HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-08-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1958 ZURICH I Citizens NEWS `VAAL&7,a2A .&W :tau.': Zb words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 11/2c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- lams, Engagements, same as above. Births, Marriages and Deaths,. No charge. FOR SALE OIL SPACE HEATER, Duo- 'Idiexan, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Charles Hagan, phone .39, Zurich. 32 -ib TWO -FURROW Ford tractor plow, In good condition. Apply to Alvin Gialgerich, phone Zurich 90r6. 32.33-b CLOVER HONEY, for sale. 25c per pound in customer's contain- ers. Apply to Haberer Brothers, Zurich. 32-b VICTOR ADDING MACHINES, now in stock at Citizens News of- fice. Drop in and see thein. Zur- oh Citizens News, phone 133. 18-tfb RED IlIA.V'EN PEACHES now ready. Jubilee and Vedette to fol- low. Bring containers and pick your own, priced sight. Gwen - lock Orchard, half mile north of ;Florest. 32-33-p GETTING .MARRIED? •See sam- ples of wedding stationery at the Citizens News Office. Invitations, thank -you Dards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, match books etc. 18-tfb. BUY LOCALLY! The Zurich Citiz- ens News can fill your needs in all types of business and contin- uous forms. Agent for Dickenson Continuous Forms Ltd., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into 'our office. 12tfb. RUBBER STAMPS. The Citizens News can fill any of your needs in rubber stamps, stamp pads, etc., phone 133 Zurich, or drop into our office. 12tfb. KODAK BROWNIE HAWiK;EYE casae, complete with (flash at- taciindinte. Like new, priced tor quick sale. Apply to Citizens News office or phone 133. 31-x iVMAGIC MARKERS. Will write on anything, .glass, wood, paper, etc., dry immediately. Many different colours to choose from, Good for poster work, signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. `Zurich Citizens News. 12-tfb SULLIVAN MURT FARM. Red Haven Peaches will be ready be- ginning week of the 24th. Bring baskets and pick your own and save. Farm located 4 rallies south of main gates of Camp Ipperwash. 10th Concession of Bosanquet Township. 32-p 'LIVESTOCK WANTED OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/ac lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- tect.. Goderich, 1483,14 or 148331. 24-48-p .PROPERTY FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE, full two stories, four ,rooms up, ,four rooms down, 'full basement, suitable for a duplex. Located close to church., priced for quick sale. Apply to Melvin Overholt, phone 78r17 Zu- rich, or Norman Overholt, phone mei 4 Zurich. 31-32-p MARRIAGES Me CALLUM-KOEHLE'R — In the Lutheran Church manse, Zurich, ion Saturday, August 2, 1958, Eby the Rev. O. Winter, Zurich, Joan. Nancy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Koehler, Herrs- a111, to Arthur McCallum, Hens - all, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble McCallum, Seaforth. YUNGBLUT HUNTER 1n James Street United Church, Exeter, on Saturday evening, August 16, 1958, by the Rev. H. Snell, Ex- eter, Kathryn Jean, London, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, RR 3, Exeter, to Wil- liam Harry Yungblut, Zurich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut, Zurich. DEATHS KOIEHLER--In Kitchener - Wat- erloo Hospital, an Tuesday, Aug- ust 12, 1958, Ezra Koehler, late of 227 Margaret Ave., Kitchen- er, beloved husband of Clara Kennel, in his 71st year. Fun- eral from the Pentecostal Tab- ernacle in Kitchener, on Friday, August 15 by the Rev. George Greatorex, to Memory Gard- ens, CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for the cards, treats, and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, and since retuning home. ---ERNE STECKLE. 32-p MISCELLANEOUS GUNS and SCOPES—NEW and Used Guns. Rifles sighted in for a small charge. Harrison Schoch, phone 96,r4. Zurich. 27-b CUSTOM SPRAYING -- Grain, corn, •etc. We also do whitewash- ing. William Watson, RR 3, Zu- rich, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 22tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service. Cali Earl Oeseh's Barber Shop. Pickup and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-teb FILTER QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14-tfb SERVICES MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTING Septic Tank Cleaning Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Installations — on -- Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains To Meet Your Requirements BILL FINCH Grand Bend, Phone 205 ROY ELLIOTT Clinton — Phone HU 2-7452 SE , LED TENDER FO r'` HEAT! LG TENDERS for the supply of Fuel Oil for the Huron County Home, Clinton, will be received by the under- signed, until Monday morning, August 25, 1958. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to con- tents. Specifications for fuel oil is as follows: "No. 5 oil, viscosity between 400 and 600 Say - bolt Units. Complete specifications to be supplied with each tender." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. C. of C. Surveys Ontario Store Hours, Friday and. Saturday Nights Popular More stores throughout the pro- vince are staying .open Friday and Saturday nights and closing Wed- nesday afternoon, according to the annual store hour survey just com- pleted by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Night openings got their biggest postwar boost with the advent of Lakeview Casino GRAND .BEND Dancing every Wednesday Friday and Saturday LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA WILL THERE BE? A big parade and terrific musical show, rain or shine. A DOG RAFFLE And Who Might Be The Beauty Contest Winner and Crowned "Miss Grand Bend 1958" SEE NEXT WEEK'S ADV. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND, ONT. Thurs., Fri. & S• t. August 21, 22, 23 'That Certain Smile' Rossino Brazzi - Joan Fontaine Iviol>aday & Tuesday August 25 and 26 "FRAULEIN" Dana Wynter -- Mel Ferrer (Adult Entertainment) Wedaaesdcay & Thursday August 27 and 28 "The True •Story of Jesse James" Robert Wagner -- Jeff Hunter Hope Lange TWO SHOWS: 7.30 and 9.30 the "working" wife. She found it next to impossible to shop during the day. In addition, strong sup- port conies front young married oouprles who look upon the week- end shopping excursion as a pleas- ant exerdise in togetherness. According to the ,Chamber surv- ey, Friday and Saturday are run- ning neck and neck as the most popular open evening, For com- parison, 1957 figures are shown in brackets. Of the 233 (231) communities ces!ponding, 221 (202) remain open one night a week. Of these 114 (97) communities re- ported that they remained open more than one night in the week. In places of less than 2,000 pap- ulation, preference is, definitely ,in favour of the Saturday night op - .ening. In the 2,001 to 4,000 group, the choice is equal, but in larger centres the Friday night opening overwhelmingly gets the nod. With respect to closings, 183 (171) observe Wednesday after- noon as ;against 16 (21) Thursday afternoon. Only 10 (7) close all day Monday and 10 ,all day Wed- nesday. Brow l $ DRIVE-IN THEATRE Clinton, Ontario Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County ThIu'sd y & Friday August 21 and 22 "BUS STOP" (Colour) Marilyn Monroe and Don Murray (One Cartoon) trd & M;.,nday August 23 and 25 "The Proud Ones (Colour) (Cinemascope) Jeffrey Hunter -- Virginia Mayo (One Cartoon) Tuesday & Wednesday August 26 and 27 Y THE SIXTH OF JUNE"' (Colour) (Cinemascope) Robert Taylor - Edmund O'Brien Dana Wynter (Adult Entertainment) (One Cartoon) Two Shows Nightly Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8 p.m, First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free SEALED TE E EOR EATING R TENDERS for the supply of Coal for the Huron County Jail, Goderich, will be received by the undersign- ed until Wednesday, August 27, 1958. Tenders are to he sealed and clearly marked as to con- tents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. TENDERS FOR ATM TENDERS for the supply of Fuel Oil for the Huron County Court House, Goderich, and the Huron County Registry Office, Goderich, will be received by the under- signed until Wednesday, August 27, 1958. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to con- tents. Tenders may be for each of the above, or they may be combined into one tender. Specifications for fuel oil is as follows: "No. 2 light industrial fuel oil." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. PAGE SEVEN When in Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Nights Special Notice 1 wish to advise my customers that my shop will be closed from Monday, August 18, to Friday, August 22. O'BRIEN'S PLUMBING Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — ZURICH Y..`;`. I THEATRE EXETER Thursday, Frid y and Saturday August 21, 22, 23 RAINTREE COUNTY (Technicolor) Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift Mond, :y, Tuesday and Wednesday August 25, 26, 27 "The Cirl in the Kremlin" Lex Barker -- Zsa Zsa Gabor Coming: "Robbery Under Arms" DRIVE@I T .. EAI RE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend Thursday & Fri: ay AUGUST 21 and 22 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU" and "THE 27th DAY" Saturday & Monday AUGUST 23 and 25 " ARAKs Victor Mature -- Anita Ekberg Tuesday, Wednesday card Thursday AUGUST 26 - 27 - 28 "PETER PAN" A Walt Disney Production 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY --RAIN OR CLEAR First Show At Dusk