HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-23, Page 10'.A,GE TEN ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1956' Federation Fieldman Stresses The Importance of Friday's Hog Vote (By jr. Carl On July 25 Ontario Hog Pro- ducers will. vote on the Hog Pro- ducer's Marketing Plan. If this Marketing Plan, is defeated you wall have no opportunity to put it or any other Marketing; Plan for hogs in force for at least two years. Economists, who have studied the situation, have indicated that in two years contract farming could dominate the production of hogs. The open market as provid- ed under the (present Hog Pro- ducers Marketing Plan is the only protection the family farm has a- gainst the invasion of hog farm- ing by huge corporations through contracts. I'm quite sure there would be a place on the family farms for the profitable production of a thous- and or two broilers per year if Hemingway) they had the 'same open market for ibroilers that we presently en- joy forr hogs. Let us all realize how important our vote is on July 25. Let us consider this on the basis of 100 hog ,producers:: If 75 of that hundred go to the Polls and 25 vote "NO" and 50 vote "YES" the Marketing Plan as defeated since 662/s percent must vote "YES". A 75 percent ballot is a great deal higher than is recorded in most municipal elections; seldom has this percentage been equalled in any provincial or dominion el- ection. If we can. judge by the letters and expensive advertising being used by the opposition to the Plan we must admit that there will be opposing votes and that the op- aterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Special Announcement Regarding Sunday Service Beginning Saturday, August 2nd, 1958 For cows noticed in heat on Saturday afternoon or evening, phone for service between 6 and' 8 p.m. on Saturday. These cows will be inseminated early Sunday morning. For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not phone for service until Monday morning. This will be in effect for an unspecified trial period but it is believed that it will work out to the satisfaction of all and will allow the inseminators to have most of their Sundays off. For service or more information, phone collect to: Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days Between 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturday evening. Do not call for service on Sunday. Our service is being ap- preciated by more and more people. Better Cattle for Better Living position will' ,probably turn out 100 percent. This means that for emery op- posing vote there mist be more than two votes ir. favour. There is no daub^ that the va:,' maj:o:hy of Producers favour the Marketing Plan tAo tieing in favour is no:-, enou -n. YtYU trnust VO . k;' in FAV- OUR AV - OUR L. e; etarin the Mar'.;eting Plan. It is Largely those tiv'J'o failed to vote, that has made it necessary vote in the last Hog Producers to nave this vote. 12on't let it happen ai;:ti ! We want to have a large majority of "yes" votes but w'a also want at least 95 per- cent of the Hog Producers to cast their ballots. ]f this is to be rhe succe,>>ful Marketing Plan that it can ba we want a pDsit:ve indica- tion of the will of the producers. Farmers Union Director Urges Farmers To Vote (By Robert Taylor, Huron District Director - of the Ontario Farmers Union) As leader of a farm organiza- tion in this county, I feel it is my duty to remind you, the Hog Producers, of the coming vote on the Hog Marketinlg Plan on Fri- day, day, July 25. I do not intend, for various reasons, to dictate to any- one the stand ;they should take. The first and most important reason is that it is the policy of the Ontario Farmers Union that its members make their own deci- sion, secondlly I have every con- fidence that the Hog Producers of HuronCounty are quite cap- able of forming their own opinion on this marketing plan. .I hope that every Hog Producer has made sure that his name in on the voters list and that he is aware of the issues which are in- volved. If however, you have any ques- tions regarding the marketing plan, I would hope that you will get in touch with your township director or county president of the Hog Producers. The Provincial Govermsnent, thr- ough the (Farm Products' Market- ing Board, is conducting this. vote to give you, the hog producer, an opportunity to voice your opin- ion, so I u^oul'd like to remind you of the .democratic slogan (to vote as you like but be sure and vote). memmattaMMENEMENVINIMINIMMIMMINar BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB nth ANNUAL FROLIC AN DRAW COMMUNITY CENTRE GROUNDS, BAYFIELD EDNESDAY, JULY 30 BIG DRAW at 11 o'clock for 20 VALUABLE PRIZES 2 CHILL CHESTS 1 GARDEN BARROW or Cart 1..Pr. CARD TABLES 1 Set DOOR CHIMES (Elec.) 1 SUNBEAM IRON 1 DESK or BED LAMP 1 G.E. ELECTRIC KETTLE 1 AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR 1 ELECTRIC FAN 1 WESTINGHOUSE Electric 1 COLEMAN CAMP STOVE TEA KETTLE 1 Pr. FOLDING CHAIRS 1 ELECTRIC HEATING PAD 1 COMBINATION SANDWICH 1 RIVAL JUICE -O -MAT 1 RANCHETTE BARBECUE AND WAFFLE TOASTER EXTRACTOR SET TICKETS: 25c each or 5 for $1.00 EXTRA: 3 VALUABLE GATE PRIZES 1 CLOTHES HAMPER 1 PICNIC JUG 1 DETECT() BATHROOM SCALES 1 rORCAN AUTOMATIC SKILLET and COVER 1 KITCHEN ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK 1 Set CORONET BATHROOM SCALES FREE RIDES For Children on Merry -Go -Round Donated by eston Bread Co. BANNOCKBURN PIPE BAND CASH PRIZES for BINGO PONY RIDES Games of Skill MEN'S SOFTBALL GAME -42 Good Teams) -at 7 O'CLOCK FIREWORKS ADMISSION: Adults, 25c; CHILDREN FREE PROCEEDS FOR BAYFIELD LIONS COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK FARM RIGHTS AT STAKE on JULY 25 VOTE YES for Hog Market Plan Progressive Farmers in Huron County Support the Hog Marketing Plan Vote Facts in Brief: When' --Friday, July 25, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time. Where? ---In the township hall of the township it which you reside. Who May Vote?—Anyone whose name is on the voters list. What is the Question?— "Are You in Favour of the Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Plan?" For Full Information — Read carefully the information brought to your home by those distributing literature,. If You Don't Vote Yes Then What Happens? If You Vote "YES" If You Vote "NO" The farmers' selling plan will continue. We NOW Have: 1. The cheapest and most efficient marketing system in North America. 2, An opportunity to work with fellow producers in a democratic organization to solve our own problems. Vote "YES" To Hove 1. An organized group sell- ing program. 2. An equal opportunity for all packers to buy from our salesmen. 3. A staff of skilled livestock salesmen with all market information at their fing- ertips to act for us. 4. Our hogs sold to the place of greatest demand and to bring the best return. 5. The peace of mind that price, weight and handl- ing are in the care of people responsible only to us. 6. No hidden costs. 7. Prompt settlement at low cost due to Targe volume and efficient office staff. 8. Cheques payable without bank exchange. 9. The Toronto market pricy~ in all districts. 10. A $2 premium for light sows under 280 lbs. 11. Buyers bonded for finan- cial security. 12. Irregularities handled promptly and aggressively and adjustments made where possible. 13. The right to change the program if farmers wish. The farmers' selling plan will vanish. We Will THEN Have: 1. A marketing condition at the mercy of the buyers. 2. No opportunity to work out our own problems fol' our mutual benefit. If You Don't Vote "YES" What Have You Got ? ? ? NOTHING! VOTE YES —. You'll not have another chance for two years, by regulation to vote a marketing plan into operation. (Signed by) BERT LOBB ALF. WARNER President Secretary -Treasurer HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION