HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-09, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ZURICH Citizens NEWS ST. JOSEPH'S DRYSDAL (AL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Naroisse Cantin Mr, and! Mrs. Fred Ducharme. rand family, Lansing, Mdtchigan, taifter taking a sight seeing trip to Monde and ether states are now visiting wvth the former's parents, Mr. and Mas, Joseph Can - tin, St. Joseph. We congratulate Naatcisse on having achieved so honourable a position as to be- come sales axaan!ager of the King Coffee Corporation for the state of Michigan. In than position the Young sales manager has' much ground to cover and also iia ch re- sponstnbilety. The Cantins are en- joying the last lap of their vaca- tion in the St. Joseph surround- ings. Mas. Pauli Primeau and son And- rew, !ndrew, Chicago, and Mrs. Philip Bedard, 'Tilbury were past week- end visitors: en St, Joseph and vic- inity. Both the ladies are natives of this parish. It was pleasing far them to meet with relatives and old (friends. Mfrs. Leonard Jeffrey, Godertich, spent the past week with her mother in this neighbourhood. Mtr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman wetre Tuesday last ;Yis!itors with the former's gnantclparents on the Blue Water Highway. Miss Lucille Jeffrey, St. Jos- eph,after spending a few weeks dor Detroit, returned to her home otn Thursday fast accompanied by Miss Sherrie and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mernonvidge. Mr. John Skarr, who is halii- daying in the Oantin summer re - siert in St. Joseph, had a surprise visit recently, when Mr. and Mrs. Lem: Hardy, London, and 'Harold Nicole, also of London, fonnerly of Grand Bend, dropped in on them one day fast week. It was an en- joyable rendezvous for alll of them The visitors were much impressed ay the beautiful sceneries, and also ,the close by Lake Huron, where one can take :the occasional 'dip for a cooler &ring the hot .runner days. Mrs. R:eani D .nomrne, Drysdale, was a Sunday last 'visitor with HOFFMAN'S Funeral & Ambulance Service OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulances located at Dashwood Phone 70w Grand Bend—Phone 20w Attendants Holders of St. John's Ambulance Certificates Mr. atn!d' M. Victor Hartman and family, Goshen line south, were Sunday callers with the for- mer's grand parents on the Blue Water Highway. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ted Laponte and daughter Theresa, are vacationing in thele summer cottage. Other memfbere of the family will join them the latter apart of the week. As We See It Rumors are 'that the town deck of our village refuses to respond to its duties since daylight saving time came into effect this past spring. It has caused some dis- satisfaction to ,the villagers and the community. If the clock with no sense of feeling to hear its tick, no eyes to see the confusion it causes among its, citizens, re- fuses to function and obey the or- der, how much would the populace of this community have a. might to forfeit the ruling. So if the clock continues its racket in fav- our of standard aline •it can be assured the support of the vast antajanifty ,of farmers, sed others to fall in line. These rumors we beliieve were hinted by a rom- anent +businessman of the village, who perhaps has a keen forsight of the affair of the surrounding dishniet. The incident of the clock may yet in the, future be benifi- real for .those who tbelieee in God's created time. ,4-H Club Members To Go On Bus Trip Members of the Zurich 4-H Calf Chub and their leaderswhil have the !privilege of participating in a bus trip to Wallac'ebumg and Ridgetown next Wednesday, WTI - Unique Forum Picnic at Peppers Fifty members of the Unique Farm Forum enjoyed their annual picnic on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mets. Clifford Pepper. After a delicious supper including strawberries. and ice cream, am in- teresting lline-up of sports was conducted by the committee in charge. The follbwmng are the re- sults of the races and relays: :Children five years