HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH Citizens NEWS HI1LESOREEN (MRS. GORDON COLEMAN, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs,, Gordon Coleman spent the first' of July weekend lin North Bay visiting relatives, returning home by way of the Cherry from Manitoulin Island to Tobermory. The wetter was very trough and most of the passengers on 'board were sea -sick. Mrs. August Guyer, Hillsgreen, visited uith friends at Milverton and attended a wedding there. Bible School for the Goshen and Varna United Church children coananenced on Monday, July 7. 84 chitldiren: registered Monday roaming. SS 7 Stanley School Picnic Running races for pre-school ehaldren, Deborah Stephenson, Brenda Turner; Grades 1, 2, 4, 5, Margaret Forrest, Ann Stephen- son, Marjorie Turner; boys, Grade four and five, David Turner, Burt !Coleman, Earl Reichert; boys, Gr- ade; !eight, Charles Stephenson, Jinx Consitt, Keith Stephenson; young mens race, Ron Coleman, Jimmy Love, Leroy Workman; young ladies race, Marion Forrest, Jean Turner; married ladies walk- ing race, Mrs. Harold Reichert, Mrs. Anson Coleanan; Mrs. Ward Forrest; 3 -legged -race• for girls, Marjorie Turner and Glenda John- ston, Jean Turner and Marson For- rest, Margaret Forrest and Ann Stephenson; 3-1 e g g e d -race for b'oy's, Johnny Consmtt and Keith Stephenson, Ron Coleman and Jim- my ,Love, Da.V1d Turner and Earl Reichert; married mens race, Ell - mer Turner, Harold Reichert, Geo- rge Dawson; sack race, girls, Mar- jorie Turner, Margaret Forrest, Nancy Consitt; sack race, Grades 4 and 5, Earl Reichert, David Turner, Billy Turner; sack race, boys., Grade 8, Glen Reichert, Jim- my !Consitt, Wayne Love; sack race, young men and ladies, Ron Coleman, Marion Forrest, Jimmy Love; wheel -barrow, Marion Forrest and Marjorie Turner, Jean Turner and Glenda Johnston!, Ann Stephenson land Nancy ConsmU; boys wheel barrow, Chall:es Steph- enson and David Turner, Leroy Workm:a,n, and Burt Coleman, Keith Stephenson and Billy Turn- er; young men and Ladies wheel- barrow, Ron Caleffnan and Jimmy Love, Johnny Consitt and Jack Coleman, Marion Forrest and Glen Reichert; cleat race, Jean. Turner and Burt Coltman, Marjorie Turn- er and Jimmy Consitt, Ann Steph- enson and Robert Turner; gues- sing husbands by their nose, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson; Mr. and MTs. Harold Reichert; egg race, Jean Turner's side. The sports Concluded with a ba17 Braine. During the super hour a pres- entation was spade by the pupils to Mr. William Yungblut, the tea- cher, who is leaving the section to teach in London. S x bpm' intention Vacationers . . TSE BOSS IS HOME AGAIN ! Pete Gave Half The Cars Away While I /as Gone o a NowI Want TO Give The Rest. Awa! HERE ARE SOME OF THE MODELS WE HAVE LEFT: '58 BUICK CENTURY—four-door hardtop, back-up lamps, 6 -way seat, whitewalls, radio, power steering, dynaflow. '57 PLYMOUTH COACH—deluxe, whitewalls—make us an offer. '57 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF COACH—custom radio, two-tone, etc. '57 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN—like new, only 15,000 miles. '56 METEOR RIDEAU COACH—automatic, radio, like new. '56 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN—gleaming black with whitewalls. '56 DODGE STATION WAGON—like new, only 21,000 miles. '56 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN—radio, looks and runs like new. '56 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN—radio, rear speaker. '55 FORD CUSTOM STATION WAGON—whitewalls. '55 PONTIAC COACH—only 28,000 original miles. '55 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN—custom, radio, whitewalls, V-8. '55 MERCURY HARDTOP—Automatic drive, radio, etc. '55 BUICK FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP—Automatic, radio, whitewalls. '55 DODGE SEDAN—Automatic, real sharp! '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN—radio, whitewalls, real sharp! '54 PONTIAC PATHFINDER SEDAN—very clean. '54 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN—dynaflow, radio, wheel discs, '54 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN—a doctor's car. '53 CHEVROLET BELAIRE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN speakers, etc. '53 DODGE MAYFAIR—custom radio, real sharp! '53 STUDEBAKER SEDAN—black, overdrive, like new. '53 PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE SEDAN—new motor, custom radio, etc. '52 DODGE CORONET -41,000 miles, like '52 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY. '51 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN—locally owned. '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN—powerglide, radio, real radio, etc. rear WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1958 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) (Intended for Last Week) The following is a report of pro- motions from SS 16, Stephen Township (Dashwood Public School) : Promoted to Grade IX: Bob Becker, Dennis Codyre, Alphonse Denomme, Ausma Gulens, Janis Gulens, Mary Jane Hoffman, Paul Irwin, John Kellerman, Ross Mil- ler, Helen Rader. Grade VIII: John Cameron, Wayne' Gibson, Ruth Anne Sal- mon, Lynda Tieman, Larry Weido, Larry Wein, Eric Wolfe. Grade .VII: Iris Becker, Bernard Codyre, Valerie Gibson, Ken Gent- tner, Eugene Guenther, Bob Hoff- man, Ray Keller, Keith Miller, David Rader, Jack Schenk, Carl Tyler. (Mrs. Edna Busche, teach- er). Grade VI: Alex Becker, Charles Becker, Douglas Bender, Paul Cameron, Mary Anne Hayter, Doris Keller, Lynda Kraft, Bonnie McCrae, Robert Miller, Bernice Restemayer, Margaret Salmon, Billy Schade, Nancy Willert, Tommy Wolfe. Grade V: Harold Bender, Ed • ward Codyre, Richard Denomme, Ricky Geiser, Billy Hoffman, Marie Keller, Calvin Kellerman, Peter Kraft, Shiela Maier, Ivan Miller, Judy Webb, Carol Zimmer. Grade IV: Joan Becker, Jack Guenther, Joan Keller, Joyce Kel- ler, Keith Maier, Janet Miller, Paul Rader, Edward Restemayer. (Mrs. Letta Taylor, teacher). Grade III: Kathy Codyre, Larry Fleet, Jimmie Hayter, James Hoff- man, Judy Kraft, Brian Maier, Margaret Merner, Glen Restemay- er, Bobbie Webb, Eleanor Wolfe. Senior Grade II: Eugene Beck- er, Jesse Kirk, David Nielson, Mary Lou Schenk, Sheila Willert. Grade II: Gary Poff, Johnny Becker, Betty Lynn Cameron, Beth Snell. Senior Grade 1: Diane Becker, Gordon Keller, Jimnry Maier, Steven Kirk and Sharon Paff re- peat Grade I. (Mrs. Elgin Webb, teacher). new. sharp! See Us For A Good Buy on a Used Truck Pearson Motors Ltd. ZURICH EXETER COME QUICK WHILE 1 AM STILL IN A GOOD HUMOUR Pass Exams Pupils of Mrs. Harold Stire, John and Paul Cameron success- fully passed their Western On- tario Conservatory of Music ex- aminations, the former Grade III piano and the latter Grade I piano with first class honours. Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Fulford, Clinton, and Miss Gail Fritzley, Camlachie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter. Robert Wein, Sudbury, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter, John and Ricky, spent Sunday at Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and family, Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Carl Heppler, Waterloo, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Lakeview Casing Flying Officer and Mrs. Sydney Dove and family, RCAF Station Clinton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and family, were Rev. and Mrs. Louis Dorn and children, Mrs. Nora Koessel and Eugene, Harbour Beach, Mich., Miss Sharon Beck, Centre Line, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stumpf and family, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mrs. Letta Taylor and Miss Lily Hoffman, London, left Wednesday morning for a three-week visit to. Honolulu. They will motor to San Francisco and then fly the remain-, ing distance. (Continued on Page Twelve) When In Zurich GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Nights KOOL! KOOL! FOOTWEAR for SUMMER ......... Casuals and Beach Shoes For Everyone SPECIAL FOR JULY and AUGUST . . . NO DISCOUNT ON AMERICAN MONEY To The Amount of Your Purchase Oesch Shoe Store Phone 130J — Zurich NOW AVAILABLE: POTTED PLANTS The Ideal Gift for a Shut -In, Birthday, etc. See Our Variety GRAND BEND Presenting ALL SEASON LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Dancing every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Until Labour Day * * * COMING Wednesday, July 30 Glen Miller's Orchestra * * * Wednesday, August 6 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. AYRES PURE W S OL BLANKETS -72x84 $18.95 ESMOND Extra Fancy PLAID BLANKETS Satin Bound -72x84 — $7.50 JUST ARR V D New Shipment of BEACH T EL From $238 up Extra Special FLANNELETTE SHEETS It �39 70x90 pair INDIAN BLANKETS $3.65 and $4.50 Gascho Bios. ZURICH DRYSDALE SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Every Weekend Visit Our Drysdale Store for Grocery Needs