HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-08-20, Page 1No. 32
12 Pages
Tenders Let For Transportation Of
Students To Various Area Schools
At a special meeting of the Hay
Township School Area Board on
Monday night the tenders were
let for transporting pupils during
the corning school term.
The tender of William Watson
to transport the pupils from SS 6
to the Zurich school was accepted
at the price of $2,100 for the term.
Elgin Henderick was engaged to
draw the pupils from SS 11 to
USS 15, Hay, at $730 for the sea-
Providing the attendance at the
Parr Line School is not too heavy,
Gordon Troyer will transport pup-
ils from closed SS 14 to the Parr
Line school. Price for this con-
tract will be $820. It the attend-
ance is too heavy the pupils will
instead be taken to the Zurich
Two tenders for transporting
pupils from the east part of the
township to Hensall were receiv-
ed from E. McBride and Eldon
Jarrot. Further consideration is
to be given these tenders before
letting the contracts. All contracts
call for the person carrying the
pupils to have his own insurance.
In other business the board de-
cided to enquire from the London
and Stratford Boards of Educa-
tion if they know of any retired
manual training teacher who might
be available to teach in Zurich.
Mrs. Phyliss Deichert was engag-
ed as supply teacher on a monthly
basis from September to Decem-
The board decided to buy a tab-
le, chairs, filing cabinet, and step
stool in the teachers' room in the
Zurich school.
Yungblut—Hunter Nuptials
James Street United Church, Ex-
eter, was the scene on Saturday
evening, August 16, 1958, for a
lovely wedding ceremony, when
Kathryn, Jean Hunter, London, be-
came the bride of William Harry
Yungblut, Zurich. The Rev. H.
Snell, Exeter, performed th.e doub-
le -rang ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hunter, RR 3,
IEaCeter, and her husband is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yung -
h m- t. marriage by her father
6 ~betide was gowned in Italian
silk Styled with a V -neckline, Alen -
con lace trim., short shirred sleev-
es, and a .lace peplum in front at
the waistline. Her full bouffant
skirt with a bustle back, formed
a sweep. Her headdress was a
double band of sequins and seed
pearls in cap shape, holding a
French illusion shoulder -length
veil,. She carried a bouquet of pink
rosette sweethearts and stephan-
Miss Barbara Hunter, London,
was her sister's maid of honour,
and wore white nylon eyelet over
pink taffeta, in princess style. She
wore shaded pink mohair picture
hat, and carried a bouquet of
pink and white :glamellias. Brides-
maids were Miss Elicabeth Hunt-
er, London, sister of the bride, and
Miss Marion Yungblut, Zurich,
sister of the groom, They were
dressed similarly to the maid of
Donald O'Brien, Zurich, was gr-
oomsman. Ushers were Fred Hunt-
er, Exeter, brother of the bride,
and Robert Storuies, St. Thomas
L. Wein l;.oreanist a om 'nied°
the 'sotltist, Miss; Maxine• Reeder.
Both are of Exeter.
A reception was held at Arm-
strong's restaurant, Exeter. For
the wedding trip to the United
States, the bride donned a beige
chemise dress with matching ac-
cessories, and a corsage of orange
delight roses. Upon their return
they will reside in London. Both
are graduates of London Teachers'
College. The bride will teach at
Ealing Public School and the
groom at Princess Elizabeth Pub-
lic School, in London.
Mr. dnd Mrs. William Yungblut were marded in
James Street United Church, Exeter, on Saturday night,
by the Rev. H. Snell. The bride is Kathryn Jean, daught-
er of Mr. and Mts. Harold Hunter, RR 3, Exeter, and
the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut,
Zurich. The couple will reside in London. (Staff Photo)
ALL THAT MONEY?, asks this group as they examine the piles of silver dollars
that are to be used in Pearson Motor's publicity program. Checking the amount are,
left to right, Tom Rawlings, accountant at Pearson Motors, James Wild, accountant at
Bank of Montreal, Jack Pearson, proprietor of Pearson Motors, and Jack Bannister, man-
ager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal
(Staff Photo)
Pearson Motors
aying Staff
Svgr liars
In an effort to impress upon
the Zurich businessmen what a
firm with over a dozen on the
payroll can do for a community,
Jack Pearson, proprietor of Pear-
son Motors Ltd., is planning to
pay all his employees with silver
dollars for the next few weeks.
As the silver dollars circulate in
the various stores the merchants
will have an idea of the buying
power brought about by a thriv-
ing business such as Pearsons.
Mr. Pearson is strongly behind any
movement which may bring more
industry and more business into
Zurich, and hopes this will make
the rest of the merchants realize
what one concern can do for the
All the stores are urged to watch
for these silver dollars circulating
in town.
Stage 88c Sale,
Starts Thursday
Rader and Mittelholtz are
again holding one of their
giant 88c sales starting Thurs-
day morning, August 21, They
have a variety of over thirty
articles, all very useful in
the home, which they will be
selling for 88c each. Many
of the articles are regularly
valued at one dollar to a dol-
lar and a half.
Last spring this firm held
one of these sales, and at that
time the response was so great
that they decided to do the
same thing now. Wheth-
er it is for the home or cot-
tage, you will be able to find
a bargain to fill your needs.
For complete listing of the
articles offered, read their full
:page ad on page 4, of this
week's Citizens News.
Ken Weide, a student at Water-
loo College, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and. Mas.
Earl, Weida.
Annual Schwalm Reunion Held At
faff Home; Ma y '.'p
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The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf-
red Pfaff and Miss Alma Pfaff,
Zurich, was the setting on Sunday
for the Schwalm family reunion,
with 38 attending from Hamilton,
Stratford, St. Thomas, Gagetown,
N.B., Camp Borden, Schomberg
and Hensall. A delicious picnic
dinner and supper was served.
Prizes for the youngest person
present went to Kevin Perdue,
Lutheran Lathes
Hold Ham Supper
In Arena T .; -nite
The Ladies Aid of St. Pet-
er's Lutheran Church are
sponsoring a haresupper in
the, Community Centre to-
night. Supper will be served
from five p.m. until eight p.m.
The menu will consist of
cold ham, potato salad, home
bakedbeans, tomatoes, .home-
made pies and tea and coffee.
A feature of the supper will
be that everyone can eat as
much as they like, all for the
one price of adm:issiom.
Everyone is invited to take
advantage of this night out,
and the ladies promise there
Will be lots of good food.
Thieves Loot
Laporte Cottage
Near St. Joseph
Theives early Saturday stole
$200 worth of valuables from the
cottage of Theodore Laporte, a
mile north of St. Joseph. Entry
was gained through the front
Taken were two electric irons,
a record player, an electric shaver,
four woollen blankets, a woollen
sweater, and a small quantity of
The break-in was investigated
by constable Harry Reid, of the
Exeter detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police. The proprietor
resides' an: Wim.
Camp Borden; oldest lady present,
Mrs. Violet Schwalm, Hensall; eld-
est man, Mr. Pfaff. Sports were
directed by Mrs. Carl Schwalm
and Mrs. Leland Schwalm. Win-
ners of races: three and under,
Michael Perdue, Jennie White; five
and under, Brian Schwalm, Marj-
ory Schwalm; eight and under,
David Schwalm, Charles Schwalm;
three legged race, girls, Patsy and
Barbara Schwalm; three legged
race, boys, David Schwalm, Charl-
es Schwalm; 13 and under, Elaine
Schwalm, Barbara Schwalm; lad.,
les race, Miss Arlene Hansen;
men's race, Jim White. Orange re-
lay race, Miss Arlene Hansen's
side. Kicking slipper, ladies, Mee,
Harold Hansen, Stratford; kicle
ing slipper, men, Jim White. Balt
throwing, closest to stake, Mrs„
Violet Schwalm. Spike hammering
into three blocks of wood, Mrs,
H. Hansen. A peanut scramble
was also held.
Zurich Brigade
Answers Call On
Sunday; Car Saved
The Zurich Fire Brigade ans-
wered a fire call to the Bluewater
highway on Sunday afternoon,
where a motor vehicle was sup-
posed to have been burning. When
arriving at the scene, one mile
north of St. Joseph, the fireman
found the blaze had already bees
extinguished by a group of clow-
by neighbours.
Very 'little damage was clone is
the late model car which. was own,.
ed by a motorist fronn Windsor
A large caravan of cars had file
lowed the fire truck out of town,
and resulted in quite a traffic
congestion at the scene.
Sunday visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Milfred Schilbe were Mr. and
Mrs. John Teevins, Grand Bend;,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Tiernan and
family, Ebeeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Sehitbe and faintly, London, and
Mr. and Mrs. ;I=lubes t .Schilbe and