and under„ Ralph Geiger, Dean Oestriecher; children eix to eight years, Mar- gie Geiger, Sandra McCainchey; girls nine to 12 years, Ruth Ann: Geiger, Ruth Ann Pepper; boys. nine' to 12 years, Gerald Merrier, Larry Horner; jelly bean race, Noma Geiger, Mona Schade; guessing weight of stone, Ruth. Ann Geiger; bag contest for lad- ies, Helen Geiger; =rapping par- cel for men, Harold Horner; Lucky sport, HePh ,Ktlopp; :Wessling candy in jar, Ruth• Ann Geiger; clothes pun relay, Pearl. Geiger's team; kicking the slipper, Allan Broken - shire, Norma Geiger; dodge ball, Norma 'Geiger's team; lucky num- ber signing the register, Mrs. Del - bent Geiger. Everyone ea ticesel; an evening of fun. ere they will tour the Dominion Glass Company and the Weste e n Ontario Agrioulturad School. The bus will leave Exeter at 7 a.m., and Dashwood at 7.10 a.m. Everyone ds asked to bring their own lunch, the chocolate milk will be supplied at the W,O.A.S. Tick- ets are available from club lead- ers: Herb }Copp, Anson McKinley or Card. Oestreicher. Any club members who wish to make the trip are to contact your local leader by Thursday, July 10. DASOOD and DIST (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) (Continued on Page Eight) Vacation Bible School opened in both the Evangelical U.B. church and Zion Lutheran Church on Monday, July 7 and will continue for two weeks. Lutheran Church Picnic Over 200 people registered for the annual Lutheran picnic held at Bayfield. Arthur and Marian NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS Ali property owners in Huron County are hereby notified that all noxious weeds must be destroyed by July 19th. After that date all neglected areas will be dealt with in accordance with the Weed Control Act of Ontario. 25, 26 b WV • R. DOUGALL, Huron County Weed Inspector Waterloo Cattle Breeding association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Remember Our Annual BULL NIGHT on Tuesday, July 15th at Me pin. Everyone is welcome. Bring the whole fanrany. Our number of services continues to increase. During our present fiscal year from December 1, 1957 to June 30, 1958, 43645 cows have been inseminated or 7961 more than during the same period the previous year. This is a GREATER increase than has ever been ex- perienced in a full year except in 1952 when the territory and number of breeds served were expanded. The result for more people will be— BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING For Service or more Information phone collect to Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. ICT Rader and Marve Salmon arrang- ed the sports. Winners were: Sharon Martene and James Hay- ter, 6 and 7 years; Joan Becker and Peter Kraft, 8 and 9 years; Valerie Gibson and Lawrence, 10 and 11 years; Elaine Miller and Wayne Gibson, 12 and 13 years. Ladies race, Marie Salmon; men's race, Don Genttner; whistle race, Keith Rader; three-legged, Lynda Rader and Lana Keller, senior, Jo- anne Martene and Iris Becker; wheel -barrow, Jim Hayter and Ed- ward Restemayer, senior, Keith Rader and Robert Miller; sack race, Robert Miller and Sheila Keller; ball throw, Randy Becker; kicking slipper, Marie Salmon, El- gin Keller. Several relays were enjoyed. Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Charles Stephen, oldest lady present; Lori Keller, youngest baby; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb, most recently married and Ronald Andersen, registration prize. Misses Betty and Marion New- ton are vacationing with their cou- sin, Nancy Willert, Mrs. Melba Routledge, London, is vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wolper and girls, Ingersoll, spent Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kritzman, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Shower for Bride -Elect Mrs. Arthur Haugh entertained at a miscellaneous shower for her niece, Joyce Haugh, on Friday evening, Assisting her was her daughter, Mrs. Joe Hartman, Mrs, Don Gaiser and Mrs, Bruce Sie- back. Pink roses and streamers was the decorative motive. During the evening contests