HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-08-06, Page 1No. 30 ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1958
12 Pages
NEW SWIMMING HOLE is being made at Cedar Grove Park, on the farm of Ivan
Kalbfleisch, west of Zurich. A bull dozer and shovel, owned and operated by Lorne
Becker, Dashwood, is doing the excavating on the river which runs through the park.
Further down the way is a dam, which will hold the wrier in the newly dug portion of
the river. Watching the proceedings is Mr. Kalbfleisch's farm manager, Clayton
Ortwein, while Mr. Becker is operating the• shovel. (Staff Photo)
Township Council to Emeses Engineer
To Survey Property Leading To Lake
Hay Township reeve V. L. Beck-
er reported to council last Friday
re the work that is. to be done
to the lake road and hill at St.
Joseph's. The reeve told, of having
checked with, the Department of
Highways and finding out that the
road leading to the lake is a.
Township road, and was never
owned by the department
According to a map presented
to councillors. the road is to be
66 ft. wide, which leaves consid-
erable room to do work beyond
the sides of the drive as it is n,ow.
Council de'c'ided to engage the
services of C. P. Corbett, engin-
eer, to survey the road and drive-
way going down the hill, so they
would :know just where their prop-
erty is situated,
Inspect Bridge
Prior to their meeting on Friday
night, the members of Hay Town-
ship council went to inspect the
bridge on the Campbell sideroad,
which has been recently complet-
ed. They reported the work as
being satisfactory.
The regular meeting of the
council was held last Friday night
due to Monday being a holiday.
175 Members of Thiel Families 3 old
Reunion at Zurich
The 23rd annual Thiel 'reunion
was held on Civic Holiday in, the
Community Centre at Zurich.
The secretary reported the reg-
istration of approximately 175.
Atteinding were clansmen from
London, Mitchell, Galt, Stratford,
'Kitchener, Woodstock, Winghamy
New Hamburg, Rostock, Seafor+th,
Sebringville,Peterborough, Ham-
ilton, Welland, and surrounding
The president Harold Deichert,
opened the 'business welcoming all
guests', ry:ice-presidentGlen. Thiel
gave a. few words of address. The
minutes: of the ,Last reunion were
read .by secretary Mrs. Keith Thiel.
Daze to the" feelings of those
present that a lunger attendance
wouldbe had if the reunion were
held. on, a Sunday, a motion was
made 'by Mose Letnweber and sec -
ended by Amos Thiel that the re-
union would be held an the third
Sunday of July in 1959 art Mit-
chell. The foll!ow.ang officers were
elected: president, Ben Thiel; vice-
president, Jack Doerr; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Amos, Thiel;; sports
eonvengrs, Laird Thiel and Clifton
Heckmer; munch convenors, Mrs.
Gordon, sFleitz.
The afternoon was: then turned
over to the sports committee, be -
Community Centre
ginning with a free for all pea-
nut scramble.
Prize winners were: girls, six
and under, Jo -Ann Thiel and Ruth
Ann .Fleisehauer; boys six and un-
der, Douglas Thiel and. Jimmy
Body. Girls, six to eight years,
Jane Hess and Jaceiine Body;
boys, six to eight years, Richard
Fisher anid Tommy Berner. Girls
eight to 11 years, Bath Hanlon
and Shirley Weide; boys eight to
1f1 yearn, Bobby Hess and David
Schiedel. Pennies, in. sawdaust sc-
rambie was enjoyed by the child-
Passing life savers, Ben Thief's
side. Men threading needle, Mose
L•einvweber; balloon breaking con-
test, 16 years and .over, Billie
Thiel; 16 years and under, Barb -
sea Hanflan; bran sack race:, 20
years and over, Glen. Deichert, 20
years ant under, Sharon Ht ill
sand David Sebiedel.; bag over head
eating bananas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hess; breaking balloons with wat-
er, George Wicke and Mrs. caw -
tom Ktheter, Rostock.
The tables were waiting with
delightful food, thanks to the lunch
convenor and her helpers. Guest
Rev. Winter said a few wards re-
membering the sick and departed.
A. rn:.tu:.e'a silence was observed
1c1 Tustes
Meet With Council
Re Clerk's Office
Harold and Leroy Thiel, rep-
resenting the trustees, oof the vil-
lage of Zurich, attended Friday
night's Township Council meeting
to see what was being done about
moving the township office.
"We haven't let it go to sleep,"
was the answer given the men
by 'reeve V. L. Becker. "Before
lona we hope t.o have something
definite on the situation,"
The township council sur ested
the village trustees contact the
Hensel' District Co-op and see if
they would be willing to give up
some of their land, Which would
be necessary to open the road if
.the office is moved.
Another joint meeting' with the
township. council and village trus-
tees. is to be held next Friday,
at which time they hope to deal
further with the office problem.
