HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1958-07-09, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1958 ZURICH Citizens NEWS 1LUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEVIS (Mrs. Russel Grainger, Correspondent) Mr. Egan Fassell, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spent a few days with Mr And Mrs. Tlhiomas, Westlake. Miss Phyllis ,Grainger spent a week in Cflaa ncleboye visiting Miss Nancy Hill. Mr, and Mrs. William Sparks, Seaiforth, Jack :and Do gil;as Dunn), Hayfield, spent a ,couple of days In, Port Huron. Mr. mind Mrs, Clifford Talbot, Jr., and Lee, London, visited his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Clifford, Talbot, Sr., Blue Water Highwaiy. Mrs. Jennie Downie returned to her home in Stmatihrory after spen- ding 'the apastt two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and farnilly. Wilfred Turner, who, is present- ly working at Port Stanley, spent the weekend with this wife and family at the home of Ns parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Miss Elaine Grainger, who has taken a position. as secretary at the) Lakeview 'Casino, Grand Bend, spent the weekend with her par- ents. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scotchm+er, Sr., and Mr. Gordan Westiliake em oeeed a motor trip to Meaford, awed visited Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Talbot and ,fattnily. Closing Picnic at SS 4 West Stanley The aanre al liicrdac held in the blasemenrt of SS 4 West Stanley on June 26 brought another school year to a close. After the picnic supper a peanut hunt was' held. Due to rain other sports were .eanc:e t - len and held the following morn - The eventing was abrough.t to a aalrose with, the faleawing program. A solo was sung by Ricky Talbot Smillie Reunion At Seaforth Park (By our Hensall Correspondent) 'The 19,th annual reunion of the Stuart Smellie Chan was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth on Sat- urday, Julry 5, ',attended by ap- proximately 100 descendants and their families. Fred Howe, presi- dent, acted as master of ceremon- ies. About 30 gathered for an informal noon luncheon. The child- ren enjoyed the atteenoon with swimming in the pool while the lathers `i iced. Many of the clan gathered from ,distant points for the occasion These included Mrs. Mary Gray, Ativinston; Alex and Dr. Jemmie Robertson, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Smillie, Niagara Falls; Mr. end Mrs, A. E. Howe and Betty, Hyde Park; Mr. and Mrs. Johan Elder, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lin- ton Taylor .and family, Toronto; Mrs. Lyle Statham and Jim, Kings- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eat - weld Sirncoe; Mr. and MTs. Frank Elliott and family, Blyth.. A pro- gram of sports was conducted by Sharon and Judy Elder, but rain cwt this shone The evening meal saw the usual good turnout of the elan. Harald Shep(herd, Toronto, was elected president for the coming year and Delbert Geiger, Zurich, will be the new vice-president. Lorne Elder had available a re- certify completed copy of 'the Elder family tree. This tree included the descendants of William Elder )bann in Scotland in 1795. Many of this family are also members of the Smillie Clan. Next year's picnic will be hellnt in the same Ile cancan. 04,Vie coat FOR DEPENDABLE HEAT All Winter Long Call DONNE E. HAY Locker Service --Roe Feeds Phone 10 (Collect) Henson anrallOMMOIMMOIMMLWO and jokes were read by Ronald Westlake. A word contest was given by Victor Cornish, followed her a sales by Michael Greer. Johnny Talbot read a poem and Lynda Scotchaner sang a song. Jim Grainger and Matt Smith joined voices in a song. Phyllis. Grainger played a .piano solo fol- lowed by a reading by Brian Mus- tard. Helen Grainger read some jokes. A dtuert was sung by Jen - neer Smith and Sandra West- lake 'The school sang a closing song, "Now the Day is Over", followed by a closing recitation by Garry Talbot. "Happy Birthrday" was sung to Archie Mustard, whose birthday was that day. 