge that a few weeks of nature's finest ef- fart in the weather department lie ahead. A chance for a last fling at the trout, without having to clam- ber aver an assortment of tourists to get near a stream. The joyous realization that the women have !abandoned the golf links and the fiairnvays echo only to the tread of strong silent male golfers, the vein throbbing in their foreheads as they fight back the naughty words. • 9: There is the deep joy of know- ing that the children are baok un- der the benevolent wings of the educational and social systems, and that far the next ten months they'll be !completely and happily occupied with school, Cubs, Brow- nies, music lessons andl what -have - you, and that you don't have to take them for a blasted drive, or swim, or picnic, every time you show yourself around the rancho. • * * Oh, there's a certain sadness in the knowledge: that summer is ov- er, but that .lasts only a day or so. Any .red-blooded Canadian knows deep in his boats that summer is merely an unreal state of mind that has no more substance, no more staying' power, than a pleas- ant dreaan, * * * Summer is strictly for women, children and tourists. For men, it's just a matter of running around in a circle for 60 days, and getting not only hat, but nowhere. Come September, the average Canadiran male settles down, gets that well- worn shoulder to the familiar wheel and begins to enjoy life, in- stead of (plunging aboutlike a dart in a windstorm:, as he does in July and August. to c vert y i; ur VI ORY'? ONDS (conversion period expires September, 15th) Avoid the last-minute rush .. . take advantage of this golden opportunity to get up to 50% more income on your Victory Loan investment ... for quick service see your nearest branch of the Bank of Montreal. If you hold Bonds of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9tli Victory Loans — with serial letters beginning L7, L9, P3, P5 or P7 — bring thein into your. nearest B of M branch today. We will be glad to convert them for you and to pay you your cash adjustment immediately. You don't have to be a B of M customer to take ad- vantage of this service, and you don't pay a penny for it. Don't delay m e . convert today ... at .. .MY BANB' re 2 M!(UOM CANADIANS You can also buy Conversion Loan Bonds for CASH... ... at market prices ... our facilities available for this purpose. are readily I BANK OF MONTREAL amu; V44C4 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager IFORRBNG WITH CANADIANS DN) EVERT $40/AillZ OF SIMMS Viour