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Zurich Citizens News, 1958-08-06, Page 3
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS PAGE THREE C. Andrew Mack Charles Andrew Mack, two and a half year old sin or Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack, Zurich, passed PITO-TUNING and REPAIRING Alf. Den©mre R.R. 2, Zurich, ph. 95r12 HEN IN LON® away in Chilidhem's War Memor- ial Hospital, Landon, on Wednes- day, July 30, 1958, after a short i)1k ess. Surviving besides has parents are one brother, Stephen, and one sister, Dianne. The body rested at the West- lake Funeral Home until Satur- day, August 2, when private fun- eral services were conducted by the ;Rev. A. M. Amacher. Burial was in Eketer Union Cemetery. drop into es ;. . r 912 OXFORD STREET (East of Adelaide) LUNCHES and Full Course MEALS TABLE and COUNTER li SERVICE FISH AND CHIPS OUR SPECIALTY Air Conditioned --Always First with the Best PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE AT REAR OF RESTAURANT Hensall Children On CKNX Radio (By ous• Hensall Correspondent) Many favourable comments have been heard regarding the Kiddies Studio Party Program presented by the pupils of Miss Greta Lam- mie from Heareall .and :district an CKNX Wingham on July 26. Numbers Included were: piano duets by Loraine Talbot and Joyce Hood; Margie Elgue and Sharon McBride; Suzanne Rennie and Bonnie Foster. A song by Joyce Flynn; piano trios - by Dianne Foster, Gwen Jones and Gale Farquhar; Barb- ara, Patsy and Charles Schwalm; violin solo by Bab Munn( this number was awarded first prize in Mitchell music festival last May); a chorus, with Ann Mickffe taking the sella part; a vocal duet by Jean and Bob Laramie. Toy symphony included nightin- gales played .by Marcia Little and Jean Laramie; cuckoos played by Marlene Dignan and Ann Mackie; • quail :played by Susanne Ronnie; c t.tonettes, Barbara Schwalm, tni- • angle, Patsy Schwalm; drum, Bel) Laramie; vio].iti, Bob Munn and piano, Bob Mickle. Transportation was furnished .by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, Mrs. Beatrice Munn and Harold Forster. CHAISE 1 Only Only u Kroehler Reciner'hairs Reg. Value. $119 On Sok at Only 29 Also Available with Electric Massage at a Slight Extra Charge Drop In And See Them r vWith SPRING -FILLED HAIR 4W LOCK MATTRESSES Reg. $58 for $41 Reg. $32 for $26 INC INLAID, LONG'*'LELJMS, TILE, CARPET and r LTOX FIBRERUGS KE1V1MATQR REFRGERATORS 'w stock. MM MUM MN= MM. =MN MEM MMM elm MWM MEM MMM ma® MMM See The NEW ELECTRIC "VIBRO PILLOW" An electric massage pillow, eases aching muscles, stimulates circulation WE HAVE THEM IN STOCK WESTLAKE FURNITURF. ZURICH — Phone 89J "Complete Furnishings for Home and Cottage" Grannie Turkheim'sRecipe Box SWEET PICKLES (By Special Request) 1st Step: 1 peck split pickles (11 quant size basket) 1 pint salt 1 gallon ,boiling water Pour this over :pickles and let stand 8 days, stirring every day. Month. of August —Sandwich 'Time August has •been designated Sandwich Month as a tribute to one of our mos] basic forms of serving fa:od -- so basic, in fact it raises a tantalizing question. Just what did people do before the Earl of Sandwich delighted sophisticated 18th Century Eng- lish soeicty with the ingenious Idea of serving his guests meat and cheese between two pieces: of bread? We can only be thankful that that problem has been solved for us. Today the sandwich is a daily requirement for most Cana- dians but it really comes into its own during the summer months. The sandwich is not only for pic- nickers but ,for hikers, for child- . ren in' the ;backyard and for fish- ermen wit() don't want to take time out for lunch, The out door sandwich lunch is easy to pre- pare as well as nourishing and with a little care can he as fresh and appetizing as when first pre- pered. For the early morning hiker or fisherman, sandwiches may be made the evening before. When wrapped in transparent plastic wrap the bread and ti!iin Ns -111 retain all the original freshness. It's often d.sirab'e 1n prepare sandwiches several days in ad- vance foe the freezer, to be taken out when needed. Most fillingss can be frozen with these excep- tions: lettuce, and ifi:ilvngs with salad dressing or mayonnaise. Fishermen Ind plastic wrap es- pecially desirable vviren fishing in a boat where there's chance of getting the lunch wet. The mois- ture is kept out. Sandwiches, cookies and cakes don't get soggy. 2nd step: After 8 days thea inn water off •eueumlbers and put fresh boil- ing water on :pickles for 24 hrs. 3rd. step: Drain this water and put 1 gal- lon fresh bailing water with lump of alum] (size of walnut) over pickles. Let stand 24 hrs., then drain. 4th. step: Mix 21,a quarts cider Vinegar 8 pints sugar (white) stick cinam:on and cassia bud 2 tablespoons celery seed Ball these together Put over pickles bolding hot, leave 24 hours. Repeat this in 4 days. These pickles will keep in crock If weighted down. Canned Respberries Clean and sterilize fruit jars (quarts) and fill sealers to the tap with fresh picked raspberries which have been washed. I make a syrup of 2 cups sugar to 11/ cup water, :boiling these together for 5 minutes. Fill jars to top with hot syrup and tighten rub- bers, glass and zinc rings. Have vessel large enough to hold .the amount of sealers with very hot water, let water come to ring of sealers but not cover it. Place sealers in hot water, put on tight fitting lid and co' er with a heavy blanket. Leave until water cools or let stand overnigght. These keep very nieely and have a fine flavour. EVENTIDE AND ROCK of AGES MEMOPJALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T0 PPYE td SO EXETER Clinton IIQJ 2-6606 Phone 41 Seaforth 573 ATTENTION — FARMERS ILK a, EGGS CREAM POULTRY WE PAY TOP PRICES i BRITS PRODUCE pho s e 101 Zurich SOUP Ot sour Choice ho �bicken Southern Sone steak Choice Jegetables Potatoes and pie ode >!{oevre_M� Coffee, Milk or T ea Dominion Hotel Specializing in SUNDAY DINNERS -4.00 to 7.30 p.crn. Dining Room Closed Every Tuesday Evening PHONE 70 ZURICH >You Area Stranger But Once e®'