were conduct- ed. Anne Taylor and Mrs. Sieback gave humorous readings. Fay Ford read the address and Lynda Haugh and Norma Wiegand presented the gifts in gayly coloured baskets. The bride made an appropriate reply and the hostesses served lunch. Miss Judy and Lynda Kraft spent last' week in Waterloo with their aunt and uncle, Dr, and Mrs. Fred Morlock, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9; 1 . Former Members Take Part bit 50th. Anniversary (Continued from page One) the office when Alvin Gingerich was ordained in 1953. Other ordinations and appoint- ments, have, taken several memb- ers of this church to serve as ministers, and christian workers elsewhere. Among these are the following: Rev. Gordon Schrag served near Toronto, and dater in Lauderdale. Rev. Clyril Giavgeridh, who ser- ved asp 'd'e!acon here for several years, until 1951, when he was given a pastoral' charge in a new :church in Toronto. He ds at pres- ent serving as Pastor of the Beth- esda Chapel' of 'the Missionary Heteiitth Institute, .of Toronto. Rev. Hubert Sohwantzen'truber, do Oct- ober 1957, was licensed to serve as, pastor of a new church in St. Louis, Missouri. Rev. Stanlley San- der, was licensed in December 1957, las pastor of the Thames Road Mennonite Church, Eketer, which is sponsored by the Zurich. Men- nonite Church. Others have serv- ed on a more temporary basis. The membership, which was 70 at the time of organization, num- bers 140 'today. Among other features of this anniversary observance were the following: Ant inspiring message based on Malachi 1: by Rev. Cyril K. Gin- gerich, Toronto. This served to set the tone for the anniversary. Two messages on "The Heritage of the Mennonite C Burch", were given by Rev. J. B. Martin, Water- loo, Modeeatttor of 'the Mennonite Conference of Ontario. He traced develorpanents from the primitive church of the New Testament ttT e- ough'the Dark Agee and the Ref- ormation, to the present. The Men- nonite emnonite Chutrahh began in Switzer- land, in 1552, in what was known as. the Anabaptist movement. A complete history :of the Zurich Mennonite.Church was presented in several parts by ttlre pastor, Rev. A. Martin, Samuel Ginger- dch, a charter member; Rev. S. Baechier and Jacob Gingetrieh, early rneanbers: and C1are:nce Gra- scho. Reminiscence, by early mean- bers, 'a memorial prayer and a song fest were enjoyed at the Citizens News SCOREBOARD Last Week's Scores Zurich 4—bashwood 2 Dachwood 9—Exeter 4 Zurich 8 --Mitchel! 4 ftow They Stand: W L T ZURICH 8 1 1 Dashwood 3 3 1 Mitchell 3 3 0 Listowel• 2 1 0 Exeter 0 7 0 Future Gomes: Pts, 17 7 6 4 0 July 9—Mitchell vs Zurich Dashwood vs Listowel (nite)' 11—Zurich vs Exeter 14—Zurich vs Dashwood Exeter vs Mitchell For Alt The Latest Sports. Read The Zurich Citizens News reunion at the 'former church sine,,. (cemetery grounds). An evangel- istic rness'age'by Rev. C. C. Cress - man, New Hamburg. A talk on the Thames Road Mennonite Ch- urch by Rev. Stanley Sauder. An evaluation of the church, at pres- ent, ent, lacallty, by Rev. A. Martin and generally by Rev. Rufus Jut- zi, Flotrad!ate, secretary of the On-. tarda Conference. The find mes- sage by Rev. Jutzi, "Objectives for the Future", was a fittting climax. He stressed the great need and opportunity for sham the salvation of moist with all people everywhere. Visitors and local folk made good use of the opportunity for fellowship in the intermissions and at meal ;time. The WeISA of the local chnu+ch provided mals for One of the unique opportunities - oil a 50th anniversary, is that ane can gain much first-hand in'formta.- tion by interviewing eyewitnessese in this case, the first members•. This anniversary has marked a :real milestone in the history of this, chturch. 'This was a fellow- ship not soon to be forgotten., a fellowship of inspiration and in- struction. May the experiences, (successes and failures) of the past, and us in setting and reach- ing our goals of the future. Drop in and Talk Over Your Feeding Program Hensall District Co-operative Inc. Hensall ZURICH - Brucefle1d