HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-08-20, Page 5WEiDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1958 -MUCK Oitizens MOWS Ur. and Mrs, 'Bruce Koehler, Mns. Leonard Erb, Mrs, Soloman Gingerich, Miss Nancy Craig and Mrs. Nancy Koehler were to Kit- chener attending the funeral of Mr. Era Koehler last week. cad---eupplies —__ THREE-RING NOTE BOOKS 59c to $2.75 LUNCH PAILS 59c up SCHOOL BAGS $1.25 to $2.25 See the NEW TUFFIDE ZIPPER CASE fully guaranteed for five years, resists scuffing, will not .1.2.01:120SIRIVILYMMI crack or peel, flame resistant, washable. .100..•••• ZURICH VARIETY STORE 11.1.1211n., Buy Your School Supplies NOW cit Special Savings ' • I ' ,,..• "RANGE RIDER" WY LEAGUE JE NS—sizes 24-32 $3.35 FINAL CLEARANCE on SPORT SHIRTS 20% OFF ENTIRE STOC T-SH1RTS—Reg. 2.98 for oray $1.49 LAMPRON COL RED DRESS SHIRTS 3.95 All sizes Only WALK UPSTAIRS AND SAVE! — — STILL PLENTY OF BARGAINS! Gascho ros. Zurich — Phone 59 "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" • Ezra Koehler ' A native ,of Zurich, Ezra Koeh- ler, 70. of 227 Margaret Ave., Kitchener, •cliecl suddenly at Kit- chener Waterloo Hospital on Tues- day, ;August 12, 1958. Born on December 3. 1887, he was the son of the late Mr. and 1Vins. HenryiKoehler. He was a baker in Zurich and later in Bad- en, .b.efore anoving to Kitchener, where he worked at the Pannill Veneer Company, He was a mem- her :of the Pentecostal Taibernacle, Surviving ;are his Wife, the for- mer Clara Kennel, whom he mar- ried at Zurich in 1911; two sons, :Stewart, Kitehener, and Robert, Toronto; four daughters, Mrs. Roy (Grace) Hofstetter and Mrs. Frank (Rena) Halls, both of Kit- ehener, Mrs. Arthur (Alice) Stein- man, Baden. and Mrs. Donald (Pat- ricia) Buchanan, Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia; two brothers, Daniel, Kit- chener, and Gideon, Zurich; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Stu:der, Detroit and Mrs, Melvina. Johnston, Zu- rich, and eight grandchildren. The body rested at the Ratz- Bechtel funeral home until noon, Friday, then was removed to the Pentecostal Tabernacle for the funeral at 3 p.m. PAGE FIVE Grannie Turkheim's Recipe Box BREAD AND BUTTER. PICKLES 6 quarts cucumbers (1% to 2" ,across) 1 quart small cooking onions 2 sweet green peppers 2 sweet red peppers 1 cup (bag) salt, not iodized 9 cups. water 2 quarts vinegar 4 cups sugar 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 teaspoon .celery seed 4 teaspoons tumeric Wash oticurnbers and peppers and then slice. Peel and, seise on- ions. Make a brine of the salt and water, cool and pour over vegetables and let stand over night. Drain thoroughly. Corn- OESCIPS BIG SHOE SALE BEGINS THURSDAY The Oesth Shoe Store in Zu- rich is conducting a large clear- ance sale of footwear, starting this Thursday and running through until Saturday night. Many bargains are to be found in ladies, men's, and childmen's shoes as all vices have been sla- shed to the 'bottom. The sale lasts for three :days ,only, Thins - day, Friday and Saturday, ON'T FORG OUR GIGANTIC SHOE S Starts T URSDAY, AUGUST 21 FOR 3 DAYS ONLY TREMENDOUS BARGAM. SC 0 1. 44 ZURIC;-. Phone 130W re — PRICES SLASHED TO THE BOTTOM — 4411,241,,V=It'SMIEEMEMSMIMIEVEIN (AP ',AN, FERILMSSIIMIROMPAYSEMEASEIMERIWAII IIIIIMIMINIMILIMARNINtlti=5:11111,1MAIMEntliMgrtalt, SAVING YOU MORE — SERVING YOU BETTER THIEL'S SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturday Evenings Agents for id -Town Cleaners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. H. THIEL ZURICH — Phone 140 SPECIALS - THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX 45c pkg. Redpath SUGA 10 L. BAG 95c SALA ED'S DRESSING • t 16 oz. jar 33c Cheery Morn INSTANT COFFEE large 6 07, jar 97c Golden Dew ARGENE \r, 25c lb. MEATS Tenderized HIAM . lb. 79c BACON lb. 69c Maple Leaf BOLOGNA .. . 2 lbs. 65c Fruits, Vegetables CHECK OUR ADV. IN THE LONDON FREE PRESS HEALTH() DOG FOOD 2 large tins for 25c bine ,vinegar sugar, and spice% bring to a iboal end add vegetables. When steaming hot and to a bolaing point again, pack in jars and seal. Yields 12 pints. DILL PICKLES Put cucumlbers in jars after they are washed. Fill jars with bailing water and let stand for 10 mins utes. Drain, off and pour hot vine- gar Mixture on. 1. quart vinegar 2 quarts . water 1 ,cup salt Small piece of alum Boil all this together and pour over pickles while, still hot. -1W:ekes 6 quarts. PICKLED CARROTS 3 dozen small carrots 2 pounds brown sugar 11/2 pints cider vinegar 2 sticks. cinnamon 1 pint water 1/2 teaspoon salt .Few whole cloves. Cook ,;:arrots until still on the firm side, put in sealers and seal with syrup made of the remaining ingredients. FRUIT RELISH 30 ripe tomatoes 1 red pepper 6 pears 6 peaohes 6 onions, (chop these fine) 6 teaspoons slat 5 cups white sugar 3 cups vinegar 1 ounce mixed whole pickling spice tied in a little sack. Cut the fruit and vegetables fine and boil all together for three hours. Stir often to keep from burning. Seal in sterlized jars, LAKE (Mrs. Amos Gingerich, Correspondent The Misses Doreen and Darlene Bender, Ailsa Craig, spent the weekend holidaying with their re- latives, Mr. and MTS. Curtis Ging- erich and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bender. Miss Carol Erb spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Ging- erich and family, who are holi- daying at Chesley Lake. Mr. and Mns.. Henry Jantzi, Tav- istock, were Sunday guests with Rev. and Mrs. Elphriam Gingerich.,,, Rev. jentzi was the guest. speaker at the re -dedication service at Blake Mennonite Church. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zehr, spent the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and family. Miss .Audrey Musselmen and friend, Ervin Block, Kitchener, visited with the former's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich were Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Roth and family, Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Bender, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich have returned home from their trip to northern parts of Ontario and report a nice trip. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and family and Mr. and Mrs. Steclde spent the weekend at Chesley Lake. Accompanying the girls' parents, at their cottage were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginge- rich. BLUEWATER ANCELAND Presents DANCING Every Friday Night To The Music Of DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock in' Roll, Square Dancing "Join The Crowds" 10.00 to 1.30 ADMISSION: 75c