HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-09, Page 6PAGE SIX wok ZURICH Citizens NEWS WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1958 WEDDING VOWS were exchanged at Grand Bend United Church by the former Nancy Ann Fahner, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maxwell Fahner, Grand Bend, and Wilfred Ralph Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, Dashwood. The couple will live in Dashwood. (Photo by Wright Studio, Strathroy). N els on McCli+nchery, Clinton, spent Sunday with his grandmoth- er, Mrs. Edna Oswald. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmee, Detroit, were holiday visitors with friends in the Zurich district. Mrs. Hagen and 1VIary are enjoy- ing a motor trip to Montreal, Ot- tawa, and other paints of interest. Miss Carol Mittelho3tz, London., was a weekend visior with her parents h Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman, Windsor, spent a couple days with his mother, Mrs. T. Hart- man and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Sauce, and Mr. and Mrs. John Burton, all of Toronto, were holiday visit- ors with Mrs. Anne Sauve. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hess and family, Toronto, are spending some time at the h•csne of Mr. Hess's mother in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Witmer and family, St. Claire Shores, Mi- chigan, were weekend visitors in Zurich with friends and relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Bosaen- bury, Detroit, are spending some rtiane in their cottage at Ducharme Beach. Little Kenny and Eddie Far- well are spending a couple days with their grandmother and unc- les lin town. Miss Gloria Gingerich, nurse at Kitchener Waterloo Hospital, is spending a few days at the home of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Hackett and family, St. Catherines, are sp- ending some holidays at the home of Mrs. Hackett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinback. Mr. ,and 1Vlirs. Arlbent Heidenvan and family, Orangeville, were weekend visitors in Zurich at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman were: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowman, St. Jacobs, and Junior Peaehey, Sar- asota, Florida. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch, Neustadt, were holiday visitors with the Batter's sister, Mies Eth- ed. Hess, and other 'relatives in the district. Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Scherer, ailil of St. Jacob's, were Sunday visit- om with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard d Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Risk and Mien Park,. Michigan, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungblut and family, in Zurich, Mr. and M'rs. Kenneth Edig of- fer and family, Saskatoon, Saskat- chewan, are spending their vaca- tion with the former's father and brother, Mrs. Ed. Edugohffer and Victor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowden and family, and Mrs. Fred Batst- one and family, ell of Toronto, •enjoyed a holiday :at the home of their mother, Mrs. Anne Turk - helm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornforth, Joyce, Gale, Irene, and friend Joan Allam, all. of Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Anne Sauve. 'Gale is staying in Zurich for two week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Levey, Goderich, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mrs. Edna Oswald. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and family, London. are spending some holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Datars in Zu- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Harnick and daughter, Esther, and Mrs. Leona ,Cornell, all of Ashley, Mich- igan, Mr. R. Koch, Sturgis, Michi- gan, and Mrs. A. C. Meid'inger, Hensall, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gingerich., Waterloo, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ginger- ich. Their children, who had been spending a week's vacation with their grandparents, returned horme again to Waterloo. Sunday visitors with Mrs. T. Hartman were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman and baby, Goshen Line South; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril° Du- chaaime and family, Windsor; Mrs. Fred Ducharnie, Blue Water Nor- th; Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming and Linda and Mr, C'yniil Hartman, Mt. Carmel. Bold Shower Mists Marilyn Gascho entertain- ed ,feildbw pupils of Rxrom two, Zurich school, on Tuesday after- noon. The occasion being in hon- our of their teacher, Miss Carole Thief, bride -elect of bads month, No Needlepoint For the next :few weeks there will be no "Needlepoint" column in the +Citizens News. The editor of the column, Mrs. Norma Sieb- ert, is attending summer school in Toronto, and we will all be [looking for , her return as soon as possible Lutheran. Women Meet; Hear Topic By MrsEd, Datars The topic, "America's Younger Church -- U.L.C.A." was present- ed at the last regular meeting of the St Peter's United Luithherar. Church Women, which was :held at the parsonage. The growth of Mission congregations was traced