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Mr, and Mrs, Latimer Horvath
spent Sunday in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and
family have left on a trip to New
Percy Weido, Kitchener, is spen-
ding a week with friends and rel-
atives in Zurich.
Ross Gascho and family, Lond-
on, spent Sunday with Mr. and
:Mrs. Norman Gascho.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Brydges, Lan -
,don, were Sunday ,guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Rawlings.
Miss Meda Surerus, Toronto, is
spending some holidays with her
brother Gordon, in Zurich.
Mr. Herb Desjardine is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, ent-
ering on Tuesday afternoon.
Gregory Willert and Allan Pr-
ang spent a few days last week
camping at Cedarbrook Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer,
Detroit, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thier.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry, South-
ampton, were Friday last visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Westlake.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Spencer,
Fort Erie, were recent visitors
with Mr. end Mrs. Keith Westlake.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Eickmeier and
Ronnie, Hamilton, visited Mr. and
Mrs, Herib Turkheim last week -
Mrs. M. Mink has returned
home after spending the summer
with relatives in the Chesley dis-
Mrs. Carl Burns, Brunner, is
spending a few days at the home
,af her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Mern sr.
Mrs. Ted Letts, London, enjoy-
ed a few days this past week with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clausius
and ,family are spending a week's
vacation with friends in Middel-
Mr. and Mrs, Vic Dinnin mot-
ored to Winnipeg, Man„ to attend
the .annual convention of Invest-
ors Syndicate of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson
have been spending a few days
with Mr. Menno Desch, also visit-
ing Mrs. Oesoh. a patient in Vict-
oria Hospital
Friday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Hubert Schilbe were Mr. 8`.id
Mrs. Harold Freeman, Miss Kay
Castello and Miss Eleanor Sells,
all of London.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Turkheim and family
were Mr, and Mrs, Ray Magee
and daughter Erie, Desboro, and
Mr. Glenn McNab, Owen Sound,
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Krueger
and Mr. and Mrs. George Grunau
were weekend visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. Ivan Yun.gbiut, ,also at-
tending the Yun,g'blut-Hunter wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bauer and
Mrs. John Stoner and daughters,
Port Huron, and Mr. Will Stoner,
Pontiac, Mich., spent Sunday at
the home of their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Urban Pfile,
Miss Marlene Wagner has com-
pleted a six week summer school
course in Landon and is now en-
joying a few weeks holidays with
her parents before returning to
her duties in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clausius
motored to Detroit on Thursday,
returning home an Sunday, accom-
panied by daughters Gwen and
Barbara, who have been spending
some holidays in that city.
Miss Donna Oesch has returned
home after successfully passing a
six weeks summer school at West-
ern Teachers' College, Toronto.
Donna will begin teaching in
September at the Blake school.
Mr. Bill Boshart, Carfidge, New
York; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Adams,
burg, Indiana. Belleville, New York; and Mr. and
Mrs. Menno Oesch is a patient Mrs, James Fox, Kansas, spent a
fdays at the home of Mr.
in Victoria Hospital, London. Her'I ensand Mrs. Soloman Gingerich and
relatives and friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff and
family, St. Marys, spent Sunday
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Hoffman.
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Anne Turkheim were Mrs. Charles
Bowden and Peter, and Miss Jean
and Miss Kay Batstone, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bergey,
Mrs. Betty LaCasse, Debbie and
Jerry, all of Elmira, were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
r„4 For The
We will be Closed for
Vacation from Sept.
8 to 13 inclusive
Norma's Beauty
Phone Zurich 223
other relatives.
Lieut. Ralph Joyce, Youngs-
town, Ohio; Lieut. Betty Sargent,
New York and Mrs. William
Joyce, Lorain, Ohio, are spending
a week with their cousins, Mr,
and Mrs. Urban Pfile and Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Greb,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme,
RR 1, Dashwood ,announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Martha Louise, to Matthew
Louis Ducharme, son of Mr.
and Mrs, William Ducharme,
RR 2, Zurich. The wedding
to take place on Saturday, Au-
gust 30, 1958, at 9.30 a.m. in
St. Peter's Roman Catholic
Church, St. Joseph, Reception
will be held in the Community
Centre, Zurich, at 9 p.m. Every-
one welcome, 32x
Wednesday, August 20-
8,30 p.m. --Prayer and Fellow-
Sunday, August 24-
10.00 a.m.--Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service
8.00 p.m. --Bible Meeting
(MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent)
Baby Baptized
Martin Paul, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Valentine Becker, was
baptized Sunday inorning in. Zion
Lutheran Church by Rev. K. L.
Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb
were sponsors.
Anniversary Services
Special 85th anniversary serv-
ices are .being held in Zion Luth-
eran Church. Guest speakers last
Sunday were Rev. L. Higenell of
St. Catherines, a former minister,
and Rev. Rathke, Waterloo, A
booklet on the history of the
church is available to everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight
and Robert, London, and Miss
Mae Patterson, Newmarket, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader
and family last Wednesday,
Mr. Howard Weiberg and friend,
Waterloo, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg.
Mr, Siegfried Miller, Waterloo,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph. Miller.
Mrs. William Nadiger, Howell,
Michigan, is visiting with Miss
Pearl Kraft and other friends.
Gloor Family Reunion
About 150 persons attended the
llth Gloor family reunion on Aug-
ust 10, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Becker, Dashwood.
Games and sports were played
during the afternoon. Prizes for
the sports events went to Larry
Knorr Dennis Schen, Randolph
Attend Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler.
Mrs. Melina Jah:nson, and Ross
Johnson attended the funeral of
the late Ezra Koehler in Kitchen-
er last Friday.
Trip To Quebec
Mrs. Emma Bedard, Mrs. Ed-
mund Bedard, Detroit, Mrs. Den-
nis Bedard and Mrs. Laurence
Bedard enjoyed a motor trip to
Quebec. City and to St. Anne de
Beaupre. They stopped at Cape
de la Madeline, at Trois Rivers
and St. Joseph's Oratory in Mont-
They visited the Redemptionist
College, Brockville, better known
as St. Mary's College where sever-
al Zurich boys attended and also
Father Richard Bedard taught
school there for several years.
They were greeted by Brother
Simon, formerly of Zurich, and
also Father Dener and Father
Donovan. They toured the Thou-
sand Islands at Ivy Lea, just out
side Brockville, and stopped over
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Bedard, Toronto.
912 OXFORD STREET (East of Adelaide)
and �I
Furl Course
Air Conditioned—Always First with the Best
Becker, Frances Grace, Barbara
Chard, Diane Wick, Donald Schell,
Mrs. H. J. Becker, Mrs. Gordon
Knorr and Mr. Lorne Bowling.
Oldest lady and gentleman, Mrs.
Mary Gloor, Bornholm and Mr.
Jacob Fischer, Brussels. Youngest
balby, Martin Becker. A prize -
donated by Mrs. W. Wick for the
newest married couppl'e went to
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Becker. Mr.
,and Mrs. Ronald Kreitzer and son
Paul, Orleans, received the prize
for corning the farthest.
Following supper, Mrs. William
Wick, Listowel, presided for the
business meeting. Mrs. Donald
Smiley read the secretary -treas-
urer's report.
A minute's silence was observ-
ed in memory of Mrs. Christina
Gloor who had passed away dur-
ing the year. Mrs. Becker was
:honounary president since the first
reunion was held in 1946 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Gloor, Bradhagen, She was also
the last member of the Casper
Gloor family of three girls and
three boys.
Officers for the 1959 reunion,
which is to be held at the home
of Mr. an:d Mrs. Jack Knight,
•Cranbrook, are: president, Mr.
Norman Kistner, Bornholm, vice-
presidents, Mrs. Ernie Marsh, Lis-
towel, and Mrs. Lorne Becker,
Dashwood; secretary - treasurer,
Mrs. Claire Deichert, Zurich; sp-
orts committee, Mr. Howard Fisch- Mrs. Nelda Routledge, London,
er, Mrs. Donald Schell and Mrs. spent the weekend with Mr. and
Dennis Lonie, all of Kitchener; I Mrs, Philip Fassold.
Community Centre
Gets New Roof,
Work Under Way
At a special meeting of the
Hay Township Community Centre
Board it was decided to install a
new roof on part of the Commun-
ity Centre. It is to be a built-up
roof of paper and hot tar.
The work is being done this
week by Lloyd O'Brien, Eugene
O'Brien, Donald Oke and Louis
Schilbe. The old roof on the build-
ing had been leaking badly for
some time, and had started to rot
the ceiling in the interior.
Car Stolen. From
Kippen. Recovered.