'She even- ing was brought to a close by the National Anthem. The promotions were handed out by the teacher, Mrs. Raymond Scotohmer the fallowing day. Grade 8 to 9: Ronald West- lake; Grade 7 to 8, Brian Mustard, Helen Grainger, Sandra Westlake, Victor Cornish, Garry Talbot; Gr- ade S to 6, Rosalie Westlake, Lyn - mita Scotdhwner, Ricky Mustard, John Talbot; Grade 3 to 4, Robbie Cornish; Grade 2 to 3, Phyllis Grainger, Ricky Talbot; Grade 1 to 2, Jimmy Grainger. Prizes were given for: best attendance, Micrh- aei Greer; highest percentage, boys, Victor Cornish, Ricky fIVE Grannie Turkhiem's « Recipe Box» STRAWBERRIES IN FREEZER OR LOCKER Fill containers almost full with cleaned strawberries, then pour enough heavy syrup over them un- til about all of the berries are covered. Close containers and freeze. If you use glass jars for freezing the fruit, make certain you leave a little room for ex- pansion— personally I prefer to use the regular locker containers Community Sale Hensall Prices at Hensel]. Community Sale, July 3: Weanling pigs, $12.10 to $15.30; chunks, $16.25 to $19.30; feeders, $22.50 to $28.35; sows, $77 to $95. Holstein cows, $160 to $175; Durham cows., $170 to $190; Hol- stein) calves, $16 to $29; Durham calves, $42 to $68. 350 pugs, and 110 head of cattle and calves were sold. bot; highest percentage, girls, Rosalie Westlake; best health oh - art, boys, first, Ronald Westlake, second, Jian Grainger; ,girl's, first, Helen Grainger, second, Rosalie Westlake. THJEL'S SUPERIOR STORE IS NOW OUR AGENT FOR PICKUP and DELIVERY on Monday, Thursday and Saturday H1 L for they are easier handled and take up less space. Also you don't have broken jars if you happen to drop one by accident. To make the heavy syrup I boil three cups of white sugar and one and a half cups water for about one minute, then pour over berries when syrup is cold. Raspberries can be put in the locker the same way, except I make a medium syrup to cover them. MEDIUM SYRUP Two cups of sugar, two cups of water; boil one minute. This makes about three cups of syrup. When ready to use these fruits thaw them slowly; you will find they taste like fresh fruit for they keep their flavor and their colon perfectly. CHOCOLATE SYRUP To get children to drink milk more readily it is sometimes a good idea to mix it with a little chocolate syrup. The following i's'. a recipe easy to make: 1 cup of cocoa 2 cups of water 2 cups of sugar Boil all these together for a few minutes. This syrup will keep in a refrigerator for weeks. FRESH STRAWBERRY FROSTING (By Mrs. Harvey Martin, Bayfield) 3 tblsps. butter or margarine % teaspoon salt 2% cups icing sugar cup crushed berries 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend together the salt and fat. Add sifted sugar alternately with crushed strawberries. Add van- illa and blend into the mixture. Spread on the cake, This icing is especially good on angel food or plain white cakes. SEE OUR PHILCO REFRIGERATORS NEW '58 MODELS — FULLY AUTOMATIC BIG ZERO FREEZER Holds 63 lbs. of Frozen Foods FULL LENGTH DAIRY BAR STORAGE DOOR CRISPER MADE OF LIFETIME PORCELAIIN PNfLC�. Model RS- I 183 NLY 10.4 cu. ft, capacity $349.00 O 1.8 cu. ft. ZERO FREEZER O CHEESE and BUTTER KEEPER O RIGID FULL WIDTH SHELVES O NEW TURQUOISE COLOR O FULL WIDTH VEGETABLE CRISPER O MILK SHELF HOLDS HALF -GALLONS ® SEE IT -- COMPARE IT at Rader Mittel It liar Phone 63 m— Zurich "WHERE YOUR BUYING DOLLAR GOES FARTHER" SAVING YOU MORE — SERVING YOU BETTER SERVING ZURICH & DISTRICT WITH LOW, LOW PRICES Open Every Day Friday and Saturdays Evenings Agents for Mid -Towne Cleaners Mon. - Thurs. - Sat. C. H. T ZURICH — Phone 140 SPECIALS — THURSDAY, FRi 1 SATU:DAY WELCH`S 6i`'`APE JUICE Large 24 oz. bottle 35c STOKELY'S Fancy Cream Corn 2 15 oz. tins 29c WHITE SWAN ° ;SftET' TISSUE 4 Large Rolts 49c CHEERY MORN INSTANT C F'FEE Large 6 Oz. Jar 99c SUGAR OO lb. Bog Redpath $9.19 5 Lb. Bog 49c MEATS Bol gna ... • 2 lbs. 65c Try Our Sliced Bacon .. Ib. 69c FRESH Pork Sausage ib. 59c Fruits, Vegetables Baba,,,nas ... 3 lbs, 39c Oranges 2 Tomatoes doz. 79c 2 Trays 39c McCormick's SODAS 1 Lb. Boxes 33c Barbecued Chicken on Hand at ,1I Times