Vacationing in North
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Coxon and
family, accompanied by Miss Mary
Ellen Thiel, left ,for a week's vac-
ation in Southhampton.
for the departed. Rev. Dahms,
member of the clan said, a few
delightful words, also reminding
the group filet this was his birth
Prizes were given at the table
for most recently married couple,
lefr. and Mrs. Harold Deichert,
youngest baby, daughter of Mir.
and Mrs. Wes. Hugi:ll (5 weeks:
old) ; oldest member, Mr. Albert
Robinson, Mitchell, (86 years:) lar-
gest ,families, Clarence Hohner (5),
McAllpine, family (5) , and Stewart
Thiel (5); longest distance, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McAlpine; longest
married, Mr. and Mrs. Aubert R.ob-
inson(63 years); nearest birthday,
Daniell Deigns., Milford Litto; bal-
dest head, Rev. Winter; button
contest, M. Leroy Thiel.
Ben Thiel gave a few words in
appreciation of the lovely time
that was had' by all.
Zurich and Dashwood Pay Telephones
Stolen From Booths Monday Night
Thieves on Monday night stole
the pay telephone from the booth
beside the bank in Zurich, and the
one from beside; the telephone of-
fice in Dashwood. The new type
telephones, which contain the coin
box all in one unit, were torn off
the wall of the :phone booths in
both cases, The daring robberies
were believed to be the work of
the same gang who stole the mon-
ey :boxes from the Grand Bend
telephones several weeks ago. All
the telephones robbed are the pro-
perty of the Hay Municipal Tele-
phone System.
The theft in Zurich was first not-
iced on Tuesday morning by Wil-
liam Davidson, who was ,going to
place a 'call. He immediately not-
ified the .police,
It was believed there was very
little cash in the 'phone in Zurich,
as secretary Reginald Black had
just :emptied the drawer on Satur-
day. Estimates on the amount of
money in the Dashwood theft were
not available. The value of each
telephone is close to $100.
A neighbour ming close by,
Neil Walker, reported having
heard strange noises through the
night, as if someone was prying
something loose. However, he had
no idea where the sounds were
coming from.
Both robberies are 'being invest-
igated by the Exeter detact- neat
of the Ontario Provincial Police.
Hay Township To RApen Sideroad
Between Goshen and Bronson Lines
At the meeting of the Hay
Township Council last Friday ni-
ght, it was decided to open the
sideroad between: the Goshen and
Bronson Lines, one and a quarter
miles north of Zurich. This road
has not been in operation for some
time, havingbeen used for ,pas-
ture, etc. The council felt it
would .be a handy outlet for farm-
ers in the vicieity, and some day
May. be used by a. wheel' buss..
Road superintendent James Masse
was instructed to :proceed with
the work as soon as possible.
The council also decided to fill
in an old well on the Walper
sideroad since they felt it was a
dangerous trap, especially to child-
ren who may play along the side -
road. The well is situated between
the road and the fence.
Community Park
Considerable discussion took pl-
ace at the meeting about the new
community park which is to be
developed to the east of the arena.
Council members wondered what
the delay is in the pureh siavg
o:f the land. They must have the
titles rfor that property, which is
to be deeded in the name of Hay
Township, before they can pass
the necessary by-laws. They hop-
ed the necessary arrangement
would be made before the next
meeting of council.
Y. L. ecker n. Convention Trip
With International Harvester eaters
Hay Township reeve, V. L. Beck-
er, was a passenger on one of the
biggest spe'c'ial trains to ever leave
London. Mr. Becker, an impdi-
ment dealer in Dashwood, is one
of a contingent of 500 Internat-
ional Harvester dealers who are
going to a farm equipment dealers
trade course in Chicago.
The specia' train, chartered by
International Harvester, started in
Halifax, ,and picked up 100 Lon-
don area dealers. It expected to
have 17 Puilman sleeping cars,
two dining cars, and a baggage
car, by the time it reached Lan-
don, and an additional three or
four sleepers were to be added
to accomodate the London area
In Chicago the dealers will see
and operate the newest develop-
ments in equipment and tractors.
The course is aiimed a giving the
dealers e thorough 'knowledge of
company products which they can
pass on to the farmers in their
home areas.
Mr. Becker expects to be home
by the end of this week.
Dashwood, Exeter
People In Accident,
South. of Clinton.
John Clark, RR 3, Dashwood,
and Barbara Kernick, Exeter,
suffered Mace cuts and leg injuries
When their car was in. collision
with another vehicle on No. 4
Highway, south of Clinton, on
Saturday night.
On Sunday night Provincial Po-
lice arrested .Arthur Pawn, Lon-
don, and charged him with leaving
the scene of an accident.
o -•—
(At the Bossenberry Cottage)
Holiday visitors at the cottage
of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bossen-
berry have been: Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Bossenberry, Attica, Mich-
igan; Alfred Bossenberry, Detroit;
Miss Florence Portland,
Maine and Charles Bosseebemry,
Zurich Dealer To
Supply New Truck
To Hay Township
The Township of Hay has pur-
chased a new 1958 GMC truck
from Pearson Motors, Zurich, with
delivery to be made the end of
August. The truck will be a five
ton job, fully equipped with snow
plow and a seven yard gravel
Last Tuesday; Mr. Jack Pear-
son, proprietor of Pears on Motors,
took the members of the coumicil
to London to inspect various GMC
.truck units, and to let them de-
cide esi what model they wanted.
The council had called for ten-
ders for this new vehicle, and the
Pearson tender was the lowest
of the nine received.