Near Drysdale
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
A 1954 car owned by Ken Mc-
Lellan of Kippen, stolen early Sun-
day from in front. of Dickert's
General Store, Kippen ,on No. 4
Highway, was recovered Monday
on the Bluewater Highway, near
Drysdale, with the gas tank emp-
ty. The car seemed to he in good
condition. Goderich detachment
of the OPP investigated,
When A
Rubber Stump
will do it faster, easier,
and who knows? may-
be neater, too.
Order one at the
Zurich Citizens News
Delivery, Within
10 days.
Rev, 0. Winter. Pastor
Mrs. J. Turkheim, A.T.C.li9L,
Sunday Services
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service.
11.15 a.m.—Bible Sun-
collay School (aages).
Inyyou name a cordial welcome our er tothisid
house of God, its worship,
its comfort and its
Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist
Wednesday, August 20-
8.30 p.m,—Bible Study and
Prayer Service.
Sunday, August 24-
10.00 a.m.—Worship Service.
11.00 a.m,—Sunday School
Sentence Sermon: Love the Lord,
if you expect an invitation to
His home.
lunch committee, Mrs. Arnold
Gloor and Mrs. Bill Hastings;
welcoming guests, Mrs. Charles.
Harkness :and Mrs. Douglas Leary.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchin-
son, Preston, are vacationing with
Mrs. Henry Eagleson and other
Mr. and Mrs. George. Gibson at-
tended the Baker-Shouldice wed-
ding at Lions Head on Saturday.
Mrs. William Eveland attended
the wedding of her grandson, Dale
Baker, at Lion's Head on Satur-
Mr. Wayne Gibson spent a few
days in Quebec last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wolper
and girls, Ingersoll, spent several
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Fassold.
Huether—Webster Wedding
Margery Ann Webster became
the bride of William Douglas
(Ray) Huether, Walton, in a cere-
mony which took place in the Var-
na United Church, Saturday aft-
ernoon, August 16, with the Rev.
T. J. Pitt officiating. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Watson R. Webster, Varna, and
the groom is the son of the late
Mr. an:d Mrs. John Huether, for-
merly of Cranbrook.
The bride wore a full-length
gown of chantilly lace over net.
The fitted bodice which extend-
ed to pointsover the bouffant
net skirt featured a scalloped
neckline and lily -point sleeves. A
coronet of seed pearls and rhine-
stones held her three-quarter len-
gth net veil, and she carried a
cascade of red roses.
Wearing identical gowns of fig-
ured .blue organza were the at-
tendants, Miss Nancy Webster,
Varna, the bride's sister, maid of
honour; Miss Ruth Clark, Strat-
ford, and Miss Diane Saunders,
Royal Oak, Michigan, as brides-
maids. Gail Searle, Walton, flow-
er girl, wore a frock of yellow
Mrs, Addie Wills, Toronto, play-
ed the "Wedding March” and ac-
companied Miss Jayne Mary Snell,
Clinton., who sang "I'11 walk be-
side You" and the "Wedding Pray-
McCall, Blyth, was grooms-
man and ushers were Jack Holm-
olmes, Clinton, and George Coleman,
For travelling, the bride donned
a pink wool suit with navy ac-
cessories and corsage of white
The bride is a graduate of Strat-
ford Teachers' College, The couple
will reside near Clinton,
Prior to the wedding a trous-
seau tea was held at the home of
the bride's parents, with Mrs. W.
Webster as hostess, and friends
:from Varna and community as
A shower of gifts was held 'at
Mitchell in the school section;
where the bride had taught from
September, 1955 to June, 1957,
Another was held in Stratford,
by members of the class in which
Margery had studied last year.
A third shower was held in
Wingham for the young couple
by friends of the groom. The
ladies of Varna community held
another ,for the young bride in
the township hall.
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He who loves money will hot be satisfied with money.
Eccl. 5:10
, When he dies he will carry nothing away. Psa. 49: 17
What you see and hear?
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear with hearing. Eccl. 1: 8.
Harlot not satisfied. Ezek. 16: 28. (Above taken from R.S.V.)
My people shall be satisfied with my goodness saith the Lord,
Jer, 31: 14
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteous-
ness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rom. 15: 17.
The redeemed of the Lord shall . come with singing , , .
and everlasting joy shall be upon their head. Isa. 51: 11.
Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee
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