from their .origin to their attain- ment of self swpport. Mrs, Ed- ward Datars, assisted by Mrs. Henry Gaekst'etter, was in charge of the program. Rev, O. Winter spoke briefly an the Monthly emphasis, "Deac- oness Work". A letter of ap- preciation was read from Miss Virginia Detchert of Rockey Mountain, North Carolina, for a gift she had received from 'the Society. Mrs O. Winter, the hostess, served a delicious luncheon after the closing devotions. Guides & Brownies Hold Banquet (Continued from page one) any questions which she fully ex- plained and also stressed that be- ing a Guide ds something to be proud of. The Brownie pack regretted the resigning of Brown Owl Parkins and Tawny Owl Lawrence. They organized ?the pack six years ago, and have done many a good deed in unseen ways. Cheryl Stade and Barbara (Forrester presented Br- own Owl Parkins with a fitting poem: and :a gift; and Mary Ban- nister and Shirley Weida simi- larsly presented a gift to Tawny Owl Lawrence. Each. of the ladies fittingly replied with thanks and wishes of success to the new lea- ders. The new Brownie deadens, name- ly Brown Owl Mona Tyler and Tawny Owl Marion Fleischauer, and assistant Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, were welcomed and given the as- surance that the Brownie Pack will have all the support and wishes of the Ladies' Auxiliary for a successful future. The program was then closed with "0 Canada" and the Queen, —o Steckle-Gingerich In the Blake Mennonite Church, Shirley Ann Gingerich and Clayt- on Steckle were united in mar- riage by Rev. Ephriam Gingerich, assisted by Rev. Albert Martin, with a setting of yellow and white 'mums and fern in the back gr- ound. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle, both of Zu- rich. The bride wore a white brocaded satin dress with. lily -point sleeves and Peter Pan. Collar. She carried a white Bible 'crested with white carnations. Mrs. W«illiam Steckle was matron of honour, dressed in blue brocaded satin. Miss Nancy Schwartzentruber, New Hamburg, cousiin of the ihride was brides- maid, and was dressed in pink brocaded satin. Mr. William Ste- ckle was best man, and Melvin Gingerich, brother of the bride, and John Steckle, brother of the groom were ushers. Guests were present from Sar- nia, Markham, Vineland, Elmira, New Hamburg, Ailsa Craig, Kit- chener and Zurich. For a Wedding trip to points in Northern. Ontario the bride wore a blue suit, with pink and blue accessories. The couple will reside .en the groom's farm near Zurich. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE For Appointments Call TEL. 223 — ZURICH STANLEY TWP. COUNCIL OK'S NEW SUB -DIVISION At their regular monthly meet- ing held Monday night in the Township Hall. Varna, the Stan- ley Township Council passed By - Law No. 8, approving Sub- Div- ision No. 16, as presented by Lloyd Etue, for a lakefront division. Road accounts of $7,398.81 and General accounts of $1,764.64 were passed and ordered paid. MR. AND MRS. CLAYTON STECKLE were married in the Blake Mennonite Church on Saturday, July 5. The bride is Shirley Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, Zurich, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle, Zurich. (Staff Photo) ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH PASTOR — A. MARTIN — Services Wednesday, July 9- 8,30 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship Friday, July 11- 2.15 p.m.—Sunday School Picnic at Jowett's Grove. Bayfield Sunday, July 13- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 8.00 p.m.—Bible Meeting July 7-18—Summer Bible School! 9-12 a.m. Kin. 1 to grade 10 COME SHARE WITH US ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb, Zurich, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Del- phiin:e Eliizabetir, to Mr. Mel- vin Murrey Zehr, 78 Hillcrest St., Wartelloo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Zehr, Milverton. The marriage will take place July 12 at 2.30 o'clock at Blake Amish Me n n o n i t e Church. ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ZURICH Rev. O. Winter, Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, A.T.C.M., Organist Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11.15 a.m.—Bible Class and Sun- day School (all ages). In the name of our Master we bid you a cordial welcome to this house of God, its worship, its comfort and its peace. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH REV. A. M. AMACHER, BA, BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist Wed., July 9-8.30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Service Sunday, July 13- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School Sentence Sermon: "Peace Comes In Knowing God To Be A Friend" — COME TO CHURCH — SALVATION Salvation is of the Lord. Jonah 2: 9. Ask and it shall be given you. Matt. 7: 7. Longsuffering of our Lord is salvation. II Peter 3: 15. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3: 3. The Lord is my Salvation. Psa. 118: 14. will rejoice in thy salvation. Psa. 9: 14. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Psa, 34: 8. Now is the day of salvation. II Cor. 6: 2. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE