HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-08-13, Page 5WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS RECEPTION and DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Broadfoot (Nee Mary Ellen Ostrander) at B; ;yfieod Pavilion on ednesday, Aug. 20 Music By Hank Norris and His Ranch Boys EVERYBODY WELCOME 31p Pfaff-Oesch Reunion The annual picnic of the Pfaff- Oesch families was held in River- side Park, El ceter, on Sunday, Au- gust 3. There were close to 150 in attendance. After sports were enjoyed an election of officers was held, with Bert Faber elected as president for 1959. Russel Oesch was nam- ed vice-president; Mrs, Tom Pen - hale, secretarytreasurer; David Oesch, Sam Oesch, Bob Bell and Earl Flaxbard, sports committee; Mrs. Gerald Schenk, Mrs. Oscar Pfaff and Mrs. Helen Darby, table committee. The 1959 reunion will be held at Riverview Park on the first Sunday in August. Danner Menu SOUP or JUICE Your choice Southern Fried Checkers or Choice T -Bone Steak Potatoes and Vegetables • Home -Mode Pie Co{{ee, Milk or Tea Speciol'zing in SUNDAY DINNERS -4.00 to 7.30 p.m. Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening URICPI PHONE 70 /You ,'Area Stranger , ut Once Waterloo Cattle Breeding ssociatio8Y "Where Better Birks Are Used" We express our appreciation for the fine co-opera- tion received on our new weeked schedule for calling in for service which is on o trial basis. The cows in heat on Saturday afternoon and even- ing are inseminated early Sunday morning, but you must phone for service for these on Saturday between 6 and 8 p.m. We have had a tremendous response from both old and new members which has resulted in an increase in our number of inseminations that has never been equal- led during any one year with one exception, 1952. There are still many cattle owners mating their cows and heifers with scrub bulls with the resulting calves be- ing of poor quality. Why not call us for service, the result will be - - - Better; Cattle For getter Living A daughter of a Unit bull who was best udder winner at the 1956 C.N.E. Grade or purebred, dairy or beef, or cross -breeder, we can give you service from any breed you wish. For service or more information call collect to Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days Between 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evening PAGE FIVE Kalbfleisch Reunion The edgth annual Kalbfleisch re- union was held on Sunday, Aug- ust 10, at Cedarbrook Camp. 'The dinner was preceeded by a prayer by Rev. O. Wisner. In the .absence of the president, Eugene Kalbfleisch, Wilfred Kalb- Reisch presided over the business session. He extended a warm wel- come to all members of the fam- ily, particularly to• those who were attending for the first time. Ronald Heianriich, ,acting as sec- retary for Edward Deidhert, read the minutes of the 1957 reunion. Edward Datars gave the treasur- er's report. Mention; was made of the new- est baby in the fancily, Carolyn Heywood, idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heywood; the most recently married couple, Kather- ine and Edward Letts; and the oldest member present, Mr. Ad- olpfh, Kalbfleisch. The election of the officers for 1959 was as follows: President, Wilfred Kalbfleisch; vice-presidents, .(1) Whitney Bro- kenshdre, (2) Mrs. Stavers, (3) Jac- ob Haberer, (4) George Deichert; secretary, Ronald Heimrich; treas- urer, Donald Taylor (re-elected). For the 1959.reunion, it was deci- ded to accept Mrs. Clara Derby's invitation to her home in Mt. Cle- mens, Michigan. At the close of the .business meeting, Miss Joanne Kalbfleisch was in change of entertainment for the children. Following an afternoon of fun and reminiscing, members of the clan enjoyed a delicious supper. Appreciation was shown to the ladies in charge of the meals and to Mr. .and Mrs. Fran Kalbfleisch for their grove and its facilities. Albert Kalbfleisch and Professor Herbert Kalbfledsch both spoke briefly, to conclude the program. Many members. of the Kalb- fleisdh fatnily were present this year, some from as far as Chicago and San Diego, California. NOTICE To Milk Customers in Zurich We wish to advise our customers that we are not responsible for money stolen from milk bottles. To avoid further inconvenience to our customers we urge everyone to buy and use milk tickets, which are $2.00 a card. Due to extreme shortage of milk bottles this summer we would greatly appreciate our customers setting out all the empty bottles they have each morning. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION. ZURICH DAIRY F. Kipfer, Proprietor More people commit suicide with a fork than with a knife. O'BRIER'S PLUMBING Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — ZURICH LUEW DANCELAND Presents D A N C U G Every Friday Ito ht To The Music��ppOf DEsJARDINr S Ship Your Hogs n i C. tt 1 e ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n' Roll, Square Dancing 10.00 to 1.30 ADMISSION: 75c "Join The Crowds" HOGS SHIPPED on TUESDAY and THURSDAY CATTLE S IPPEon S TIRDAY CEMENT - COAL and FARM SUPPLIES Always On Hand ens tri District Co-ops: ratke inc. Henson ;� `'` �l t t` Braicef e k voissmosamoussastmsuametwommi uality Millwork k uliders` Hardware No Job Too Large or Too Small CALL US FOR ESTIMATES albileisch Sou Ltd. nes: ZURICH 69; GODERICH 388 4110.�. 4444 4444 ,� M,��